On April 12, 2006, the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences celebrated the 75th anniversary of the birth and 55th anniversary of the work of the Chief Researcher, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Boris Dmitrievich Pak. The hero of the day was warmly congratulated by the management of the Institute, friends and colleagues, heads of public organizations of Koreans in Russia, a representative of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Russian Federation, graduates of the high school of the Polar Star collective farm from Uzbekistan and the Irkutsk Pedagogical University, where the hero of the day taught for many years.
B. D. Pak was born on January 4, 1931 in Vladivostok. In connection with the deportation of Koreans from the Far East in 1937, his family was initially sent to Kazakhstan, then moved to Uzbekistan, Tashkent region. After graduating from high school here in 1950, B. D. Pak taught history at a seven-year-old school. In 1951-1956 B. D. Pak was a student of the Oriental Faculty of the Central Asian State University in Tashkent, where he began to engage in scientific activities under the guidance of famous orientalists G. L. Bondarevsky and N. A. Khalfin. After graduating from the university in 1956-1962, he worked as a history teacher and school director at the famous Polyarnaya Zvezda collective farm. Kim Byung-hwa) Sredne-Chirchik district of Tashkent region.
In 1962-1965 B. D. Pak studied at the postgraduate course of the V. I. Lenin Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. His official and unofficial teachers here were prominent Soviet scientists: Professor A. N. Kheifets, acad. Academy of Sciences of the USSR G. F. Kim, M. N. Pak, F. I. Shabshina, G. D. Tyagai and others. Communication with them contributed to the scientific growth of B. D. Pak. In 1965, he successfully defended his PhD, and in 1974 - his doctoral dissertation.
B. D. Pak spent more than 30 years (1965 - 1999) working at the Irkutsk State Pedagogical Institute (now a university). There he became a professor (1978), head of the Department of World History, and a member of specialized academic councils for the defense of doctoral theses at Irkutsk, Tomsk, and Buryat State Universities. B. D. Pak is the founder and head of the School of Young Oriental Historians of Eastern Siberia for studying the History of Relations between the peoples of Russia, Siberia and the countries of the East, as well as the International Center for Asian Studies at IGPU, which organized five international scientific and practical conferences " Relations between the peoples of Russia, Siberia and the countries of the East: history and modernity" and published nine issues of his "Bulletin"under the editorship of B. D. Pak.
Since 1999, B. D. Pak has been a chief researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He quickly and easily entered the scientific and public life of the Department of Korea and Mongolia, with which he had always collaborated. His years of work at the Institute of Information Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences were particularly fruitful for him.
B. D. Pak has been one of the leaders of modern Russian Korean studies for many years. He has published about 150 scientific papers, including 11 books (three of them co-authored). B. D. Pak's contribution to the study of the early period of Russian-Korean relations (late XIX-early XX centuries) is particularly significant. This topic is very relevant, since the Korean policy of Russia in this period is often incorrectly evaluated and even deliberately distorted by foreign, in particular South Korean, historiography. In this approach, one can see both the legacy of the Cold War and the attempts of certain political circles in the West and in Korea to cast a shadow over Russia's recent course towards the Korean Peninsula and its intention to play a more active role there. Historical reality is most fully and objectively shown in B. D. Park's book "Russia and Korea", based on extensive archival materials and documentary sources and published in the second edition in 2004.
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Another theme that occupies a prominent place in B. D. Park's work is the national liberation movement in Korea, and our country's support for it. Numerous works of B. D. Pak are devoted to this topic. He marked his anniversary with the publication of a new important and interesting book - "The USSR, the Comintern and the Korean liberation Movement 1918-1925". Its peculiarity is that each research essay is accompanied by a large number of documents related to this problem, which, as a rule, were not previously known to science. For the first time, the author describes the history of relations between the USSR and the exiled Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea and the influential Korean religious organization Cheondoge ("Teaching of the Heavenly Way"), provides new data on the emergence of the first centers of the Korean communist movement and the struggle for leadership between them, the positions of the Comintern and the CPSU (b) on this issue, and the establishment of the Korean Communist Party in 1925, etc.
