KIIV, 2000. 237 P.; 2001. 352 P.; 2002. 196 P.
(c) 2002
The magazine "Vostok (Oriens)" continues to follow the development of Oriental studies in Ukraine. Previously published was an account of a conversation with E. Pritsak held on February 22, 1991 at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences about plans to create an Institute of Oriental Studies in Kiev1 , as well as a brief review of the materials of the first issue of the journal "Skhidny Svim" ("Eastern World"), published by the A. Krymsky Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, renewed in 1993. 2 . Now readers are offered an overview of the issues of this magazine for 1998, 1999 and 2000, which were published in 2000-2001. "Skidny Svim" is published every six months. Most of its materials are published in Ukrainian, but there are a number of articles in Russian and English. In order to save space, the titles of articles are presented only in Russian translation with the journal number and pages indicated in parentheses.
The Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is named after the outstanding scientist Agatangel Yefimovich Krymsky (1871-1942), who, along with a galaxy of other famous Orientalists, was a member of the editorial board of the journal "Skhidny svit". The first period of existence of this journal is described in the article by I. Chernikov "Skhidny svit" as the embodiment of the traditions and achievements of Ukrainian Oriental studies. To the history of the journal in 1927-1931" (1999. N 1-2. pp. 321-325). The author, in particular, notes that the journal was created as a printed organ of the All-Ukrainian Scientific Association of Oriental Studies under the People's Commissariat of Education of the Ukrainian SSR (VUNAV), and 17 issues of it were published in 5 years. The total number of materials (articles, reports, reviews, translations, reviews, etc.) published during this period reached 411. They were arranged in rooms under several headings: I. Economics, politics, law; II. History, ethnography, literature; III. Reports; IV. Bibliography; V. Chronicle of Oriental Studies. I. Chernikov cites several interesting materials published on this principle. The article emphasizes that the magazine faced certain difficulties due to the understaffed staff of the editorial office and the reduction of budget allocations for its content from year to year. According to the author, these difficulties could have been overcome with the interest of the authorities, but the growing Stalinist regime, for the sake of hypertrophied centralization, took the path of curtailing national republican institutions and centers of science and culture. Neither VUNAV nor its magazine, which ceased to exist in 1931, could avoid this. The change of the magazine's name to Chervoniy Skhid (Red East) in 1930 did not help either.
The issues of the journal considered in this review, in contrast to the previous ones, have a slightly different heading. Materials in N 1-2 for 1998 are divided into four sections (Scientific problems; Ukraine and the East; Chronicle and information; Reviews); and in N 2 for 2000-into six sections (For the visit of Pope John Paul II; Historiography and source studies; Philology; Ukraine and the East; History of Eastern countries; Chronicle). Published on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Academician E. Pritsak No. 1-2 for 1999 under the title "Etymon "("Truth") is a collection of
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a collection of articles arranged in alphabetical order of their authors ' names. Thanks to the efforts of this scientist, the A. Krymsky Institute of Oriental Studies was created in the structure of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Pritsak was its first director), and the publication of the magazine "Skhidny svit" was resumed.
The life and scientific activities of E. Pritsak, who after the end of World War II was forced to live and work in the West (first in Germany, then in the United States), are described in detail by Yu. Kochubey in the article " The Word about Yemelyan Pritsak "(1999. N 1-2. p. 6-19). Together with studying the history of the semi-nomadic empires of Central Asia, E. Pritsak studied the Altaic languages. He created the international scientific organization Ural-Altaian Society and the Permanent International Altaist Conference (PIAC). In addition to Turkology, the scientist was actively engaged in the history of Russia and Ukraine. He created the Ukrainian Research Center at Harvard University. With the active participation of E. Pritsak, the International Association of Ukrainists was established in Naples in 1988.
