Libmonster ID: KG-1094

Russia's strategic interests are closely linked to the development of the countries of the East, which is dictated by its geography and is updated in accordance with the current international situation. Since interaction with these countries largely retains an intercivilizational character, intercultural dialogue plays a special role in its development (Myasnikov, 1995). Therefore, the training of specialists in Oriental studies who are called upon to carry out these contacts must inevitably be comprehensive, including not only the professional level of language proficiency, but also familiarization with the traditional cultural values of the countries studied.

In the context of increased scientific, educational and business contacts with the countries of the Far East, Siberia has now developed the largest center for Oriental studies outside the Urals - the Department of Oriental Studies of Novosibirsk State University, which celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2009. Among the undoubted advantages of NSU is its close connection with the Novosibirsk Scientific Center (NSC), whose main principles are the interaction of different sciences and an integrated approach, their direct connection with practice, and special attention to personnel training. This ensures close creative cooperation between the University and specialized institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

As a background of the department, we should highlight the rich 40-year experience of teaching Chinese and Japanese as a foreign language to students of the Faculty of Humanities of NSU. Started in 1969 thanks to the efforts of I. A. Moletotov and V. E. Larichev and supported by Academician A. P. Okladnikov, this direction was inextricably linked with the formation of Oriental studies at the National Research Center [Derevyanko et al., 1998]. During the following decades, the teaching of Oriental languages and its methodological support were mainly carried out by O. P. Frolova [Frolova, 1998]. A complex of basic and special courses was developed for students within the then existing specialties (history, philology), and since the mid-1970s, a scientific specialization in Oriental studies was actually conducted.

Leading scientists from Moscow and Leningrad provided invaluable assistance in forming the new center/St. Petersburg. Special courses and lectures by such famous scientists as S. A. Arutyunov, R. F. Its, P. M. Kozhin, A. M. Reshetov, N. A. Simonia, V. S. Starikov, M. F. Yuryev helped Siberian students to get acquainted with the latest achievements of Russian and world orientalism. Graduate students had the opportunity to work in the libraries of the main centers of Oriental studies of the country, to pass an internship there. Significant assistance was provided by specialists of the Institute of Information Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, IDV RAS, St. Petersburg.GU when writing, discussing, and defending dissertations. The schools of young Orientalists held by the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences were of great importance.

In 1995, by the decision of the Academic Council of NSU, the Department of Oriental Studies was opened on the basis of the Faculty of Humanities with a specialization in history and two Oriental languages - Chinese and Japanese. At first, in accordance with the specifics of Novosibirsk Oriental studies, the leading department was the Department of Archeology and Ethnography (under the leadership of Academician V. I. Molodin), where the original courses "History of Ancient Civilizations" and "History of Nomadic Civilization" were developed, as well as courses on the history and culture of China, Japan, and Korea [Ozhogin and Komissarov, 2004; Komissarov, 2004]. Korean language teaching was introduced only in 1997, but given the demand for specialists in the field of Korean language, history and culture, it is actively developing. To date, an annual regional qualifi cation has been established.-

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The Korean language exam is held under the auspices of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea; scientific specialization on topical issues of Korean studies is successfully conducted.

In 1999, on the initiative of A. S. Zuev, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities in 1998-2003, the Department of Oriental Studies was established, the first head of which was V. I. Ozhogin. This created all the necessary foundations for the further development of Oriental studies at NSU. Since 2004, the department has been headed by E. E. Voitishek.

To date, the number of employees of the department is 30 people, including 16 full-time employees, 3 part-time employees, 6 hourly employees, and 5 foreign citizens. Among the employees of the department, 8 candidates and doctors of sciences (6 associate professors, 2 professors), 5 postgraduates are engaged in teaching activities; within the next year, the defense of four more is being prepared. candidate and doctoral dissertations. The high level of professional training of teachers allows combining the necessary fundamental training with the acquisition of practical skills in the specialty.

