Moscow, 1969, 520 p. Circulation of 17,600 copies. Price 3 rubles 24 kopecks.
In 1917, while thinking about the development of the revolution and the program of socialist transformations, V. I. Lenin recalled the well-known aphorism:" Revolutions are the locomotives of history", but immediately attributed it to: "Accelerate the locomotive and keep it on the tracks" 1 . On the eve of the first Soviet New Year, this problem was only visible in all its complexity. In its entirety, it emerged three years later, when, having defeated the political and military resistance of the overthrown classes, supported by all the might of international imperialism, the revolution entered the channel of "normal" organic development, when the extraordinary issues of the civil war were replaced by the tasks of restoring the destroyed productive forces, establishing a new type of relations in the economy, and eliminating the cultural backwardness of the people...
V. I. Lenin made an outstanding contribution to the solution of all these questions. With his direct participation and influence, the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of the Communist Party's policy were formulated. This is well shown in the book of the senior researcher of the Institute of History of the USSR of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Doctor of Historical Sciences E. B. Genkina.
First of all, the reader's attention is drawn to the strict logic of the research. The first part of the paper deals mainly with aspects of V. I. Lenin's state activity related to the theoretical understanding and elaboration of specific ways of socialist construction; the second and third parts are devoted to the analysis of Lenin's methods of implementing the program of building socialism developed by the party and the characteristics of the main features of Lenin's school of state activity. Such a sequence of consideration of the problem is quite logical: in the first place is the choice of the path, in the second-the art ...
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