Article B. Potulnytsky and P. Sohan "The scholar-encyclopedist of Ukrainian and world historical science "(1999. N 1-2. pp. 20-29) introduces readers to the formation of political and scientific views of E. Pritsak. Considerable attention is paid to the period of the academician's work in Ukraine (1991-1998) and the history of the creation of the A. Krymsky Institute of Oriental Studies. E. Pritsak himself, in an interview with V. Kiktenko and I. Dryge (1999. N 1-2. pp. 30-34), notes that "...I have learned a lot from my teachers and colleagues, but more from my students, because students have an unwashed mind and are able to ask bold questions." In the interview, the academician talks about the development of Oriental studies in Ukraine, and also sets out his views on the development of relations between orientalists of Ukraine and Russia, in which, in his opinion, Russian colleagues "still have a strong position of an older brother." He justifies the need for the existence of Ukrainian Oriental studies not only from a theoretical point of view, but also in terms of practical application. The collection of materials about this scientist is completed by Yu. Kochubey "Bibliography of the works of Academician E. Pritsak for 1989-1999" (1999. N 1-2. P. 35-37), which presents articles, speeches, interviews of the scientist, as well as anniversary publications in his honor.
The article by L. Matveeva "Julian Kulakovsky" is devoted to the life and scientific activity of Professor Julian Andreevich Kulakovsky (1855-1919), who taught at the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Vladimir University in Kiev for 38 years.: plots from the classical world (the 80s of the XIX century)" (1998. N 1-2. pp. 150-166), which shows the formation of a scientist as a classical historian and philologist. It also provides a bibliographic overview of his works in the field of the history of Ancient Rome and Byzantium, as well as studies of sources in classical philological literature.
Another article by L. Matveeva- "Oriental Studies of V. P. Buzeskul (1858-1931)" (1999. N 1-2. pp. 180-193) - is devoted to the contribution of Academician of the Russian and Ukrainian Academies of Sciences Vladislav Petrovich Buzeskul to orientalism. Specializing in ancient history, he also studied the history of science and the Ancient East. The most significant of his works can be considered the historiographical monograph "Discoveries of the XIX and early XX centuries in the field of the history of the ancient world. Part 1. East" (1923).
V. Zaruba's publication " The contribution of A. S. Sinyavsky to the development of Ukrainian Oriental studies in the 20s of the XX century "(1999. N 1-2. pp. 162-166) tells about the scientific and organizational activities of the scientist and public figure Anton Stepanovich Sinyavsky (1866-1951). In 1925, he was elected chairman of the Kiev Scientific Association of Oriental Studies for his services in the study of the ethnography and economy of the Eastern peoples (Chechens, Gagauz), geography and geopolitics of Iran, Egypt, China, and the Middle East. After the creation of VUNAV in 1926 until its liquidation in 1931, A. Sinyavsky headed its Kiev branch.
The non-traditional approach of the historian V. A. Parkhomenko (1880-1942) to the assessment of the influence of nomadic peoples on Russia, as well as the relationship of Russian princes with their nomadic neighbors, is described in the article by A. Portnov " Russia and the Steppe in the research of Vladimir Parkhomenko "(2000. N 2. pp. 84-90). the history of the Azov Sea region and the eastern origin of the glades; the struggle of Varangian-Byzantine and Khazar capitals as one of the important factors in the early history of Russia; the Chernihiv power of Mstislav, located on the left bank of the Dnieper, allied to the Khazars and Pechenegs; the versatility of Russian-Pecheneg and Russian-Polovtsian relations; the need to take into account ethnic heterogeneity-
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A. Portnov emphasizes that V. Parkhomenko, based on various sources, nevertheless avoided fetishizing them. This is especially important in the study of early history, when blindly following the reports of sources, without using the reconstructive-logical method that he followed in his research, does not allow creating a complete scientific picture.
To mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Alexandrovich Korostovtsev (1900-1980), an article by T. Shcherban "Academician M. A. Korostovtsev: achievements in the field of Egyptology" (2000. N 2. pp. 28-42) is dedicated. The author gives a brief biography of a scientist who worked for a long time at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Moscow and rose from researcher, head of the Department of Ancient Oriental Studies to Deputy Chairman of the Academic Council of the Institute. M. Korostovtsev's scientific activity began with the study of the socio-economic history of Ancient Egypt. Based on Marxist methodology, M. Korostovtsev proposed the formulation of "early slavery", which preceded "ancient" (or complete) slavery, and also developed its mathematical model. Since the slave-owning and communal ways of life co-existed in early class societies, the model was intended only to characterize the first of them. M. Korostovtsev worked on defining and clarifying the chronologies of dynasties in Ancient Egypt, translated a number of ancient Egyptian sources with commentaries, and studied the religion of the ancient Egyptians. T. Shcherban lists the main works of the scientist published in 1938-1980.
