Libmonster ID: KG-1166


N 1

Borisov D., Sultanov E. The Middle Eastern Chess Board: the Party of Washington and Moscow.

Seifert Arne. Dialogue with the Islamic world as an element of the European strategy.

Komarov P. The rise of China in the context of international security.

Mirsky G. The Israeli-Palestinian hub of the Greater Middle East.

N 3

Berg-Schlosser D. Kachestvo postkommunisticheskikh demokratii [The quality of post-communist democracies].

Graziani T. US Strategy in Eurasia and the drug problem in Afghanistan.

Dergachev V. Turkey's multi-partner geopolitics.

Kasaev E. Modernization through fundamentalism. The evolution of the politicization of Islam at the national and regional levels.

Roshchupkin V. Siberian epic "zenyekke": prisoners of war or "internees"?

Chernyavsky S. Bloody lessons of the next revolution in Kyrgyzstan.

Yang Yao. The end of the Beijing consensus. Will China's authoritarian growth model survive?

N 4

Karyakin V. Teheran-2010: The Iranian Map in World Geopolitical Solitaire.

Mitsuru E. Spiritual dialogue of great Moralists and ethics of the new century.


N 1

Demidchik A. E. On the question of the territorial state of Ancient Egypt.

Krasova A. A. Sinakhkherib and the countries of the South-East of Asia Minor.

Laptev S. V. History of the Kingdom of Viet: data from written sources and the problem of reconstruction of real events.

Malykh S. E. Greek ceramic import of the VI century BC in Giza (from the excavations of the Russian archaeological expedition in Egypt).

N 2

Bogdanov I. V. Bureaucratic terminology in the titles of Egyptian officials of the Old and Middle Kingdoms.

Bolshakov A. O. Russkie v Giza, 1843.

Bukharin M. D. New Latin Inscription from Southern Arabia (Ancient Historical geography and Roman Law in the light of a new epigraphic document).

Desnitsky A. S. The Exemplary crux interpretum of the Old Testament: Malachi 2: 15.

Evdokimov P. A. Archaic Elis and Egypt: on the problem of contacts.

Zaitsev Yu. P. A case for papyri from the Ust-Alma necropolis in the South-Western Crimea.

Korotkikh L. M. The Word about the teacher (to the 90th anniversary of A. I. Nemirovsky).

Ladynin I. A., Popova E. A. Egyptian pendant found on the Chayka hillfort (North-Western Crimea), and posthumous deification of Arsenoi II Philadelphia.

Nefedkin A. K. Towers in service with ancient war elephants.

Tolmacheva E. G. International Conference "Achievements and Problems of Modern Egyptology": (Moscow, September 29-October 2, 2009).

N 3

Koshelenko G. A., Gaibov V. A. Numismatic data on the problem of the royal cult in Parthia.

Nemirovsky A. A. On the question of the Assyro-Babylonian struggle for the Middle Euphrates Valley in the 13th century BC

Compiled by O. A. Tutushin (Bibliographic Department of the Library of the Institute of Information Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

page 219

Petrosyan A. E. On early relations between Indo-European and Semitic tribes according to comparative mythology.

Sughd " old Letters "(II, IV, V) / Introduction, transl. and notes by V. A. Livshits.

N 4

The Hittite Kingdom and the countries of Upper Mesopotamia during the reign of Tudhaliya IV and his sons (second half of the 13th-beginning of the 12th century BC): New hypotheses and sources.

Malykh S. E. New data on the use of canopic jars in the era of the Ancient Kingdom.

Murav'ev A.V. The "Messalian" myth of the IV-V centuries and disputes about asceticism in the Iranian Church of the East of the VII century AD.

Description of the Vo people in the I-III centuries AD / Introduction, translated from Chinese. iap. and comment by S. V. Laptev.


N 1

Aleksakhin A. N. Interaction of hieroglyphic and sound-letter word standards of the Chinese Putonghua language.

Foreign policy process in Pakistan: Internal and external determinants.

Demchenko A.V. Internal factors of foreign policy formation in the Arab East.

Denisov V. I. Features of the foreign policy process in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Druzhilovsky S. B. Internal factors of foreign policy formation in Iran and Turkey.

Efimova L. M. Foreign policy process in Indonesia.