The curriculum for orientalists is based on specialization in two areas - history and philology. In addition to the already approved courses on the history, literature, philosophy and culture of Asian and African countries, new courses on source studies and historiography of the history of China, Korea and Japan, on the history of domestic Oriental studies, ethnology of China, Korea and Japan, oriental poetics, Oriental linguistics, history of writing, as well as on the history of literature and culture of the Asian and African countries have been introduced in recent years. introductory course "Introduction to Oriental Studies". In this regard, the department is greatly assisted by the UMS for Classical Education (Oriental Studies) under the direction of M. S. Meyer. By 2006, a set of necessary documents was developed and all stages of official licensing of the specialty "Oriental Studies, African Studies" (030801) were successfully completed, and the corresponding accreditation for training orientalists was obtained. Currently, the Department of Oriental Studies within the framework of this specialty is moving to the training of bachelors and masters.

Close cooperation of the department with institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (primarily with the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, which continues to be the base for the department and department), with other institutes and universities is effective for teaching. Thus, the Department maintains scientific and educational contacts with the Institute of Asian and African Countries of Moscow State University, the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Faculty of Oriental Studies of St. Petersburg.Institute of Oriental Studies at Kazan State University, Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhology and Tibetology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ulan-Ude), Eastern Institute of the Far Eastern State University (Vladivostok), Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk), Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafyev, Altai State University (Barnaul), Buryat State University (Ulan-Ude), etc.

Since 2001, the Department of Additional Education "Orient-Center" has been actively working at the department, where students of the Department of Oriental Studies, as well as anyone who wants, can study the second (or first) Oriental language, improve their knowledge in European languages, and take a country-specific course (for example, on the art of the East, the history of traditional Chinese medicine, tea culture, etc.) In recent years, Chinese language courses have been the most popular, which confirms the demand for this type of educational services in the context of China's obvious growing geopolitical role.

Teachers of the department are active in scientific activities, regularly participate in conferences and symposiums of various levels. Not only in local, but also in metropolitan publishing houses and on the pages of specialized journals, many articles, monographs, and textbooks of the department's employees are published. Among the priority areas of scientific activity of the Department of Oriental Studies are the following areas: typological features of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages (at the lexical, grammatical, and syntactic levels); development of languages of Northeast Asia in the context of modernization and globalization; archeology and ethnography of China, Japan, and Korea in the context of East and Central Asian cultural interactions; specifics of current political situation in the states of the Middle East and Central Asia; cultural, historical and literary traditions of China and Japan; religious and philosophical teachings and legal systems of the Eastern countries.

Since 2002, the department publishes an annual Oriental scientific journal "Vestnik NSU" (series "History, Philology"), included in the list of peer-reviewed publications of the Higher Attestation Commission. Not only teachers of the department and their Russian colleagues are invited to participate in this publication, but also specialists of the department's faculty.-

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Orientalists from near and far abroad (Komissarov and Azarenko, 2003). With the participation of the department, materials were prepared and published on the results of the All-Russian scientific conference " Eurasia: Cultural Heritage of ancient Civilizations "(1999) and four interregional conferences "Siberia in the crosshairs of world religions" (2002 - 2009), within the framework of which a special section "Religious and philosophical traditions of the East"is working. Since 2000, within the framework of the annual International Scientific Student Conference of NSU, there has been an independent section " Oriental Studies "consisting of four subsections:" History and Archeology"," Philology and Mythology"," Philosophy and Cultural Studies","Geopolitics, Economics and Law". As a result, collections of scientific papers of undergraduates and postgraduates are regularly published, which provide an interesting cross-section of the actual problems of modern Oriental studies in the perception and interpretation of the youngest representatives of this science [Azarenko, 2002; Komissarov, Azarenko, 2003; 2004; Komissarov, Ozhogin, 2006].