Materials about outstanding scientists-historians and Orientalists complement publications about the organization of Oriental studies in various scientific institutions of Ukraine in the first half of the XX century. Some aspects of this topic are covered in detail in the articles of E. Tsygankova "Commission for Research on the History of the Middle East of the VUAN (1930-1933)" (1998. N 1-2. pp. 167-182); " Study of the Yiddish language and culture at the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (1926-1949) "(1999. N 1-2. pp. 305-320);"All-Ukrainian Scientific Association of Oriental Studies. Kharkiv Center" (2000. N 2. pp. 63-83); as well as in the article by I. V. Kolesnikov. Otroshchenko " The study of Mongolian peoples at the Kiev Commercial Institute "(1999. N 1-2. p. 194-200).
As an academic publication, Skhidny Svit pays great attention to the problems of source studies and familiarizing readers with sources on the history and culture of Eastern countries.
Two articles by E. Bordilovskaya are devoted to the Indian novel-chronicle " Harshacharita "("Life of Harsha"): "Harshacharita of Bana: a source study portrait "(1998. N 1-2. p. 5-14) and "The Wedding Ceremony of classical India according to "Harshacharita" of Bana" (1999. N 1-2. p.49-55). The first of them, along with a description of the eight chapters of the novel-chronicle, provides a brief outline of the biography of its author - the court poet-Brahmin Banabhatta. In the second - for the first time, we offer a translation into Ukrainian of a fragment of the fourth part of the Harshacharita, which tells about the wedding ceremony of Harsha's sister Princess Rajyashri with the son of the ruler of Kanauja, Prince Grahavarman. Presenting this fragment of the source text, the author emphasizes that thanks to Bana's work, we can not only see the sophistication of the Indian wedding tradition, but also learn valuable facts from the political history of North India in the first half of the 7th century.
O. Bubenok in the article "Eastern sources about the country of the Aces on the Volga" (1998. N 1-2. p. 15-32) analyzes the reports of Persian authors of the XIII century. (Juwayni, Rashid ad-Din) from the point of view of the three main versions of localization of the Aesir, with whom the Mongols fought in 1236-1237.
Specialists in the history of the Crimean Khanate will undoubtedly be interested in V. Bushakov's study " Kadiliki and kaymakanstvo in the Crimean Khanate (XVIII century)" (1998. N 1-2. p. 33-64), which is a reconstruction of the list of 3 villages belonging to various kadiliki and kaymakanstvo with clarification of their names in different lists and on maps, as well as substantiation of the fact that topographical borders of kadiliki plotted by the author on the map of the peninsula.
Speaking about the beginning of scientific processing of one of the handwritten Jewish monuments of the Crimea in the publication " Torah (Tanakh) from the collection of the library "Tavrika" (1999. N 1-2. pp. 38-41), I. Achkinazi suggests that this manuscript comes from the Krymchak religious community of Karasubazar.
In the study "Confucian Treatise "Zhong Yun" (1999. N 1-2. pp. 87-111), V. Gamyanin, along with the characteristics of this philosophical treatise, explains the specifics of its translation into Ukrainian. The author suggests translating the terms zhong and yun as "balance" and"balance". The appendix contains the text of the translation of the treatise into Ukrainian.
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The Greek version of the martyrdom of St. Athenogenes of Pedahtoi (Cappadocia), published in 1990 by Pierre Maraval (with a French translation), is devoted to the work of E. Khayredinova "A new written source on the barbarian sea campaigns of the second half of the third century AD" (1999. N 1-2. pp. 296-304). The author comes to the conclusion that the description of the Gothic raids from the Bosporus region to Cappadocia contained in the version can be connected with the campaigns of 264 and 276 AD.