Ivanov A.V. Russia and APEC: Prospects for cooperation.

Iliev R. L. Judaism and human rights.

Koldunova E. V. Internal factors of the foreign policy process in Thailand.

Korsun V. A. Foreign policy mechanism "with Chinese characteristics".

Kudryashova Yu. S. Regional security of Turkey in the context of the Kurdish problem.

Lunev S. I. Foreign policy of India and the impact of internal factors on it.

Mizin V. I. The Iranian nuclear program: possible options?

Streltsov D. V. Foreign policy process in modern Japan.

Streltsov D. V., Koldunova E. V. Foreign Policy process in the East: some approaches to research methodology.


Episode 8. History

N 1

Zhurbina E. V. Plots and images in mosaics of Roman Africa.

N 4

Vyazgina E. A. The idea of "Greater Central Asia" in Foreign Policy discussions in the USA (2004-2008).

Series 9. Philology

N 2

Hamidreza A. "The Death of an Official": the experience of translating A. P. Chekhov into Persian.

Zhao Xiuqing. The words "Middle Kingdom "and" Celestial Empire " in modern Russian media.

Episode 10. Journalism

N 2

Filatov I. M. Development of information and communication technologies in India and its social consequences.

Episode 11. Right

N 4

Liang Minyan. Theory of the rule of law in China.

page 220
N 5

Il'in A. P. Meiji Yixin and the creation of the regular Army of Japan.

Koroleva M. M. Characteristics of norms on crimes against honor and dignity under the criminal legislation of Japan.

Series. 13. Oriental Studies

N 2

Zheveleva A.V. Oriental studies and African studies at the universities of St. Petersburg, Russia and Europe. Current problems and prospects.

Jihad - to the unbelievers, union-to the infidels: High temperature in the first months after the French invasion of Egypt.

Kofanov D. A. Comparative analysis of the dynamics of money supply, real gross product and price level in Iran (1950-2006).

Panchenko K. A. Arab-Christian studies in modern foreign science.

Shlykov P. V. Institute of Waqf in Turkey in the 1920-2000s: Essential and functional transformations.

N 3

Bliznyuk S. V. 1489 Whose Cyprus is it: Venetian or Egyptian?

Bykova S. A. The first international symposium on the problems of teaching the Japanese language and Japanese studies.

Zakhar'in B. A. Ancient Indian "Devadatta" and Slavic "Bogdan".

Kuleshova N. S. Etnosociocultural processes of modernity: an interdisciplinary approach.

Ponomarev A. L. The first money of the Golden Horde.

Wu Zi Wei. Analysis of relations between state-owned oil corporations and the government in modern China.

Filimonova A. L. The Idea of Pakistan: prehistory of its formation.

Khokhlova L. V. Causative verbs in Western New Indian languages (Hindi-Urdu, Punjabi, Gujarati, Rajasthani).

Series 18. Sociology and Political Science

N 3

Anisimova S. G. Deviantological aspects of migration of Chinese citizens to the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Romchenko E. D. Basic principles of Chinese business culture.


Series. Universal history

N 2

Zabolotny V. M. Lord Mountbatten-the last Viceroy of British India (experience of reconstruction of the transition period from the British Empire to the Commonwealth of Nations).

Mileev D. A. Some issues of cooperation between Japan and Germany in the Second World War.

Khudoerov M. M. Ismailism in the post-Soviet Pamirs.

N 3

Seliverstova Yu. A. The role of women in the Qing society from the point of view of the value foundations of the traditional family.

Series. History of Russia

N 1

Volkov I. V. Missionary activity of the Orthodox Church on the national outskirts of the Russian Empire: (on the example of Turkestan in the second half of the XIX-beginning of the XX century).

Emtyl Z. Ya. " Attention to the struggle against the so-called progressive clergy...": Soviet power and Muslim clergy of the North Caucasus in the 1920s-early 1930s (based on materials from Adygea, Kabardino-Balkaria, and Karachay-Cherkessia).

Kurapov A. A. Buddhism in the Astrakhan Region: stages of historical development.