Thanks to the support of the Russian Humanities Research Foundation, the department continued its priority area for Novosibirsk Oriental studies: comparative study of the ancient cultures of Siberia and Asia abroad (within the framework of projects devoted to the contacts of the peoples of Southern Siberia and East Turkestan according to archeology and anthropology, the archeology of Tibet of the Bronze - Early Iron Age, nomadic civilizations of Xinjiang, the early history of Hong Kong and Macao Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum as a complex archaeological site, as well as a comparative analysis of the Bronze Age armament complex of Siberia and Shang China). The Russian Foundation for Basic Research has been supporting the comparative study of historical and ethnographic aspects of the theory of intellectual games and game traditions in the spiritual culture of East Asian countries (China, Japan, Korea) for a number of years. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has successfully implemented the project " Historical, Cultural and Ethno-linguistic Research in the Republic of China (Taiwan)". An achievement in the organization of scientific work was the creation in 2007 of Laboratories of Applied Oriental Studies as a structural division of the department, which combined the research of employees in the framework of an innovative project.

It is also important to work on improving the personnel of the department, improving the skills of teachers (including in the program of the National research University, the status of which NSU received in 2009), specialization of students, and improving the educational process. For this purpose, programs, manuals, educational and methodical complexes are published-at least 10 - 12 titles annually. Native - language teachers from different countries are involved in spoken language classes, which ensure a high level of knowledge of students and provide considerable assistance in preparing them for competitions. As a result, students of Oriental studies have repeatedly won the most prestigious language competitions, won various grants and scholarships. Suffice it to mention the Japanese language contests held annually with the support of the Embassy of Japan among the CIS universities, where NSU students consistently take prizes. Numerous victories of Novosibirsk Japanese students in competitions of the International Scientific Society for the Study of Shinto (Moscow) are also indicative.

The Department of Oriental Studies carries out an active international activity. One of the main areas of cooperation with foreign universities was the signing of relevant agreements and documents regulating bilateral student exchanges, holding joint conferences and seminars, and implementing projects on internships for students and teachers abroad. So, since 2000, four students have been on a one-year internship in Taiwan; every year since 2005, 15-20 1st and 2nd year students go to China for two-month language internships: Heilongjiang University (Harbin); Jilin University (Changchun), Qingdao University (Jinan), Polytechnic University (Shenyang) , etc. Within the framework of the agreements signed by NSU with the Japanese universities of Tohoku (Sendai), Hokkai-Gakuen (Sapporo), Toyama, and Aizu, not only cooperation on the exchange of students and scientific personnel is carried out, but also the organization of joint research projects, seminars and conferences, the exchange of academic materials and publications in areas of mutual interest [Wojtisek, Panin, 2008].

Due to the activation of Korean studies, the existing Korean Center at NSU was recently reorganized from a cultural information center to a research center. Its main goal is to expand the international activities of the university within the framework of Russian-Korean cooperation, to provide high-quality training in the field of

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promotion and organization of scientific work of students, postgraduates and teachers on the study of traditional culture, history, language and literature of Korea. Through the efforts of the International Department of NSU, the university administration and the faculty, a number of cooperation agreements and agreements were concluded with the universities of Paichai, Aju, Yongnam, Chungnam, Kyunghee, Busan, and the Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). 15 students have completed various internships for a period of two months to two years at universities in the Republic of Korea; one master's thesis in Korean has been successfully defended and three master's theses are ready for defense [Alkin, 2006].

Another important area of international activity of the department is cooperation with government educational and cultural institutions - the Office for the Dissemination of the Chinese Language in the World under the State Council and the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China (Hanban), the Japan Foundation and the Korea Foundation.

During the period from 1994 to 2009, teachers of the Department of Oriental Studies had the opportunity to visit Japan on various academic and research programs on several occasions (four for a period of several months, two for a period of one year). Since 1999, the Japan Foundation has sent five professional language teachers, specialists in linguistics and philology to the Department of Oriental Studies, each of whom teaches Japanese and regional studies for two to three years.

Over the past seven years, the department has also successfully employed teachers sent by the Korea Foundation. In 2006, with his support, the department opened the Russian Association of University Korean Studies (RAUK), the main directions of which are presented on the website In particular, in April 2007, the first regional conference "History and Culture of Korea" was held, which was attended by students, postgraduates and teachers of seven universities from five cities of Siberia and the Far East.