M. Tarasenko in the article "On the origin of the 17th chapter of the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead" (2000. N 2. pp. 43-58) examines the topographical place of origin and the question of the dating of this chapter, as well as its original source.
In the work" Compendium of Imamite hadiths of al-Kulayni "(2000. N 2. pp. 59-62), Gamots-kaya gives information about the life of al-Kulayni and analyzes the works written by him, among which the collection of hadiths "al-Kafi fi' ilm eid-din " occupies the most important place in the Shiite direction of Islam.A sufficient [treatise] on the religious sciences").
"Skhidny svit" does not ignore the topics of archeology. S. Pustovalov's detailed article " Ancient Eastern roots in the origin of the catacomb community "(1998. N 1-2. pp. 94-121) examines the Ingul culture of the last quarter of the third millennium - the first quarter of the second millennium BC, which, according to the author, through the migration of the Middle Eastern population significantly approached the Ancient Eastern civilization and statehood.
I. Zavadskaya's article "On the destruction of Chersonesos in the X - XI centuries" (1999. N 1-2. p.155-161), devoted to archaeological research on the site of Chersonesos, suggests that the capture of the city by Prince Vladimir of Kiev was the reason for the death of a significant part of the city.
Based on the data of archaeological excavations in the Budzhatskaya steppe, O. Prikhodnyuk in his work "The North-Western Black Sea region as part of Danube Bulgaria" (1999. N 1-2. pp. 201-210) comes to the conclusion that the south-western part of the North Black Sea steppes, which were part of the First Bulgarian Kingdom before the tenth century, was constantly inhabited by immigrants from the Balkans and other territories.
Among the materials on philological topics, one can mention articles on Arabic linguistics by V. Rybalkin: "Ideological and lexical-grammatical riffs in translations of the Holy Scripture of Muslims "(1998. N 1-2. pp. 122-133); " Three-component paradigm and management theory in the Arabic linguistic tradition "(1999. N 1-2. pp. 211-230) and " Greek influence on the Arabic linguistic tradition "(2000. N 2. pp. 90-98).
Turkic philology is represented by the research of S. Sorokin " Principles of structural and semantic classification of word combinations in the Turkish language "(2000. N 2. pp. 99-105); O. Strizhak "Kyrgyz (resp. Turks) and Ukraine: secrets of the Budzhatsky area (materials for the Etymological Dictionary of ethnonyms of Ukraine) "(2000. N 2. pp. 106-130) and V. Bushakov "The origin of the Turkic astronym Ulker - "Pleiades "" (2000. N 2. pp. 131-133).
The study of Oriental literatures is devoted to the articles of Vol. Useinova " The Classical period in the history of Crimean Tatar literature "(1998. N 1-2. pp. 145-148) and T. V. "Sufism and Pantheism: Persian medieval and Ukrainian modernist poetry of the early XX century" (1999. N 1-2. pp. 170-179).
Considerable attention in the magazine "Skhidny Svit" is also paid to the problems of the history of individual countries of the East - the Middle East, Central Asia, China, Japan, Mongolia, and India.
In the article "Categories of priests HMW-NTR and HMW-K', in Egypt during the Ancient Kingdom (XXVIII - mid XXIII century BC)" (1999. N 1-2. pp. 231-242), E. Romanova examines the differences in the social status of these two categories of ancient Egyptian priests on the basis of 167 titu-latour officials of the Ancient Egyptian State. Kingdoms and other inscriptions from their tombs.
O. Bubenok in his work "Jews and Arabs of Palestine and Syria at the end of the VI - beginning of the VII centuries: historical experience of peaceful coexistence" (1999. N 1-2. pp. 56-77) proves that during the period under review in Palestine, peace between local Jews and Arabs was never violated, and the Muslim conquest improved the conditions of existence of Jews in comparison with the from the Roman and Byzantine eras.
The relations within Jewish society between Ashkenazim (natives of Europe and America) and Sephardim (natives of Asia and Africa) are analyzed in M. Gold's article "The Ethnic factor on the political map of Israel" (1999. N 1-2. pp. 123-130).
