On November 20, 1984, the State Public Historical Library of the RSFSR hosted the second readers 'conference to discuss books in the series "History of the Soviet Working Class": "The Working Class in the October Revolution and defending its Gains. 1917-1920" and " The working class is a leading force in the construction of a socialist society. 1921-1937 " (vol. 1,2. Moscow Nauka. 1984) The first conference on this issue was held in 1983. The following books were considered: "The Working Class of Russia from the birth to the beginning of the XX century"; "The Working Class in the first Russian Revolution of 1905-1907"; " The Working Class of Russia. 1907-February 1917 " 1 . The second conference was opened by the Deputy Director of SPIB M. K. Starokadomskaya. Deputy. Editor-in-chief of the series, A.V. Mitrofanova, in her opening speech, spoke about the tasks of the publication, which will be presented in 6 volumes, and the difficulties that the author's team faced. Speaking at the conference, representatives of Moscow University and other universities of the country, the Institute of Sociological Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Scientific Council on Problems of Socialist Competition of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the All-Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the magazine "Soviet Trade Unions", museum workers, teachers, graduate students, workers of the plant "Hammer and Sickle" and depot "Moscow-Sortirovochnaya" spoke about the relevance of the publication, the richness and novelty of the factual material, the depth of generalizations, the high scientific level of the reference apparatus, and the successful selection of illustrations.
M. R. Zezina noted the value of the publication for teachers of higher education and expressed a wish that in the next volumes more attention should be paid to the question of the union of the working class and the intelligentsia, which is less developed than the question of the union of the working class and the peasantry. According to N. A. Smirnova, the study of the history of the working class helps to solve the problems of today and the organization of socialist competition. V. I. Dyuzhev, emphasizing that the publication provides a deep analysis of the struggle of the working class of our country for the overthrow of tsarism, the establishment of Soviet power, the creation of socialist industry and agriculture, said that in vol. We would like to see the document signed by V. I. Lenin on November 24, 1917, which determined the fate of the Hammer and Sickle factory (formerly the Goujon factory), as well as the history of the formation of the 38th Rogozhsko-Simonovsky Regiment; in vol. 2, we would like to give material on the creation of new workshops that mastered the production of this type of stainless steel for the first time in the Soviet Union steel that had previously been imported from abroad, and that the idea of introducing a schedule that allowed us to detect violations of the rhythm of work and quickly fix problems was born at Hammer and Sickle; this idea was taken up by many enterprises in the country. The role of the first red directors 2 should also be shown .
E. R. Voitsikova, noting the importance of publishing books about the working class for museums organized in production, expressed a wish to hold reading conferences also in production teams. B. N. Shchedrinsky emphasized that the publication under discussion has not only scientific, but also educational significance. Today, when high school places a lot of emphasis on career guidance, showing the history of the working class and its heroism is of great importance. It would be good to publish a manual for teachers based on this multi-volume work. The speaker stressed the need to pay more attention to criticism of bourgeois historiography. As for the reference apparatus, it would be advisable to provide an index of large enterprises and nodal stations.
L. V. Romanova stated that the publication reflects the activities of the working class of the "Trekhgornaya Manufactory" in different periods of the history of our state. I would like to see materials about this enterprise also find a place in the following volumes, and more should be written about specific people. L. I. Evselevsky (Kremenchug), noting that the books under discussion have found a wide readership, wished the authors ' team to pay more attention to aspects of the social development of the working class, to discuss individual chapters of volumes before they are published in working and research groups. L. M. Kuzmina said that the books discussed successfully combine general historical material with concrete, living facts. Z. M. Grabtsevich (Minsk) and L. P. Sidorova focused on the importance of these books for the work of a young researcher-historian.
V. A. Gololobov, focusing on the issue of labor initiatives in enterprises, expressed a wish to see concrete examples in new books about the working class. L. G. Gaft noted the need for greater uniformity in the methodology of covering changes in the social composition and structure of the working class, and a clearer identification of the sources of the formation of the working class. Nguyen Viet Vong (Vietnam) said that the publication of the books discussed is also of great importance for the Vietnamese working class, which benefits from studying the experience of the working class of the Soviet Country, solving the problems of the transition period.
Representatives of the editorial boards of the first and second volumes E. G. Gimpelson L. S.
1 See Voprosy Istorii, 1984, No. 1.
2 See Mayorov L. M. Red Director of "Sickle and Hammer". - Voprosy istorii, 1983, N 10.
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Rogachevskaya expressed their gratitude to the audience for an active and interested discussion of the books in the series and focused on the problems that had to be solved in the process of preparing books for publication. A.V. Mitrofanova made a closing speech. She said that all suggestions and comments will be taken into account in the work on the next volumes and in the reissue of already published volumes.
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