We continue to talk about teaching the Russian language and speech culture to civil servants (see Russkaya rech. 2003 N 3; 2004. NN 2, 3) and we will consider in this article some typical mistakes related to non-compliance with grammatical norms in oral and written official speech.
Many of these errors are also found in colloquial speech and in the media; there are also deviations from the grammatical norms of the literary language, which are characteristic of the speech behavior of employees of public administration bodies and related to their professional activities.
Since the short course of correction does not provide an opportunity to analyze all relevant examples on this topic, first of all, we introduce students to some dictionaries and reference books, which we recommend to purchase and use in everyday practice. These are the following publications: Graudina L. K., Itskovich V. A., Katlinskaya L. P. Grammatical correctness of Russian speech. Stylistic dictionary of variants, Moscow, 2001; Eskova N. A. Short dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language (Grammatical forms. Stress). Moscow, 2001; Rozental D. E., Telenkova M. A. Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language. Moscow, 2001; Ivanova T. F., Cherkasova T. A. Russian speech on the air. Comprehensive Reference Book, Moscow, 2002; Rozental D. E., Dzhandzhakova E. V., Kabanova N. P. Handbook of Spelling, Pronunciation, and Literary Editing, Moscow, 1998.
Let's consider the difficulties of using some grammatical forms.
As you know, many masculine nouns denoting a person by profession, position, work performed, academic title and academic degree in official business speech retain their form even in cases where they refer to female persons: employee, deputy, veteran, judge, lawyer, associate professor, professor,etc. candidate and Doctor of Sciences, laureate. For some job titles in the literary language, there are variants: head - head (kindergarten), head - head of the department (kindergarten).
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sica (laboratory), manager - manager (institution). But in the official business style, it is preferable to keep the masculine form, if we are talking about the nomenclature of the position: department head, trust manager. In these cases, a person's belonging to the female sex can be indicated syntactically: by a predicate verb in the form of the feminine past tense: the judge announced, the deputy spoke. However, definitions for nouns belonging to this group are used only in the masculine form: she is a well-known deputy, she is an experienced politician.
Examples of errors:
Irina Khakamada is one of the most famous Russian politicians. G. Starovoitova was one of the few professional parliamentarians in the country.
Many nouns that were previously used in the form of the feminine gender or parallel forms of the masculine and feminine gender, in modern literary language, have the form of the masculine gender. These are the nouns rail, correction (so you should say: making adjustments), component (as an integral part of something), report card (note in the report card, but in Peter's Table of Ranks). An interesting fact for civil servants: the noun career-promotion - in the XIX century was also used in the form of the masculine gender: "After all, it is necessary to open a career while serving" (Khmelnitsky. Castles in the Air, 1818) - an example from the" Historical and etymological dictionary of the modern Russian language " by P. Ya. Chernykh (Moscow, 1993, p. 384). In the works of classics of Russian literature, you can also find a similar use.
When analyzing difficult cases of declension of surnames, especially when it comes to so-called non-standard surnames, attention is drawn to the existence of specific rules and recommendations for each specific case. So, in official business speech, you should not decline female and male surnames ending in-o (- ko,- en): Shilo, Bezborodko, Kiriyenko.
Surnames ending in a consonant, with the exception of surnames on-y (- them), as well as standard Russian surnames on-ov, - ev , - in , -yn, are known to be inclined if they refer to men, they are not inclined if they refer to women, for example: inform Alexey Kravchuk, but To Elena Kravchuk. "Frequent deviations from the rule (non - declination of Russian male surnames ending in a consonant), - some linguists believe, - are observed in cases where the surname coincides with the name of an animal or inanimate object (Goose, Belt), in order to avoid unusual or curious combinations, for example, "Mr. Goose", " Mr. Belt". Often in such cases, especially in official business
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in speech, keep the surname in the initial form" (See the above-mentioned "Handbook..." by D. E. Rosenthal et al., p. 207). In practice, in official business speech, an exception is made not only for "zoological" or other really discordant surnames that cause undesirable associations. Often, the head of a division (especially in the case of law enforcement agencies) insists on the impossibility of declination of his last name, without giving any reason for his demand, which, in our opinion, is unacceptable.
