To the Death of Philosophy
Viktor Kirsanov   To the Death of Philosophy   One bearded sage concluded: there's no motion. Without a word, another walked before him. (Pushkin)   At all times, love to wisdom (philosophy) served hand and foot to the human race. Its origin is neither in the ancient Greece nor in the archaic Egypt nor in barbarity or human wildness, but in human savagery. Philosophy helped the human beings master their environment as far ago as they had been getting control over fire and poking-stick. Human beings’ entrance into historical life itself is the result of their expression of the superior love to wisdom unavailable for the surrounding animals. And now, they say, it’s dead. Why? Is it because that during last four hundred years, philosophy has reduced to the human “Self”, whose existence precedes his subject matter. It’s not surprising, that being between life and death, passing to the better world, he invented the thought about the death of philosophy. To say that the news of the death of philosophy was unexpected would be cunning because only a blind one could not see that during last 150 years it has been constantly decaying due to complete decadence and exhaustion of its conceptual construct caused by perversions of philosophasters welcomed by stupidity promoters. It’s good that the terms were still saved, e. g.: Being, Substance, Matter, Consciousness, Time, etc. As for their meaning, it’s epic fail. Being unable to understand their main point, one part of philosophers was milling the wind, dropping their eyes, while the others, like the fox from Aesop’s fable, cunningly admitting their inability, abandoned their classic definitions and filled them with new meanings. Of course, under a specious excuse of the necessity of their development, like Heidegger did:   “The question of the meaning of being must be formulated… The question to be formulated is about the meaning of being. Thus we are confronted with the necessity of explicating the questi ... Читать далее
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To the Death of Philosophy

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