N 3

Samovich A. L. Turkish prisoners of war of 1877-1878: accommodation, maintenance, relations with the population of the Russian province.

page 221
Series. International relations

N 4

Romanova M. S. Buryats of Russia, China and Mongolia: Problems of Identity and its Interpretation.


N 1

Safarov A. S. Osobennosti filosofii Ibn Sina [Features of Ibn Sina's philosophy].

Khantush S. M. A. The death penalty as a type of punishment under the criminal legislation of the Republic of Yemen and other Arab countries.

Zhou Minquan. On the causes of gender differences in Russian and Chinese.

N 2

Lyubomudrov A.V. Crisis and energy of the PRC.

Safronov B. V. Forum of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation in Bogor (Indonesia) in 1994

N 3

Magomedov G. N. Ethnic conflicts in the North Caucasus region and ways to solve them.

Rakhmanova K. S. On the question of the significance of ancient cultures in the cultural self-determination of a modern person.

N 4

Mamedova Z. A. The Iranian theme on the pages of the magazine "Mola Nasreddin".

Chan Thi Kam Tu, Le Xuan Cheung. Traditional Vietnamese wedding.

Zhang Chan. Euphemistic function of phraseological units in Russian and Chinese speech.

Chi Yun. Mao Zedong's visit to Moscow in 1949-1950


N 1

Kalinina A. Y. Foreign historiography of Xinjiang.

N 3

Denisova T. A. Islam in the State of Brunei Darussalam.

Makarchuk O. I. Annexation of Korea by Japan in 1908-1910.

Sedova O. V. Religion of Ancient Egypt through the prism of color.

N 4

Khokhlov A. N. The situation of the Japanese in the Russian Far East. 1904-1905

N 7

Zastrozhnov I. A. Pyotr Petrovich Semenov-Tyan-Shansky.

N 8

Murtazaev A. O. Akusha-Dargo in Russian politics in the Caucasus in the first half of the XIX century.

N 9

Kotyukova T. V. "The Muslim question" in Turkestan at the beginning of the XX century .

Stasyukevich S. M. Competitive struggle on the bread market of Northern Manchuria in the 1920s.

N 10

Magomedova L. A. Kabarda and Dagestan in the Eastern Policy of Russia in the last Quarter of the XVIII - early XIX centuries.

N 11

Ayubova Sh. I. Education system in Dagestan to the beginning of the XX century.

Gasimli M. Azerbaijan between Russia and Turkey in 1920-1922.

From N. K. Roerich's letters to his son Svyatoslav. 1940-1947 / Podgot. A. N. Khokhlov.

Kasumov R. M. Relations between Russia and Dagestan on the eve of the Caspian campaign of 1722-1724.

Kiselev D. V. Connections of Russian subjects with Chinese crime in the Far East at the beginning of the XX century.

Turkan A. A. Evolution of Islamic radicalism.

N 12

Min G. H. The origin of the Korean War of 1950-1953 in recent studies.

Shapovalov M. S. Socio-political struggle in Great Britain around the mandate for Palestine. 1920-1922


N 2

Mareeva E. V. On the split among the Ilyenkovites.

N 4

Trubnikova N. N., Babkova M. V. "The Tradition of primordial enlightenment" and disputes between Buddhist schools in Japan during the Kamakura era (XIII century).

N 6

Ogurtsov A. P. Fundamental work on Indian philosophy.

Sharko M. V. Myths of "Kojiki" and traditions of Japanese diplomacy.

page 222
N 8

Syin Zhou. Conservatism in Late 19th-century China: Modernization of Confucianism.

N 9

Silant'ev R. A. Islam-Christian dialogue in Russia in the recent period.

N 11

Rammohan Rai. Dar to believers in one God (Tukhfat-ul-Muvahiddin) / Translated from English by T. G. Skorokhodova.

Skorokhodova T. G. Istoki reformatorskoi mysli Rammohana Rai [The Origins of Rammohan Rai's Reformist Thought].

N 12

Pshu R. V. On the problem statement of translation of Arabic texts of the Sufi tradition.


N 1

Palkin A.D. M. M. Bakhtin in the works of Japanese scientists.

N 3

Alpatov V. M., Isaev M. I. Outstanding Iranian scholar and linguistics theorist V. I. Abaev (to the 110th anniversary of the scientist's birth).