In the publication "The Hebron Knot" (1999. N 1-2. p. 249-269), I. Semivolos describes the political events around Hebron and the West Bank of the Jordan River from the biblical Abraham to the middle of 1999.
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On October 24, 1994, the Med peace treaty was signed between Israel and Jordan, one of the few Arab countries that currently cooperate with Israel in the economic sphere. The paper "Economic and legal aspects of the peace treaty between Jordan and Israel" (1999. N 1-2. pp. 291-295) is devoted to the analysis of this document.
Reports of various sources about the confrontation between the Karakhanid rulers and Muslim clerics are given in the study of V. Beilis " Three Samarkand faqihs of the late IX-early XII centuries "(1999. N 1-2. pp. 42-48). The author comes to the conclusion that these faqihs (legal scholars in Islam) not only had great wealth, but also enjoyed respect and had a significant influence on the management of the city, and sometimes had real power in it.
The history of the processes of Russian acculturation in Kazakhstan, as well as modern problems related to the Kazakh language, are covered in the article 3. Dzhandosova " Kazakhs: some results of century-old Russification "(1999. N 1-2. pp. 140-154). According to the author, Kazakhs in Russia turned out to be the most assimilated people of Central Asia, who did not lose their national identity.
A new aspect of the problem of the causes of the emergence and defeat of the ninth-century peasant war in China, which differs from the views contained in the literature on sinology in Russian, is considered by V. Rubel in the article "Who and How did the Great Peasant War of 874-884 begin in China?" (1998. N 1-2. pp. 135-144). The author rejects the traditional view of peasant insurgency wars as objectively progressive phenomena in history and assesses the 9th-century peasant war in China as a grandiose tragedy on a national scale, which resulted in the destruction of millions of people, a decrease in the number of cities, an economic crisis, a drop in living standards and a qualitative weakening of the country's defense potential.
Continuing this theme in the article " On the causes of the defeat of the peasant war of the 9th century in China "(2000. N 2. pp. 182-187), V. Rubel does not agree with the statement that the defeat of the rebels was due to disorganization, anarchism and lack of a clear program of action. In his opinion, their goal was to preserve the imperial Tang dynasty (the belief in a "good king"); the total destruction of all officials ("guilty" of all the troubles of the peasants) and the destruction of cities (the residence of officials) with the entire urban population, which the peasants considered "parasites". V. Rubel sees the reason for the defeat of the peasant war in the fact that its leaders, after the capture of the capital, reneged on their promises to the peasants and, in addition, did not divide the money. Huang Chao's army simply scattered, leaving their leader behind.
The history of Chinese civilization through the prism of relations between the center and regions is considered in the publication by V. Velichko " On the traditional political and socio-economic foundations of relations between the center and regions in China "(1998. N 1-2. pp. 65-69). The author emphasizes that theoretical research on this topic has recently gained relevance in China, where scientific schools of regional history, economics and geography of regions have been formed.
A. Drozdov in his article "Historical and psychological reconstruction of the personality of a medieval samurai" (1998. N 1-2. pp. 70-75) studies the possibility of applying the hermeneutical method in historical psychology on the example of Japan.
In the study "Political Portrait of the Yamato King Buretsu: an attempt at critical rethinking" (1999. N 1-2. p.243-248), V. Rubel suggests that the king of Buretsu was destroyed in 506 by the powerful Otomo aristocratic clan, losing to him a military-political confrontation, which contributed to the final establishment of the institute of dual power in the political system of Japan.
B. Yatsenko's article " Features of the state-corporate structure of the Japanese economy "(1999. N 1-2. pp. 326-334) is devoted to the role of the state, as well as the corporate sector in the economic life of the Country of the Rising Sun.
An analysis of the impact of democratic changes on the Buddhist Church in Mongolia is contained in the work of I. V. Shishkin. Otroshchenko "Secularization in Mongolian society in 1921-1924" (1998. N 1-2. pp. 76-87). The author shows that despite the radical changes in the state structure of Mongolia under the influence of the Soviet Union, the church has maintained its position in many spheres of public life in this country. Continuing the topic in the article " Ideas
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"renewal movements" in Mongolia (1920s) "(2000. N 2. pp. 175-181), I. Otroshchenko comes to the conclusion that the policy of the MNR leadership in the religious issue was significantly influenced by the "renewal movement" of Buddhism, but already from the end of the 1920s as a result of radical political changes in the country. in the country, this movement is gradually fading.