Surnames on nedavarnoe-a, on the contrary, in most cases are inclined. The exceptions are, as noted in the reference manuals, surnames that are little-known and quite exotic from the point of view of the Russian language, including Finnish, Icelandic, many Georgian surnames, including na-ia (Gulia ), and most Japanese. In the dictionary "Grammatical correctness of Russian speech", as a recommendation for such surnames, "sequential declension is proposed regardless of the nationality of the proper name" (p.232). However, in speech practice, in the classroom, we face difficulties and doubts when solving this difficult issue. Since the majority of Japanese surnames are exceptions, maybe the Hakamada surname should not be declined not only because its famous owner knows about it?
Examples of errors:
Inform Lukashenka, order from Nazdratenka, letter from Varga (named after pad. - Varga ), A. Chernykh's answer, Ivan Derkach's order.
The inability to incline (or the inability to correctly incline) quantitative and ordinal numbers is a sore point that linguists constantly raise in publications devoted to the culture of speech in modern society. There are often errors associated with indistinguishable declension forms of the numerals oba, oba: representatives of both countries. A typical mistake can also be called the incorrect use of collective numerals, which even in colloquial speech should not be combined with feminine nouns: not two employees, but two employees. As for their normative use with animate masculine nouns, it should be borne in mind that sometimes "they bring a reduced shade of meaning", so "two professors", "three generals", and not "two professors", "three generals" (See Rosenthal D. E. et al. Handbook of Spelling... p. 232). This recommendation can be applied to all nouns denoting senior positions, academic titles, academic degrees, some military ranks of individuals, etc. Thus, the choice of the correct variant of the language norm is associated in this case with extralinguistic factors.-
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cim factor - the social and professional status of the person, the prestige of the profession or position.
Examples of errors:
Seven of the world's five hundred richest people live in Russia.
In the State Duma, they had fifty mandates.
The project will be implemented in 2014.
These principles are acceptable to both parties.
Last year, three of his graduate students defended their studies.
There are often cases of inaccurate choice of the comparative degree of the adjective name, for example:"Heads of state authorities are becoming much more flexible in their actions than before." The fact is that the simple form of the comparative degree of adjectives can be used in all speech styles, but official and business speech is more often characterized by a complex one. Therefore, in this case, it was better to say, and even more so to write: "... become much more flexible in their actions...". It is not recommended to use in strictly official communication forms of the comparative degree of adjectives with the prefix po -, they are characteristic of colloquial speech: not better, worse (to do something), but better It should be remembered that the adjective young forms the form of a comparative degree younger, and younger means "lower in rank, in position, in rank".
Special attention is paid to the relevant topic for civil servants - the coordination of applications-geographical names. In oral business speech, in situations of non-strictly official communication, it is recommended to use the phrases in the city of Moscow, the authorities of the city of Saratov, in the city of Yalta, on the Ob River - here the name of the city is consistent in the case with the defined word. It is emphasized that the city of Ivanovo is not allowed to agree with each other, because the names of administrative divisions in-ov(o), ev-(o), - yn(o),- in(o) do not agree in the case with the word being defined (city, village, village). Toponymic nouns used without a defined word in the literary language tend to be: from Strogin, in Peredelkin.
However, "unlike the general literary usage in the language of official documents (especially military, geographical, diplomatic), the names of cities, villages, villages, stations, islands, rivers, mountains, deserts, etc. usually do not change and do not agree with generic names: in the city of Yalta, on the Axis River" (Rakhmanin L. V. Stylistics business speech and editing of official documents, Moscow, 1998, p. 115).