The third topic actively developed by B. D. Pak is the history of Russian and Soviet Koreans. A lot has also been done on it. Note only that B. D. Pak is the initiator and main author of the books in the series "Russian Koreans", published by the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the assistance of Korean public organizations of the Russian Federation. 5 volumes have already been published, and new ones are being prepared.
B. D. Pak's works are widely recognized in our country and abroad. He has successfully delivered reports at many scientific conferences in Russia, the Republic of Korea, the United States and other countries.
B. D. Pak combines his scientific and pedagogical activities with participation in public life. He was elected a deputy of the Irkutsk City Council, headed the international affairs section of the Irkutsk Regional organization of the Znanie Society, was a consultant, and was a member of the National Committee for Compiling the History of Korea in the Republic of Korea. In Moscow, B. D. Pak became actively involved in the work of the All-Russian Association of Koreans (OOK) and other Korean public organizations.
B. D. Park's achievements in science, personnel training and social activities were highly appreciated: he was awarded the honorary title "Honored Scientist of the RSFSR", awarded the Order of Friendship, medals of the Russian Federation, Mongolia, and the Republic of Korea.
A well-known scientist and teacher, an energetic and hardworking worker, a deeply decent and principled person, always ready to help colleagues, especially young people, Boris Dmitrievich Pak always enjoys great respect from everyone who communicates and cooperates with him.
From the history of the Korean emigrant press / / Peoples of Asia and Africa. 1965. N 4. pp. 172-178.
The Korean question in Russia in 1910-1914 / / Scientific Notes of the Irkutsk State Pedagogical Institute. Issue XXVIII. Irkutsk, 1967. pp. 195-216.
The aggressive policy of Japan in Korea and the armed struggle of the Korean people in 1909-1910 / / Scientific Notes of the Lenin Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. From the History of the Workers ' and National Liberation Movement, vol. 244, Moscow, 1967, pp. 111-140.
Liberation struggle of the Korean people on the eve of the First World War, Moscow, 1967, 169 p.
Izvestiya o Korey v Rossii v XVII-XVIII vv. [News about Korea in Russia in the XVII-XVIII centuries]. Issue 1. Irkutsk, 1970, pp. 43-57.
U istokov russko-koreiskikh otnosheniy [At the origins of Russian-Korean Relations]. Issue 3. Irkutsk, 1971, pp. 33-57.
Kim Okkyun and Russia // Peoples of Asia and Africa. 1974. N 6. pp. 135-140.
The Korean Question in the policy of Tsarist Russia after the Russo-Japanese War / / Voprosy istorii mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii. Irkutsk State Pedagogical Institute, 1975, pp. 70-98.
Russia and Korea, Moscow: GRVL, 1979, 303 p. The same, additional Moscow: IV RAS, 2004. 520 p.
40 years of Victory and modern international relations. Irkutsk, 1985. 32 p.
The Far East: contradictions are becoming more acute / / Politicheskiy Vestnik. Irkutsk, 1985. N18. pp. 25-31.
Soviet Russia and Korea // Asia and Africa today. 1985. N 11. pp. 14-15.
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XVII Congress of the CPSU and the Foreign Policy Strategy of the USSR. Irkutsk, 1986. 37 p.
National liberation movement after the Second World War / / Politicheskiy vestnik. 1986. N 3. pp. 14-19.
The emergence of the Korean Communist movement // Peoples of the East: main trends and contradictions of socio-political development. Irkutsk State Pedagogical Institute, 1986, pp. 12-15.
Lenin, the Bolsheviks and Korea // Eastern countries in Russian politics. Irkutsk, 1986, pp. 3-14.
Lenin and the Korean Revolutionaries / / Asia and Africa Today. 1987. N 8. pp. 13-15.
Strany i narody Vostoka: puti razvitiya [Countries and Peoples of the East: Ways of Development]. Irkutsk State University, 1988, pp. 46-48.
The Great October Socialist Revolution and Korea / / USSR and Korea, Moscow: GRVL, 1988, pp. 12-50.
Strany i narody Vostoka: istoriya i sovremennost ' [Countries and Peoples of the East: History and Modernity]. Irkutsk State University, 1990, pp. 137-139.
The first steps of Soviet Russia in establishing ties with the liberation struggle of the Korean people / / USSR and the Countries of the East. Interuniversity collection of scientific papers. Irkutsk, 1990, pp. 55-63.