T. Skrynnikova's work" Sacred legitimization of power in the Mongol Empire " (2000. N 2. pp. 160-174) examines the ritual aspects of the status and functions of representatives of the highest power in medieval Mongolian society.
Yu. Pavlenko in his article "Formation of the ethno-linguistic structure of Indian civilization" (1998. N 1-2. pp. 88-93) examines the correlation of civilizational and ethno-linguistic massifs in India and comes to the conclusion that in real life the "civilizational" (the author means confessional) division between people is deeper than the ethno-linguistic one.
According to S. Pustovalov, author of the article " The class-caste system as a model for the reconstruction of ancient societies "(2000. N 2. pp. 149-156), the class-caste system arose in multiethnic societies mainly as a product of interaction between ancient civilizational centers and the primitive periphery and was quite common, as in societies of the pre-class level development, as well as early grades.
A large block of publications consists of materials devoted to Ukraine's relations and contacts with the East. Various aspects of relations between Russian princes and steppe nomads are reflected in the articles by O. Golovko " Torques in the history of the Black Sea steppes (IX-XII centuries) "(1999. N 1-2. pp. 112-122) and S. Gurkin " Russian-Polovtsian matrimonial relations "(2000. N 2. pp. 157-159).
Based on the analysis of various sources, A. Galenko in his work "Tudun" (1998. N 1-2. p.183-204) makes an attempt to determine the status of the rank of Tudun in such steppe empires as the Avar Khaganate, Khazaria, the Golden Horde and the Crimean Khanate.
A. Tortika's research "Peculiarities of the mentality of early Medieval nomads of Eastern Europe (IV-VI centuries AD)" (1999. N 1-2. pp. 270-278) is characterized by a certain novelty. The author comes to the conclusion that the behavior, values and character traits of nomads are explained by a number of objective, historical factors.
The publication Yu. V. is devoted to the acquaintance of natives of Ukraine with Buddhism in its Buryat, Kalmyk and Mongolian versions. Zavgorodny "Ukraine and Buddhism: on the history of contacts (XVII-early XX centuries) "(2000. N 2. pp. 134-141).
The heading "On the visit of Pope John Paul II to Ukraine" contains articles by N. Gavrilyuk and M. Tymchenko "Pacis Nuntius "("Messenger of Peace") (2000. N 2. pp. 5-19) and O. Golovko "Ancient Russia and the Crusades" (ibid. pp. 20-27). The first section examines the centuries-old history of Ukrainian-Vatican relations, and the second deals with the problem of relations between Russian princes and the Roman Curia and the Western world in the X1-XH centuries in terms of the struggle against non-Christian peoples.
Questions of the existence of shop production of tents, as well as ways of penetration of eastern tents and tents into the territory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, are covered by V. Nazar in his research " Eastern tents and tent production on Western Ukrainian lands in the XVI-XVIII centuries "(2000. N 2. pp. 142-148).
Articles by I. Turov " Jews and Christians in the Eastern part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: the problem of contacts "(1999. N 1-2. pp. 279-290), J. Dashkevich " Armenian Church Administration in Ukraine. Initial development" (1999. N 1-2. pp. 131-139), Ya. Isaevich " The peasantry in national culture and in the formation of the nation: former and modern ideas "(1999. N 1-2. pp. 167-169) they are devoted, rather, to various aspects of the history of Ukraine, rather than directly to the East. Their inclusion in the collection" Etymon " is explained by the merits in the study of the history of Ukraine of Academician E. Pritsak (to whom the collection is dedicated).