Errors in noun and verb combinations associated with incorrect grammatical control - choosing the wrong case or (and) preposition-are the most common grammatical errors in official speech:
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These fires do not pose any danger to the residents of the village; We are told about this by graduates of the department from various subjects of the Federation; See also: come from the regions, come from the State Duma; Trust in law enforcement agencies has been undermined; Everyone who has even a drop of shame for our country should unite; It is necessary to involve the appropriate structures The paper describes relationships among civil service personnel; He sleeps and sees about the laurels of the possessed Hitler. According to the order, the head of the department was transferred to a new position.
In modern Russian, the meaning of the phrase "management of something" differs. and managing something. In the meaning of "organization", the word management is used with a noun in the genitive case: personnel management (cf.: personnel department), Internal Affairs Department. In the meaning of "action", the word management is used with a noun in the form of the instrumental case: management of public service personnel.
The form of the controlled noun in the word control also depends on the meaning. Design control over what-l. it is used when a dependent noun denotes an action: control over execution. If the dependent noun denotes a specific subject, the construction control over something is used: control over finances.
Many questions arise among civil servants in connection with the choice of the preposition: in or on in the phrase with the name of the state of Ukraine: in Ukraine (in Ukraine) or to Ukraine (in Ukraine) and, accordingly, from Ukraine or from Ukraine. The fact is that nowadays, not only in the media, but also in interstate business correspondence, the option in Ukraine is more often used. At last year's International Book Fair in Moscow, Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma, who was presenting his book "Ukraine is not Russia", asked philologists about the reasons for the rapid spread of the expression "in Ukraine". As a true diplomat, Leonid Kuchma noted that, in his opinion, in Ukraine "it just sounds ugly" (Book Review. 2003. September 8).
As you know, "the phrase to Ukraine originated under the influence of the Ukrainian language (cf.: to Poltava region/Poltava region, Chernihiv region/Chernihiv region) and is supported by the expression " on the outskirts "(See D. E. Rosenthal et al. Handbook... p. 288). "For reasons of national prestige," they say, "from Ukraine" means "from the outskirts" (although historically this is exactly the case), this form was condemned as incorrect by Ukrainian politicians and rejected, "the authors of the book" Don't speak a Rough Language "note, emphasizing the obvious" national and political origin " of this phrase (See M. V. Gorbanevsky, Yu. N. Karaulov, and V. M. Shaklein, Don't Speak a Rough Language, Moscow, 1999, p. 152).
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In Russian, equal variants of toponyms co-exist: in Cyprus and in the Republic of Cyprus, in Cuba and in the Republic of Cuba. The State of Ukraine does not have the status of a republic, and a similar form is not possible. Despite the active use of combinations of to Ukraine, from Ukraine in the speech of many Russian politicians, officials, and journalists, we qualify this form as a manifestation of" misinterpreted political correctness " (See: Er. Khan-Pira. Russian language. 2001. N 46) and we consider this issue - not only linguistic, but also socio-political-as part of the discussion about the expediency of such dubious innovations when it comes to the norms of the Russian language.
The grammatical and stylistic norm is violated by the presence of a common dependent word with different grammatical management, for example: in accordance with and on the basis of an order, organization and management of a public service.
When listing homogeneous members of a sentence, both in oral and written official speech, a preposition is often omitted, for example: at enterprises, organizations, and institutions.
A mismatch between the producer of the action expressed by the verb predicate and the producer of the action expressed by the gerund in a sentence with an adverbial turn also leads to a grammatical error: Analyzing the problems of the civil service, we made specific suggestions: Is it possible that after harvesting such a crop of grain, our daily bread will become more expensive?