N 4

Applicative constructions in the Ainu language.

N 6

Alpatov V. M. The book of A. Meyer through the eyes of a non-comparativist.

Maisak T. A. On the publication of Caucasian-Albanian palimpsests from the Sinai Monastery.


N 1

Belyakov V. V. Rommel's "Russian Slaves": Homecoming.

Vasiliev D. D. Biographical information about the author of "Travels to China through Mongolia in 1820 and 1821" E. F. Timkovsky and his brothers.

Zimonin V. P. Compulsion to peace: The Soviet Union in the war with Japan.

Nostaeva E. V. Kharachinsky question in Barga (1917).

Timokhin D. M. Arab-Persian sources on the relationship between Khorezmshah Jala ad-din Mankburna and the Atabeg state of Kerman.

Khokhlova V. P. Vasily Torsky: from the work of the "Russian Algerian".

Khristoforov V. S. Documents of the Central Archive of the Federal Security Service of Russia on the history of Afghanistan in 1920-1930.

Sheremet V. I. Nestling of MGIMO, singer of the East: Vladimir Vladimirovich Belyakov is 60 years old.

N 2

Belyakov V. V. Historical waves of Russian emigration in Egypt.

Boikova E. V. "The claim of different persons to the Ottoman Port". From the Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire.

Goryachkin G. V. Egyptian troops in the Crimean and Russian-Turkish (1877-1878) wars.

Kadyrbaev A. S. Russia at the turn of "inner" Asia. 1800 - 1859.

Krylova N. L. Unity with music from the Moroccan history of the Russian choir.

Moroz I. T. The first Chinese Embassy in St. Petersburg (1732).

Prozhogina S. V. Mirage of the desert. Notes on Mustafa Tlili's novel "Afternoon in the Desert".

Tikhonov Yu. N. Dzhemal Pasha in Afghanistan and Soviet Russia in 1921-1922. New archived data.

A. N. Khokhlov and N. K. Roerich deeply believed in the victory of Russia over fascist Germany.

Sheremet V. I. Belgrade and Rangoon. 1944-th year. Geopolitics in cooperation and competition between the USSR and its allies.


N 1

Rudenko V. N. The system of mixed courts in Japan.

Chen Su. Law-building in China amid the financial crisis.

N 8

Grafsky V. G. XXIV International Congress of Philosophers of Law in Beijing.


N 1

L. V. Buzina "And I feel grateful to N. Roerich".

Tkachev A. N. Riddles of the ancient history of India.

Faidysh E. A., Ivanov A.V. Travel to places of power in India.

page 223
N 1 - 2

Annenko A. N. Roerich and Gorky.

N 2

Vladimirov A.V. Agni Yoga and theosophy about God.

Ikonnikov V. I. On global warming in the "Letters of the Mahatmas".

Linnik Yu. V.Etudy o Zhivoy Etiki [Etudes on Living Ethics].

Shlemova N. A. Living Ethics and the concept of cosmic evolution.

Yakovleva E. G. Ancient Indian wisdom about the birth and upbringing of children.

N 3

Vinogradova E. S. Two weeks of happiness (the author's trip to India to visit holy places).

Tretyakova E. V. To the origins of the Vedic language.


N 2

Evstafyev D. Through the eyes of a Conservative: Political Economy of Modern geopolitics.

Zulkharneyev A. ISI index in January-April 2010: a new year without optimism.

Zulkharneyev A. Iran's energy interests in the Caspian region.

Sami al-Faraj. It is impossible to talk about security in the Persian Gulf region without taking into account the Iranian factor.

O. Skopich. Military-technical cooperation between Israel and Latin America.

Trubnikov V. "Relations between Russia and India are of the nature of strategic cooperation".

Fyodorov Yu. Turkmen gas games.

Ali Asghar Soltaniyeh. Our new approach to safeguards demonstrates that Iran is determined to cooperate with the IAEA.

N 3

Evstafyev D. Through the eyes of a Conservative: The Belated beginning of a new world disorder.

Fyodorov Yu. Through the eyes of a liberal. The reality of world politics: through the prism of illusions.


N 1

Belokrenitsky V. Ya. Population growth in the Islamic world.

Khazanov A.M. Commentary to the new Russian translation of the Koran.

