"Parttorteneti kozlemenyck". Budapest. 1971, N 1. V. Henrik. Historiography of the labor movement and local history; S. Katalin. Some issues of national unity in the struggle against the Nazi occupiers in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe in 1941-1942; F. Jozef. The Social Democratic Party of Hungary and the left wing of the Independents (1896-1898); On the centenary of the Paris Commune. E. Janos. Communards about the Commune; V. Sandor. New data on the activities of Leo Frankel (from the proceedings of the Paris Military Court); N. Kolomeychik. Political parties in Poland in the period 1947-1949; V. I. Ananyev. Oleander Fell (1885-1942). page 193 "Deutsche Aussenpolitik". Berlin. 1971, N 1. G. Kort. 25 years of the UN; G. Povik, J. Zelt. Friedrich Engels and some topical issues of proletarian internationalism; K. Lingner. On some questions of the general and special, international and national in socialist development; D. Fogl. The Warsaw Pact States and the question of the Pan-European Conference; Z. Thomas. Foreign Policy Strategy of West German Imperialism (1949-1955); G. Becker. Economic aspects of the UK's entry into the "Common Market"; D. Weidemann. The bourgeoisie in African and Asian countries and its possibilities in the anti-imperialist struggle; D. Conde. The role of charitable foundations in American monopolies. "Zeitschrift fur Geschichtswissenschaft". Berlin. 1971, N 3. V. Schroeder, G. Seeberg, V. Witwer, and H. Voltaire. The Paris Commune and the ruling classes of Germany; B. Brahmann. Application of information theory methods in the work of a historian; H. von Berg. "Die Deutsche Arbeiterhalle" until 1851. On the theoretical and ideological activity of the Union of Communists in Northern Germany after the suppression of the Revolution of 1848-1849; Publications. On the 25th anniversary of the beginning of the Nuremberg trials of the main German war criminals; A. Bebel's article on the Paris Commune; L.-D. Behrendt. Development of M. N. ... Читать далее

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