In order to improve the quality of students ' Chinese studies training, in 2008 the department established the Center for Chinese Language and Culture, which has a significant database of teaching materials, partially presented on the website A notable event was the opening of the Confucius Class in July 2009 (under an agreement with the Chinese Language Promotion Authority), which is based on the following facilities: three teachers from Xinjiang University. In addition to expanding opportunities for language classes and control of acquired knowledge (in the form of HSK exams) for students of Novosibirsk universities, the main task of the new division is to organize language groups for NSC scientists working on joint projects with scientific organizations in the PRC. Educational and methodological work is also being carried out (on the preparation of special training programs, etc.) and information and educational activities on China's economic and cultural achievements; scientific research in these areas is being carried out, which will be completed with final collections of articles and manuals.

As part of the anniversary events, a number of educational and scientific events organized by the NSU Confucius Department and Class together with Russian and foreign colleagues were also held during October - November 2009. A series of lectures and practical exercises was opened by V. G. Datsyshen (Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk) with the special course "Actual problems of the history of Russian-Chinese relations of the XVII century-the beginning of the XX century", in which he touched upon issues related to the emergence of the Chinese in Russia and the formation of a stable diaspora. The article analyzes the situation of the Chinese community in the Soviet Union and the post-Soviet space, as well as the impact of various political and ideological factors on its development. This topic was developed in his lectures by V. S. Boyko (Altai State Pedagogical University). akadem., Barnaul). He described the peculiarities of the development of the Far Eastern diasporas in the CIS, highlighting the current situation of Koreans in Russia, the influence of the "two Koreas" factor on it. The current geopolitical situation in Central Asia was discussed in the polylogue mode. E. E.'s lecture and seminar Kolesova from Unitec Polytechnic University (Auckland, New Zealand), former graduates of NSU, were associated with the problems of the international educational services market in the development of Japanese-Russian-New Zealand relations.

The next stage was the Russian-Korean scientific seminar "The Image of Russia in Korea: Four Centuries of Russian-Korean relations in a new light", which was held on November 17-20, 2009 at NSU. It was attended by Korean historians from three countries: V. M. Tikhonov (University of Oslo), Won Jae-yong (Suwon Catholic. in-t of Church History), Ho Donghyun (Un-t Kyunghee), Jung Sunsook (Un-t Kookmin), Yong Gapsoo (Seoul Un-t), Jang Yeon-eun (Un-t Sungkyungkwan), and

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representatives of Russian Korean studies T. M. Simbirtseva (RSUH) and S. V. Alkin (NSU). V. M. Tikhonov's lectures were devoted to the history of nationalism in Korea in the XX century, including the colonial period, the period after 1945 and up to the present day. T. M. Simbirtseva highlighted the problems of studying Korean national identity and identity based on the materials of South Korea. Special attention was paid to studying the medieval chronicles of Korea, which are under UNESCO protection. At the end of the series of lectures, materials on the history of Russian-Korean relations related to the personality of A. I. Seredin-Sabatin were presented.

The final stage was the holding of a Russian-Japanese seminar on November 18-20 within the framework of the joint laboratory of the SB RAS and NSU, on the one hand, and Tohoku University (Japan), on the other. Students and teachers of NSU and other universities in Novosibirsk were given lectures on "Buddhist Art" (Nagaoka Ryusaku)," Historical Representations in Japanese Animation "(Chiba Masaki) and" Japanese and Eurasia " (Oka Hiroki). A seminar with students and teachers provided an opportunity for Japanese students of the Department of Oriental Studies to make presentations of their research related to the topic of the thesis.

Based on the results of meetings and negotiations with invited lecturers, a program of interaction was outlined for further holding of international seminars, publications in university publications, as well as joint scientific guidance of NSU students and postgraduates.

For 10 years of its activity, the Department of Oriental Studies has trained and graduated 214 specialists. Most of them actively use the acquired knowledge in their professional activities. Many of them successfully work as teachers of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages in higher education institutions, training centers, and language schools in Novosibirsk; they study at the graduate school of leading Oriental studies centers in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and become employees of academic institutes. A significant part of graduates work as managers and translators in public and private structures or conduct their own business with Japan, Korea and China.