Sharipov U. Z., Sharipova R. M. Preface to the new translation of the Koran.


N 1

Vorob'ev M. N. More than a Theater: Theatrical Masks of China.

Cousin E. Smile of God: "India through the Eyes of Children" exhibition at the J. Nehru Cultural Center.

Mozokhina N. A. "So out of fearlessness, in the simplicity of clarity, the works of beauty were born": from the history of cooperation between N. K. Roerich and the publishing house at the Community of St. Peter and Paul. Eugene.

Chechina T. I. " Twenty years passed as one day...".

Chiryat'ev M. N. Indyskie istochniki tvorchestva E. I. Roerich [Indian sources of creativity of E. I. Roerich].

N 2

Ivanova T. A. Magnet of Consonance: about the exhibition of paintings "Nicholas Roerich: Eternal Search", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Roerich Pact.

Lavrenova O. A. "All forces of culture must unite": selected letters of Nicholas Roerich to scientists, public and cultural figures (1930s).

Morekhodov M. A. Taere-the Great Ritual: The Wedding Tradition of modern South Korea.

Petrova K. "Gods and Mortals": An Exhibition of Indian Art at the Moscow State Historical Museum.

Roerich N. K. The Banner of Peace [To the 75th anniversary of N. K. Roerich's Pact].

Roerich N. K. Letters to scientists, public and cultural figures.

N 3

Kutsarova M. Co-creation of the Roerichs in the approval of the Pact and the Banner of Peace.

page 224

N 1

Vorob'ev A., Vorob'eva N. The Winner of the Balkans ... In memory of I. V. Gurko [Hero of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878].

Galuzin M. Russia-Indonesia. A history of changing relationships.

Kuzmin D. Model of China's integration into the world economy and countercyclical policy.

Pyadyshev B. His diplomatic service. About the book of Ambassador A. Kh. Vezirov [in India].

Stepashin S. If you are going to the Holy Land, go to the Holy Land.

Pham Zya Khiem. Russia-Vietnam. A history page and a glimpse into the future.

Sharko M. Korean nuclear problem: in search of sustainable solutions.

Saffron tree Yu. Iraq: a key link in the energy "solar plexus" of the world.

N 3

Bakishev D. Dialogue for Security and Prosperity in Asia and the World.

Ivashentsov G. The Asian vector of Russian energy.

N 4

Baikov N. Neft i gaz v mire [Oil and gas in the world]. The year is 2030.

Ivashentsov G. Our partner India.

Nikolaev M. The Asia-Pacific Region and National Security of Russia.

Kamenev P. China: principles of active defense.

Kornilov A., Suleymanov A. Eurasian diplomacy of Ankara.

N 5

Vorob'ev V. The Soviet Union and the Creation of the State of Israel.

Fedotov V., Sidorova G. Africa and Russia: cooperation with perspective.

N 6

Ivashentsov G. Korean problem and Security in North-East Asia.

Kuzar V. North Korea's nuclear program: implementation and consequences.

Moiseev L. A lot of problems are solved through the SCO.

Torin A. Hot diplomatic summer of 1950. Documents from the initial period of the Korean War.

Frolov A. Voina v Korey: opyt escalatsii konflikt [War in Korea: Experience of conflict escalation].

N 8

Borodavkin A. N. Asiatic vector of Russian politics and modernization of the country.

Ivanov A. Asia-Pacific region and Russia: a new role in global development.

Kadakin A. Another meeting with India: Facets of renewal.

Rostokin S. The Middle East before and after Dmitry Medvedev's meetings in Damascus.

N 9

Najmudin A. Shaikh. Unplayable War / Discussion: Timofeev I., Belokrenitsky V., Voitolovsky F.

Mohammed Saleh Ahmed Al-Khelali. The Republic of Yemen is on the road to development.

Rudov G. Central Asian knot: you can't cut it down - you can't untie it!

N 10

V. Amirov Origins and evolution of the Chiang Mai Initiative.

Anisimov V. To Bogor, to Makovsky.

Bektimirova N. A common path to settlement in Cambodia.

V. Kolotov At the beginning of the "Asian age".

Sergey Lavrov: Russia and ASEAN can do a lot together.