A description of jewelry items, mostly of a ritual nature, from the collection "Jewish Silver of the XVIII-early XX centuries" is contained in the publication of M. Varshavskaya and L. Pustovit "Symbols of Eternity "(1999. N 1-2. pp. 78-86). The collection includes about 400 items and is located in the Museum of Historical Jewels of Ukraine, which is a branch of the National Museum of History of Ukraine. According to the authors, the analysis of some symbols depicted on objects indicates that they go back to the depths of human society, which determines the mutual influence of the cultures of the two peoples and their religions.
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In the work of E. Ognevoy "Authentic Tibetan materials in Ukraine" (1999. N 1-2. pp. 335-339) tells about the history of the formation of the Tibetan collection stored in the Kiev Museum of Bohdan and Barbara Khanenko (Western and Eastern Art).
The "Chronicle" section provides detailed information about scientific events, for example: A. Galenko "Second Oriental Studies readings of A. Krymsky" (1998. N 1-2. pp. 205-210), held on June 9-10, 1998 in Kiev; E. Ogneva " Notes of a Tibetologist "(2000. N 2. pp. 188-191) on the VIII International Tibetological seminar, held on July 25-31, 1998 at Indiana University (Bloomington, USA); I. Otroshchenko "The Third Oriental Studies readings of A. Krymsky" (1999. N 1-2. pp. 340-341), organized on June 10-11, 1999 in Kiev and dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Academician E. Pritsak.
The review of V. Rafalyuk and A. Lovyagin "Archeology of the East on the Internet" (1998. N 1-2. pp. 211-219) is very interesting and useful, which contains a list of search servers, web pages of various publishers, journals and scientific institutes of archaeological profile, news groups, international organizations supporting research in the field of humanities,etc. as well as servers of various software used in archeology.
The section " Reviews "(1998. N 1-2. pp. 221-232) analyzes three books that may be of interest to specialists: L. Matveeva [Rec. on:] A. I. Aibabin. Ethnic history of the Early Byzantine Crimea. Simferopol, 1999. 350 p.; V. Rybalkin. [Rec.] Yu. M. Kochubey. Ukraine and the East. Cultural relations of Ukraine with the peoples of the Near and Middle East (1917-1992). Educational bibliographic index. Kshv, 1998. 227 p. (in Ukrainian); Ya. Polotnyuk [Rets. on:] G. Inaldzhik. The Ottoman Empire. Classical time 1300-1600 / Translated from English by A. Galenko. Kiiv, 1998. 256 p. (in Ukrainian).
Readers 'attention will undoubtedly be drawn to the list of candidate and doctoral theses of Ukrainian scientists, placed in the section" Dissertations "(2000. N 2. P. 192).
In conclusion, we can say that the publications of the journal "Skhidny Svit" reflect the concept of the development of Oriental studies in Ukraine, outlined by E. Pritsak in a conversation at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1991. At that time, he gave the main place in Ukrainian orientalism to classical Oriental studies, which, according to him, will relate to modernity as 8:2. The main focus was supposed to be on Hebraism, the Arab - Persian-Turkish world, the Eurasian steppe, India and the Far East. The majority of publications in the issues of the journal presented for review are devoted to these areas of Oriental studies. In addition, "Skhidny svit" covers the history of science in sufficient detail, as well as the relations and contacts of Ukraine with the countries of the East. The authors of the publications are mostly scientists from Ukraine, but there are several articles by well-known orientalists from other CIS countries (for example, T. Skrynnikova from Russia).
I think that fruitful cooperation between Ukrainian and Russian Orientalists, acquaintance with each other's scientific ideas (including on the pages of scientific journals) will not only have a beneficial effect on the development of Oriental studies in our countries, but will also contribute to further strengthening the relations of friendship and mutual understanding between Ukraine and Russia. In this regard, I would like to remind you that Russia has declared 2002 the "Year of Ukraine".
1 Institute of Oriental Studies in Ukraine (meeting with 0.0. Pritsak) / / Vostok (Oriens). 1991. N 4. pp. 128-133.
Model A.m . 2 Scientific Journal of Orientalists of Ukraine / / Vostok (Oriens). 1994. N 5. pp. 224-225.
Kadilik- 3 ship district under the jurisdiction of Kadiya. Several kadiliks make up the kaimakanstvo (district, county) under the administrative administration of Kaimakan.
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