Gosudarstvo i sotsial'nye struktury v Drevnem Vostoke [State, Religion and Economy in Ancient Fore Asia]. Moscow, 1989, pp. 4-16.
Drevniye tsivilizatsii [Ancient Civilizations of Egypt], Moscow, 1989. Historical essay. pp. 37-44; Ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia. pp. 89-109; Ancient civilizations of Iran. pp. 135-163.
Results of excavations in Uruk (1982-1985) // Vestn. ancient history. 1989. N 4. pp. 120-124.
The early history of Zoroastrianism in Central Asia: some comments on the problem under discussion. ancient history. 1989. N 2. P. 170.
Central Government and Private Person in the Achaemenid Empire // Recueils de la societe Jean Bodin. 46: L'individu face au pouvoir. Bruxelles, 1989. P. 49 - 51.
The Old Iranian pasa'du // Archaeologia Iranica et Orientalis // Miscellenca in honoris L. Vanden Berghe. Vol. 1. Gent, 1989. P. 563 - 566.
A Political History of the Achaemenid Empire. Leiden - N.Y. etc., 1989. 388 p.
The Culture and Social Institutions of Ancient Iran. Cambridg: Univ. Press, 1989. 498 p. (In col.: V.G. Lukonin).
Cuneiform data on Armenians / / Interdisciplinary studies of cultural genesis and ethnogenesis. Yerevan, 1990. pp. 102-106.
Some aspects of the history of Hellenism in Babylonia. ancient history. 1990. N 4. P. 3-26.
The Economy of the Uruk Region // The Tenth International Economic Congress. Leiden, 1990. P. 85 - 93.
The Old Iranian Arazapanata // Acta Iranica. Leiden, 1990. Vol. 16. P. 60 - 61.
Cultura у economica del Iran Antiguo. Barselona, 1991.607 р.
Elamite Workers in Achaemenid Babylonia // Near Eastern Studies Dedicated to Takahito Mikasa. Wiesbaden, 1991. P. 17 - 20.
Neo-Babylonian Society and Economy // Cambridge Ancient History. 1991. N 3/2. P. 252 - 275.
Struve V.V. // Great Historians of the Modern Age. N.Y. etc., 1991. P. 576 - 577.
Iranians in Achaemenid Babylonia // Columbia Lectures on Iranian Studies. Costa Mesa -N.Y., 1992. 253 p.
Achaemenid Estates in Lahiru // Iranica Antiqua. Vol. 27. Gent, 1992. P. 118 - 123.
The Anchor Bible Dictionary. Vol. 6. N.Y., etc., 1992. - Aut. charters: Slavery in the Ancient Near East. P. 58 - 62; Slavery: Old Testament. P. 62 - 65.
Egyptians in Babylonia // La circulation des biens personnes et des idees dans le Proche-Orient ancien. Paris, 1992. P. 321 - 325.
The Title ahsadzapanu in Nippur // Nippur at the Centennial. Philadelphia, 1992. P. 29 - 32.
Was Eanna Destroyed by Darius I? // Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran. Bd. 25. В., 1992. S. 169 - 172.
The Sick Temple Slaves' in Babylonia in the Sixth Century B.C.E. // Eretz Israel. 24. Avraham Malamat Volume. Yerusalem, 1993. P. 19 - 21.
Textual Evidence for Iran in Babylonia in the Sixth Century B.C. // Sulmi. Poznan, 1993. N 4. S. 67 - 72.
Xerxes and the Esagita Temple // Bulletin of the Asia Institute. Bloomfield Hills, 1993. P. 41 - 45.
Achaemenid Mesopotamia: Traditions and Innovations // Achaemenid History. Vol. 8. Leiden, 1994. S. 229 - 234.
Media und Achaemenid Iran // History of Civilization of Central Asia. Vol. 2. Paris, 1994. P. 35 - 63.
The Neo-Babylonian zazakku // Altorientalische Forschungen. Berlin, 1994. Bd. 21. S. 34 - 40.
About Dariya's tax reform // Hermitage Readings (1986-1994) in memory of V. G. Lukonin, St. Petersburg, 1995, p. 16.
Babylonian Popular Assembles in the First Millennium B.C. // The Canadian Society for Mesopotamian. Bulletin. 1995. Vol. 30. P. 23 - 29.
Nouvelles assyriologique breves et utilitaires.
1995. - Aut.: The Earliest Evidence for Nebuchadnezzar IV's Reign. P. 29; An Unidentified Document from Xerxes Reign. P. 29 - 30; Two Late Babylonian Toponyms. P. 30 - 31.
The Elabbar Temple and Iranian Magi // Altorientalische Forchungen. Bd. 22. В., 1995. S. 34 - 36.
A Governor of Bibles in Sippar // Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta. Vol. 65. Leuven, 1995. P. 29 - 31.
Comp. by S. D. Miliband. For the works of M. A. Dandamaev, see: Acta Iranica. Bd. 20. Leiden, 1989. N 4. pp. 211-213; Peoples of Asia and Africa. 1989. N 4. pp. 211-213.
page 213
The Confrontation between State and Temple in Babylonia in the Sixth Century B.C. Le temple -lieu de conflit // Les cahiers du CEPOA. Leuven, 1995. N 7. p. 77 - 88.
The Neo-Babylonian Tamkary // Solving Riddles and Untying Knots. Biblical Epigraphic, and Semitic Studies in Honor of Y.C. Greenfield // Winona Lake, 1995. P. 523 - 530.