Lisovolik Ya. What are the benefits of the Russia - ASEAN Free Trade Area?

Lokshin G. The Path of ASEAN.

Mazyrin V. Russia in Indochina: Back to the Future?

Rogozhin A. ASEAN on the Way to the Economic Community.

Sikorsky V. Zhizn dolga, if it is full. About dictionaries, translations and other works of Viktor Pogadaev.

Sumsky V. Modernization of Russia, East Asian geopolitics and the ASEAN Factor.

Tarusin V. Indonesian oil and Russian technologies.

Urlyapov V. Higher and higher. Russian and Southeast Asian aerospace projects.

Urlyapov V. ASEAN Expansion: Motives, meaning, consequences.

N 11

Dubina A. Our Islam.

Lyukmanov A. New policy of Turkey in the Middle East.

Ozerov O. Russia and Saudi Arabia: 20 years of new relations.

N 12

Golender D. Russia and Israel. Strategic partners who sing the same folk songs.

page 225

Lavrov S. Russia and India. Ten years of strategic partnership.

Oganesyan A. How long will the war in Afghanistan last?

Filatov S. The Russian scholar's View of the Saudi King.


Vol. 8, N 2

Baikov A., Sushentsov A. Country features of lobbying in the USA and Japan.

Biryukov A. Scientific and technological potential of China in American assessments.

Larin V."...We need an institution that can become a Russian Asian platform for interaction between scientists and practitioners involved in international relations and security in the Asia-Pacific region..."

Lukin A. Modern China: great power and identity.

Naumkin V. Muslim Diaspora in the West: differentiation, convergence, hybridization?


N 2(41)

Luzyanin S. G. Russia and China in Central Asia and the Far East: Competition or Cooperation?

Nikolaev S. A. Russia-Central Asia: Relations of Strategic partnership and Alliance.

Chernyavsky S. I. Russian Priorities in Central Asia.

Sharko S. V. Civilizational potential of Russia and China and prospects of regional integration.


N 1

Fedorovsky A. Opportunities and problems of regional cooperation in East Asia.

N 2

Belousov S. Military-industrial complex of Israel: the role of arms export.

Belousova K. "Oil weapons" in the third and fourth Arab-Israeli wars.

Gadzhiev K. Ethnonational and geopolitical identity of the Caucasus.

Kanaev E., Kurilko A. South-East Asia in the context of the Financial and economic crisis.

N 3

Rustamov E. Stages of economic development of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

N 5

Interregional differentiation in the BRIC countries: Assessment opportunities.

N 5 - 6

Pacific Asia: prospects of transformations of political systems / Prepared by N. Yelogov.

N 7

Kisovskaya N. Christian-Islamic dialogue in Western Europe.

N 8

Burlinova N. NATO in Afghanistan: Strategy and Prospects.

Kostyaev S. Korean Lobby in the USA: Free Trade Agreement, Military cooperation.

Yakushev S. Mongolia in the modern system of international relations.

N 10

E. Bragina India: urban niches of small businesses.

Volodin A. "Growth plus development", or the Indian experience of economic reforms.

Mochulsky A. On the specifics of China's policy on economic cooperation in the SCO.

Shkvarya L. Foreign trade of Russia with the countries of the Persian Gulf.

N 11

Gracheva M. German trade with Russia and other BRIC countries: a comparative analysis.

Mazyrin V. KAFTA-a new format of Economic Interaction in East Asia: [China-Asean free trade area].

Rakhmatullina G. Customs Union within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Community: Prospects for Kazakhstan.

N 12

Katasonova E. Japan has fulfilled its historic duty.

Piskulova N. Development of the world economy: ecological vector.

page 226

N 1

Burov V. G. Geopolitical significance of the Far East (on the new book by Academician M. L. Titarenko).

Davidson A. B. Afrika i otechestvennye istoriki [Africa and Domestic historians]. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the "Year of Africa".

Mirsky G. I. Islam: history and modernity.

Orlik I. I. Eurasianism: from its origin to our days.

N 2

Tikhvinsky S. L. "Mesni Handbook" as a source on the history of China in the second half of the XIX century.

N 4

Fomin A.M. The Entente Powers and the Middle East.

N 5

Meyer M. S. The USSR and the countries of the East on the eve and during the Second World War.