Rosia-choson gan-y vege mit gyeongje kwan-gyo-y surip (Establishment of Russian-Korean diplomatic and economic relations) / / Che 3 cha Chosonhak kukje haksul tho-ronhwe (3rd International Conference on Korean Studies). Osaka, 1990. pp. 148-149.
On the opening of the Korean cultural center "Ariran" in Tokyo / / East (Oriens). 1993. N 4. P. 147.
Koreans in the Russian Empire. MCC MSU, 1993. 261 p. Same thing, corrected. Irkutsk State Pedagogical Institute, 1994, 238 p.
Russia and the peoples of Northeast Asia: some aspects of sub-regional cooperation // International Scientific and Practical Conference "Mutual relations of the peoples of Russia, Siberia and the countries of the East: history and modernity", I. M. Irkutsk-Daegu, 1994, pp. 37-44.
Thorny ways of Korean emigration to Russia on the eve of the First World War / / Actual problems of Russian Korean Studies, Moscow, 1994. pp. 89-111.
Life in the Former Soviet Union: One Korean's Story // Asia kenkyu (Asian Studies). Vol. IX / Wa-ko University. Tokyo, 1994. P. 69 - 74.
Rosia-yesoy hanguk tonnip undon-ye daehan yong-gu donghyangmit sare-hyung-hwan: 1905-1922 (Russian Studies and materials on the Korean liberation movement 1905-1922 "".) / / Korean Studies from Global Perspectives on the 50th Anniversary of the Korean Liberation. Inchon (ROK), 1995. P. 19 - 25.
Koreans in Soviet Russia (1917-late 30s). Irkutsk State Pedagogical Institute, 1995, 259 p.
The Amur Incident // East (Oriens). 1995. N5. pp. 52-59.
Participation of Korean workers in the struggle against Japanese intervention (1918-1920) / / XX century and military conflicts in the Far East. International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Victory. Khabarovsk, 1995, pp. 20-25.
First sailors of the Russian Fleet in the Pacific Ocean on the land of Korea / / Russian Fleet in the Pacific Ocean: history and modernity. Proceedings of the Pacific Conference, poev. 300th anniversary of the Russian Navy. Issue 3. Vladivostok: DVGU Publishing House, 1996, pp. 95-100.
Irkutsk-Shanghai: two foreign centers of the Korean Communist movement // East and West: A view from Siberia. Irkutsk,1996, pp. 25-28.
Achievements and Perspectives of Investigation in the Field of Russian and Korean Relation, 1884 - 1910 // Oriental Studies in the 20th Century: Achievements and Prospects. Abstract of the CIS Scholars for the 35th ICANAS (Budapest, July 7 - 12, 1997). Vol. 2. M., 1997. P. 294 - 296.
The March Day movement of 1919 in Korea through the eyes of a Russian diplomat. Irkutsk, 1997, 181 p. (in Russian) (sovm. with Park Taegeung).
Pervomartovskoe dvizhenie v Korey i Sovetskaya Rossiya [The First March movement in Korea and Soviet Russia]. Materials of the St. Petersburg International Conference.GU, 1997. pp. 88-93.
Was there a real project of dividing Korea in Russia at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries? / / Problems of the Far East. 1998. N 5. pp. 108-115.
RKP/ b / - VKP/ b/, the Comintern and the Korean Communist Movement in Soviet Russia (1919-1925) / / Mutual relations of the peoples of Russia, Siberia and the countries of the East: history and modernity. Vestnik Mezhdunar. center for Asian Studies of IGPU. 1/1999. Book 1. Irkutsk, 1999. pp. 281-291.
Retribution at the Harbin railway station. Documentary and historical essay. Irkutsk State Pedagogical University, 1999, 158 p.
To the publication of the first issue of the Bulletin of the International Center for Asian Studies of Irkutsk State University //
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Vestnik Mezhdunar. center for Asian Studies of IGPU. Irkutsk, 1/1999, pp. 21-23.
Rosia Yongheju-yesoy hanin panil heban undon [Anti-Japanese liberation movement of Koreans in Russian Primorye (1910-1918)] / / Sunun sahak (Seoul). 2000. N 9. pp. 163-194.