An Age of Privatization in Ancient Mesopotamia // Privatization in the Ancient Near East and Classical World (Perbody Museum Bulletin N 5). Harvard University. Cambridge Mass., 1996. P. 197 - 221.
Assyrians and Babylonians // History of Humanity. Vol. 3. P., 1996. P. 117 - 119.
From State to Empire // History of Humanity: Scientific and Cultural Development. Vol. 2. Paris, 1996. P. 52 - 57 (in col.: V.A. Yakobson).
State Gods and Private Religion in the Near East in the First Millennium B.C.E. // Religion and Politics in the Ancient Near East. Meriland, 1996. P. 35 - 45 (in col.: V.A. Yakobson).
Istoriya Vostoka [History of the East], vol. 1, Vol. 1, Moscow, 1997, Auth. st.: Novovavilonskaya derzhava, pp. 246-260; Achaemenid derzhava, pp. 290-311.
Pozdnevavilonskiye dokumenty (per. tekstov) [Late Babylonian Documents (translated from Russian)]. Khrestomatiya po istorii Drevnego Vostoka [Anthology on the History of the Ancient East], Moscow, 1997, pp. 183-202.
Assyrian Traditions during Achaemenid Times // Assyria. 1995. Helsinki, 1997. P. 41 - 48.
The Composition of the Citizes in First Millennium Babylonia // Altorientalische Forschungen. Vol. 24. В., 1997. P. 135 - 147.
Babylonian National Assembly in the VII-IV centuries BC / / Orient (Oriens). 1998. N 4. pp. 93-103.
The East and Russia on the threshold of the XXI century // East (Oriens). 1998. N 5. pp. 170-175.
Imperial ideology and private life in the Achaemenid Empire. ancient history. 1998. N 1. pp. 48-56.
Rak I. V. Mifi drevnogo i rannesrednevekovogo Irana [Myths of ancient and Early Medieval Iran]. SPb., 1998. - Trans.: Behistun inscription of Darius I. p. 418-427; Manifesto of Cyrus II. p. 430-432.
Nabonid // Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archaeologic. Bd. 9. B. - N.Y., 1998. S. 6 - 11.
The Old Persian Amata and the Babylonian Marbani // Wort - Text - Sprache und Kultur. Festschrift fur H. Schmeija. Innbruck, 1998. S. 17 - 21.
Podati i povinnosti v Perednoi Azii v VII-IV vv. B.C. (626-330 gg.) [Taxes and duties in Western Asia in the 7th - 4th centuries BC (626-330 gg.)]. St. Petersburg, 1999. pp. 64-81. (Ed. 160 s).
Achaemenid Imperial Policies and Provincial Governments // Iranica Antique. Vol. 34. Leiden, 1999. P. 269 - 282.
Documentary Evidence on Nergal's Cult in Sippar and Babylon // Munuscula Mesopotamica. Festschrift fur Iohannes Renger (Altes Testament und Alter Orient. 267). Munster, 1999. S. 109 - 116.
Land Use in the Sippar Region during the Neo-Babylonian and Achaemenid Period // Urbanization and Land Ownership in the Ancient Near East. (Peabody Museum Bulletin N 7). Harvard University Cambridge, 1999. P. 363 - 389.
A Neo-Babylonian Colony in Transpotamia (?) // Archiv Orientalni. Vol. 67. Amsterdam, 1999. S. 541 - 545.
Temple Archers in the Neo-Babylonian Sippar // Historical, Epigraphical and Biblical Studies in Honor of M. Heltzer. Tel Aviv-Yaffa, 1999. P. 95 - 98.
I.M. Diakonoff // Anthropological News. Vol. 40. 1999. N 6. P. 47 (in col.: Ph.L. Kohl).
Arabians in Mesopotamia of the New Babylonian and Achaemenid times // Vestn. ancient history. 2000. N 2. pp. 134-139.
Istoriya Vostoka [History of the East], vol. 1. Vostok v drevnosti, Moscow, 2000, Auth. ch.: Novovavilonskaya derzhava, pp. 246-260; Achaemenid derzhava, pp. 290-311.
The Neo-Babylonian Rabsibte // Assyriologica et Semitica. Festschrift fur Ioachim Oelsner (Alter Orient und Altes Testament. 252). Munster, 2000. S. 29 - 31.
Customs Dues in First - Millennium Babylonia // Variatio Delectat: Iran und der Western. Gegenkschrift fur Peter Calmeyer. (Alter Orient und Altes Testament. 272). Munster, 2000. S. 215 - 222.
State Taxes in Neo-Babylonian and Achaemenid Mesopotamia // Studi sul Vicino Oriente Antico dedicati alla memoria di Luigi Cagni. Seriee Minor 61. Napoli, 2000. P. 147 - 162.
The Iddin-Nabu family Archive from Babylon (570-485 BC). ancient history. 2001. N 2. P. 3-16.
Wine and viticulture in Babylonia in the VII-VI centuries BC / / Hyperboreus Studia Classica. Vol. 7. In memoriam A.I. Zaicev. Petropavlovsk. 2001. N 1-2. S 400-410.
History and languages of the Ancient East. In memory of I. M. Dyakonov. St. Petersburg, 2002. - Author's article: Entrepreneurial activity of a scribe family from Babylon. pp. 53-59; Concepts of "Assyria", "Babylonia", "Messopotamia" in the ancient tradition. pp. 60-71.
Disintegration of the state economy and privatization processes in Ancient Mesopotamia. ancient history. 2002. N 4. P. 3-22.
Preface / / Fry R. Nasledie Irana [Heritage of Iran], Moscow, 2002. 392 s).
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