N 1

Badalyan L., Krivorotov V. West and East: two approaches to survival. Synthesis of opposites as resource scarcity increases.

Voronin A., Kobelev E. A vivid history of friendship and partnership.

18. Gorbunova S. XVIII International Scientific Conference " China, Chinese Civilization and the World. History, modernity, prospects".

Graivoronsky V., Luzyanin S. The War on Khalkhin Gol: a place in world history.

Zakharova M. Temple fairs in modern China.

Kamenov P. Military diplomacy of the People's Republic of China at the present stage.

Kartunova A. The political image of Sun Yat-sen in the correspondence of I. V. Stalin and G. V. Chicherin with L. M. Karakhan (1923-March 1925).

Pankina I. The Army priority policy in the DPRK: an economic aspect.

Portyakov V. Conference in New Zealand on the problems of foreign Chinese!

Sazonov S. Reform of the transport system of the PRC and the global financial and economic crisis.

Titarenko M. On the role and significance of relations between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China in the context of the main features of the current international situation.

Kheifets B., Selikhov D. China: Innovative development in the context of the Economic Crisis.

N 2

Volkov M. From the history of the activity of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Russian Far East and Manchuria (XIX-early XX centuries).

Georgiev Yu. How J. V. Stalin studied Japan.

Zakharova L. Inter-Korean Economic relations under President Lee Myung-bak.

Kazakov O. About the international scientific conference "Japan in the Asia-Pacific Region".

Korzhubaev A. On the strategy of cooperation between Russia and the Asia-Pacific countries in the oil and gas sector.

Kranina E. The role of aquaculture in ensuring food security in China.

Li Xing, Hayk Martirosyan, Zhao Zhen. The importance of central Eurasia for China's energy security.

Lokshin G. International Conference in Hanoi: Will the South China Sea become a zone of regional security and development?

Lomanov A. "Two pumpkins on one stalk": Problems of modern Chinese studies at a conference in Beijing.

Morozova V. Russia and China: Cross-cultural interaction in the context of transformation of regional culture (on the example of the Trans-Baikal Territory).

Osipova E. Theaters of the Russian Far East and North-East Asian Countries: experience of creative contacts.

Frolov A. Cooperation between Russia and the Asia-Pacific countries in the utilization of nuclear submarines withdrawn from the combat composition of the Russian Navy.

Khisamutdinov A. On the History of the Russian Diaspora in Japan.

N 3

Asmolov K. On the "responsibility of external forces" for the beginning of the Korean War.

Biryulin E. Environmental problems of Shanghai.

page 227

Gabuev A. Chinese Nationalists: Strokes to the Intellectual portrait of Wang Xiaodong.

Ruizhuang Zhang, Korolev A. Theory of International Relations with Chinese characteristics: current state and development trends.

Luzyanin S. China and the "Near Environment": Regional and Bilateral aspects of Relations.

Mayboroda D. China-EU Summits.

Maksimova O. Institute of the Chairman of the People's Republic of China in the political and legal development of the country.

Meng Zhao. Political science and reform of the political system of the PRC.

Simonia A. Privatizatsiya po-burmanski [Privatization in Burmese].

Usov I. Movement for convocation of the Indochina Congress in 1936

Fayzullaev D. Battle for Mongolia: Does the End justify the means?

Yurkevich A. The Chinese Army in the Burmese campaigns of the Second World War (1942-1945).

N 4

Alexandrova M. Closing the "Big Market", or Leaving the "gray customs schemes".

J. Berger The evolution of geopolitical views in China.

Vorontsov A., Agaltsov P. Is a multilateral security structure possible in East Asia?

Ganshin V. The role of the Internet in the formation of civil society in China.

Grynyuk V. Political problems of Yasukuni Shrine.

Kurtinets S. Japanese intelligence agencies in Northern Manchuria in the 20s of the XX century.

Mazyrin V. New trends and actual problems of economic relations between Russia and Vietnam.

Portyakov V. Vision of multipolarity in Russia and China and international challenges.

Postnikov V. The Pacific Ocean as the "Mediterranean Sea of the Future": the history of the idea (mid-19th-early 20th centuries).

