Moscow, Nauka Publishing House. 1970. 499 pp. The print run is 4000 copies. Price 2 rubles 24 kopecks.
"The economic victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War has always attracted the attention of Soviet researchers. Many monographs, articles, and pamphlets have been written on this topic, but the vast majority of them are devoted to socio-political issues. Only a few papers specifically address economic problems1 . They mainly consider the branches of the USSR military industry in 1941-1945 or certain areas of the country's economic life of that period. Only a few authors set out to highlight not only the state of the military economy, but also the entire economy of the USSR during the war period. But nevertheless, even in them, the issues of the development of agriculture and transport remained almost unexplored. The main part of the text, as a rule, was devoted to the development of industry during the war, fundamental changes in its location, structural shifts in the economy as a whole and in industry in particular, the pace and proportions of its development, the introduction of new technology and improvement of production technology, etc.). More or less complete coverage of the Soviet economy during the Great Patriotic War Russian mines of 1941-1945 in all its spheres and branches were first published in the peer-reviewed work of a team of authors - employees of the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, edited by I. A. Gladkov2 .
Careful selection of sources and literature, critical analysis of factual material allowed this team to create a fundamental study. Despite the fact that the authors took a wide range of questions to study, they managed to avoid vagueness and fragmentary presentation. The book clearly highlights a number of fundamental problems in the development of the USSR economy during the Great Patriotic War. The idea of the leading role of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in creating a developed economy and ...
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