The possibilities of Novosibirsk Oriental studies are far from exhausted. The NSC has the necessary potential to implement many research projects in the field of not only Sinology, Korean studies, Japanese and Mongolian studies, but also Turkology and Iranian studies. Taking into account the current socio-political situation and the increased need for specialists in the Middle East, studies on the psychology of extremism and terrorism in the Eastern countries, the essence of Islam and Islamism, the economy and international relations in Asia and Africa are being successfully developed. In this regard, it seems appropriate to initiate training of professional personnel in the Farsi language and problems of history and culture in countries such as Iran and Afghanistan.

The restoration of scientific ties with scientists from neighboring countries, especially Asian republics, remains an important problem. The resumption of the study of the history and culture of these countries may become one of the urgent tasks of Russian Oriental studies. Teachers of the department (primarily V. N. Plastun) They actively participate in research projects together with scientists from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, and archaeologists collaborate with colleagues from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. There is a good prospect for combining this very important area with existing developments in the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Universities program.

The future of Russia in the twenty-first century is inextricably linked with both the states of Central Asia and the Asia-Pacific region, and above all with such countries as China, Japan, and Korea. Historical experience (including the most distant past) convincingly shows that joint development has always brought peoples closer together rather than divided them. Moreover, the current economic and geopolitical situation leaves our country no choice: despite all the difficulties, it is necessary to expand long-term and multi-component cooperation, primarily with its closest neighbors in the East.

list of literature

Alkin S. V. Problemy i perspektivy prepodavaniya koreevedcheskikh dlinin v NSU [Problems and prospects of teaching Korean studies disciplines at NSU]. Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk, State Pedagogical University. un-t Publ., 2006, Issue 1.

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Voitishek, E. E. and Panin, L. G., On the international activities of the Department of Oriental Studies of the Faculty of Humanities of NSU and on the tasks of cooperation with foreign Universities, Vestnik NSU. Ser. History, philology. 2008. Vol. 7, issue no. 4. Oriental Studies.

Derevyanko A. P., Molodin V. I., Larichev V. E., Khudyakov Yu. S., Komissarov S. A. Vostokovedenie v Novosibirsk nauchnom tsentre [Oriental Studies in the Novosibirsk Scientific Center].

Komissarov S. A., Azarenko Yu. A. New Oriental journal beyond the Urals // East (Oriens).

2003. N3.

Komissarov S. A., Azarenko Yu. A. Chronicle notes: Novosibirsk / / Vostok (Oriens). 2003. N 5.

Komissarov S. A., Azarenko Yu. A. Chronicle notes: Novosibirsk / / Vostok (Oriens). 2004. N 4.

Komissarov S. A., Ozhogin V. I. Chronicle notes: Novosibirsk / / Vostok (Oriens). 2006. N 5.

Myasnikov V. S. Interstate relations between Russia and China as a form of intercivilizational contact: Scientific Almanac, Moscow: Allegro-Press, 1995, Issue 2. Russia and the East: Civilizational Relations.

Ozhogin V. I., Komissarov S. A. Facing the East: successes and challenges of Novosibirsk Oriental Studies // Universities as region-forming scientific and educational complexes. Omsk: Omsk State University, 2004. Part 4.

Frolova O. P. Povedanie vostochnykh yazykov v NSU [Teaching Oriental languages at NSU]. Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk State University, 1998.

Azarenko Yu. XXXVIII International scientific students' conference: the beginning of the section of oriental studies // Вестник НГУ. Сер. History, philology. 2002. Vol. 1. Issue 2. Oriental Studies.

Komissarov S.A. Chinese Programs at the Novosibirsk State University // EACS Newsletter. 2004. N 32 (June).


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S. A. KOMISSAROV, E. E. VOITISHEK, V. I. OZHOGIN, DEPARTMENT OF ORIENTAL STUDIES, NOVOSIBIRSK STATE UNIVERSITY // Bishkek: Library of Kyrgyzstan (LIBRARY.KG). Updated: 20.07.2024. URL: (date of access: 10.02.2025).

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