Ten N. Coverage of Russian history in modern China (based on the materials of history textbooks for secondary schools and popular literature about Russia).

Fendler K. On the Japanese plan to kidnap the Korean Emperor Kojong during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905: Russian diplomacy saved Kojong (on the occasion of the 105th anniversary of the Japanese protectorate and the 100th anniversary of the Japanese annexation of Korea).

N 5

Afonasyeva A. Attracting qualified personnel from among foreign Chinese to work in China.

Bardal A. Transport links between the Russian Far East and China: current state and promising projects.

Basov A. China as a new space power.

Gaikin V. Japanese and Korean colonists in Manchukuo (1931-1945).

Zakharova L. Formation of inter-Korean economic relations at the end of the XX century.

Ipatova A. Russian Emigration in Shanghai: Russian Musicians and Russian Music (1920-1930s).

Kuznetsov V. China through the eyes of Russian writers of the XIX-early XX century.

Kuzminkov V. The Neutrality Pact between the USSR and Japan from the perspective of today.

Mirovitskaya R. Soviet-Chinese interaction on the eve and at the first stage of the Second World War (1937-1941).

Panchenko M. Economic foundations of strategic partnership between Russia, India and China.

Romanova G. Russian Far East - North-Eastern China: trade relations, transit, transport communications (20-30s of XX century).

Toloraya G. The next cycle of the Korean crisis (2008-2010). Russian interests and prospects for breaking the Korean impasse.

Troyekurova I., Pelevina K. Prospects of China in the energy market.

page 228

Vol. 8, N 1

Davutoglu A. Foreign policy of Turkey and Russia.

N 3

Zemyan Yang: Dialogue for three. Trilateral relations between China, the United States and Russia and their specifics.

N 4

Beadle S., Christia F., Thayer A. What is success in Afghanistan?

Kaplan R. Geografiya kitaiskoi moshi [Geography of Chinese Power].

Salin P. Peking Solitaire.

Sotnikov V. Where is Pakistan going?


N 1

Galenovich Yu. Vladivostok: a knock on the door.

Shkaratan O. Post-communist societies of Europe and Asia.

N 2

Bugrov N. On the ancient polis, Asian despotisms and so on.

Kosach G. Saudi Arabia in a changing world.

N 6

Burov V. Democracy with Chinese characteristics.

Primakov E. The Middle East: Further Militarization of US Policy.

N 8

Berger Ya. Post-crisis China in the global Economy.

Verlin E., Inozemtsev V. Russia-China: time to adjust the course.

N 10

Ponomareva E., Rudov G. Central Asian knot of contradictions.

Shumilin A. "War by proxy": The Iranian version.

Yakushev M. "Fire here is a matter of state": Constantinople fires of the late XVIII-early XIX centuries as a historical phenomenon.

N 12

P. Ivanov World War II with a Chinese accent.

USA. CANADA: ECONOMY. politics. culture

N 1

Parkansky A. B. American-Mongolian economic relations.

N 4

Yungblud V. T., Chuchkalov A.V. The United States and the entry of Anglo-Soviet troops into Iran in August 1941.

N 7

Sushentsov A. A. Evolution of US priorities in Iraq.

N 8

Semin A.V. USA-Japan: Half a century of Alliance.

N 11

Vishnevsky M. L., Deich D. L. American-Chinese competition in African markets.

Kostyaev S. S. The Israeli Lobby in the US budget process.


N 1

Irgit Ch. K. Formation of ethnographic science in Tuva.

Shinkarev V. N. Genealogical names of the Khani of Vietnam.

N 2

Yakupov R. I. How the Ethnic History of Eurasia was Interpreted: (In Memory of R. G. Kuzeev).

N 4

Ten N. V. Representation of modern Chinese about the Russian people and its main features.

N 5

Aitpaeva G., Aldakeeva G., Egemberdieva A. Ordinary people of Islam, or the phenomenon of Moldolor in modern Kyrgyzstan.

Ashirov A. A., Pasilov B. A. Dhikr jahr in the ritual practice of Sufi groups in Central Asia and its ethnographic features.

Larina E. I., Naumova O. B. "Theft is our eternal custom": stealing the bride from Russian Kazakhs.

page 229


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Бишкек, Kyrgyzstan
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