Bulletin of the International Center for Asian Studies. 3/2000. Irkutsk, 2000. - Author's article: The emergence of the Korean communist and socialist movement in Russia. pp. 95-112; Russia, Russian Koreans and the problem of unification of Korea. pp. 202-209.
From the history of Soviet Koreans. 1918 - 1922 // Unity. Inform. byull. (Moscow), 2000, N 4/21, pp. 33-35.
Preface / / Choi V. V. Choi Jaehyun (Choi Pyotr Semyonovich), Moscow: Federal National and Cultural Autonomy of Russian Koreans, 2000, pp. 5-7.
Russian historiography on Russian policy in Korea. 1884 - 1910 // 21 shogi Rosia inmunhagyi jeonman (Prospects for the development of humanities in Russia in the XXI century). Seoul, 2000. N 9. pp. 135-142.
Economic and political situation of Koreans in Primorye in the early 20s of the XX century. 2001, N 1/28, pp. 27-31.
The first messenger of the Comintern to the Far East for revolutionary work / / Vostok (Oriens). 2001, N 6. pp. 36-44.
From the history of Soviet Koreans 1928 - 1937 // Unity. 2001. N 5/26. pp. 31-34.
Korean Envoy to Russia Lee Bomjin / / Vostok (Oriens). 2002. N 4. pp. 25-33.
The life and activity of the outstanding Korean politician and diplomat Lee Bomjin / / Lee Bomjin, Moscow: IV RAS, 2002, pp. 30-66. Comp. 206 p.
June 1926 demonstration in Korea. Articles and materials. Moscow, 2003. - Author's article: Korean Communists and the June demonstration (1926) in Korea. pp. 52-71; Archival documents about the June demonstration of 1926. pp. 72-83.
Encyclopedia of Koreans in Russia. Ed. Choi of the Armor. 140 years in Russia. Moscow, 2003. - Author's article: Resettlement of Koreans to Russia. pp. 129-140; Korean patriot and internationalist Kim Mangym (I. S. Serebryakov). pp. 701-707.
O vremya nachala perestroeniya koreytsev v Rossiya [About the time of the beginning of the resettlement of Koreans to Russia]. Bugay N. F. Koreytsy v Soyuse SSR-Rossii: XX vek [Koreans in the Soviet Union - Russia: XX century], Moscow, 2004, pp. 27-30.
From the history of Russian Koreans. Deportation of 1937". / / Unity. 2003. N 10/12. pp. 18-20; 2004. N 1/43. pp. 25-28.
120 years of Russian-Korean relations: main stages and historical significance / / ICANAS XXXVII. Mezhdunar. Congress of Orientalists, vol. III, Moscow, 2004, pp. 1013-1016.
140 years in Russia. Ocherk istorii rossiiskikh koreytsev [Essay on the History of Russian Koreans], Moscow: IV RAS, 2004, 464 p. (co-authored with N. F. Bugay).
Soviet Russia and the Provisional Government of the Korean Republic in Shanghai. 1919- 1922 // East (Oriens). 2005. N 6. pp. 50-60.
An Jungyn ysa yeonjok viop-kwa rosia munhon chare (Russian documents and materials about the heroic feat of An Jung-geun) / / An Jungyn ysa ygo 95 chunen kinem kukje haksulhwe "An Jungyn ysa-y viop-kwa sasan chejomen" (Feat of the Great Martyr An Jungyn and repeated coverage his ideas). Materials of the intern. symposium, dedicated to 95th anniversary of the heroism of Ahn Jung-eun (Seoul, 8.10.2004) / Korean Press Center, Association for Perpetuating the Memory of the Patriot Martyr Ahn Jung-eun, Meeting of Worship in Memory of the Patriot Ahn Jung-eun, State Committee of Veterans and Patriots, Ton-A ilbo newspaper, Soul Newspaper, Sege Ilbo newspaper, KBS, MVS, CBS. pp. 131-159 (in cor. and rus. yaz.) (together with B. B. Pak).
Khan Less (Khan Andrey Abramovich). Moscow, IV RAS, 2005. 201s.
The USSR, the Comintern and the Korean Liberation Movement 1918-1925. Ocherki, dokumenty, materialy [Essays, documents, materials], Moscow, IV RAS Publ., 2006, 415 p.
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