Quite often there are errors in the use of phraseological units, which consist in distorting the grammatical form of the components of the turnover. "In the phraseological structure of the Russian language, there are quite a few phraseological units that have some grammatical archaism - the old case form (a proverb in the town), the old verb tense form (perebosha aki obry), etc. It belongs to them and our regiment has arrived. Without understanding this, some authors unconsciously update the grammatical appearance of the word, using the construction with the preposition " in "" (Rachmanina L. I., Suzdaltseva V. N. Modern Russian language, Moscow, 2003, p. 253). Just as in the sentence "in the police regiment arrived", in the phrase "those in power" the grammatical structure of phraseological turnover is distorted. The reason for such a mistake, described by Yu. L. Vorotnikov, is "the contamination of this expression (power prezhashchaya. - M. P. ) with a very close in meaning and form stable combination of those in power" (Russian speech. 2002. N 4).
Examples of errors:
The powers that be could not ignore them; this understanding among the powers that be would take precedence over narrow egoistic interests.
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Let's mention other grammatical errors that occur mainly in the speech of civil servants and politicians. Political and administrative jargon is characterized by abnormal absolute (without addition) use of verbs to decide (instead of "determine your position on an issue") and speak out (instead of "express your point of view on some issue"), for example: We need to decide on this issue; We still need to decide on the administrative reform before its logical conclusion; the Government wants to speak on this amendment.
In contrast to the literary language, where the verb to vote/vote is used with the preposition for and the noun in the accusative case (to vote for something-L.), in political and administrative jargon, as a rule, this verb is used without a preposition, as a transitive (to vote for something-L.,someone-L. ): to vote law, to vote law, to vote law, to vote law, to vote law, to vote law, to vote law, to vote law, to vote law, to vote law, to vote law, to vote law, to vote law, to vote law, to vote law, to vote law, to vote law, to vote law, to vote law, to vote law, to vote law, to vote law, to vote law, amendment or candidacy.
Constructions with the preposition po instead of other prepositions, which give the statement a clerical character, are also a sign of political and administrative jargon: a problem on energy supply in the northern territories, a question on voting, exhibitions on energy saving, a program for India; temperatures for Siberia; distribution of respondents ' answers on this issue.
It is known that some real and abstract nouns used in a specific sense have the plural form in professional languages: feed - in the sense of "varieties of feed" (in animal husbandry), teas - in the sense of "varieties of tea" (in the food industry), soils - in the sense of "types of soil" (in agriculture). biology and soil science), banking risks-in the sense of "types of risks" (in the field of economics and finance), challenges of terrorism-in the sense of" provocations of the terrorist community " (in the field of politics). Such usage is also characterized by political and administrative jargon, for example: to carry out structural reorganizations, disorganization in working with personnel is allowed - about repeated and specific cases of reorganization and disorganization in the civil service; threats to the confidentiality of official information - about the types of such threats, different mentalities - about the types of mentality.
In the last decade, not only in the media, but also in scientific works, especially in the field of political sociology, the highest political and administrative layer of society is usually called the elite. The following phrases are used in articles and textbooks on this topic: political elites, regional elites, ruling elites, recruitment of elites.
Researchers emphasize that any professional deviation from the rules of the literary language can be attributed to the following factors:-
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a number of acceptable ones in special areas and qualified as a professional option. Sometimes there is a direct error or deviation from the norm in terminological stress, word formation or word usage" (Culture of Russian speech. Textbook for universities. Edited by L. K. Graudina and E. N. Shiryaev, Moscow, 1998, p. 206). That is why the mistakes described above and common in the professional speech of officials - we have considered only a few of them in the articles-become the subject of analysis in classes on the Russian language and speech culture at the Russian Academy of Public Administration.
And now, dear readers, we suggest that you complete the following tasks.
Task 1. Find and correct grammatical errors in the following sentences:
1. You should distinguish between mistakes and misconceptions.
2. They are interested in the support of the department manager.
3. Contrary to the orders of the plant administration, the work schedule has not changed.
4. What is the situation in the industry?
5. The civil service management system needs to be reorganized.
Task 2. Put the numbers in the appropriate form.
1. A short encyclopedia consisting of 956 articles has been published.
2. Present souvenirs to 697 conference guests.
3. Get acquainted with 7486 personal files.
4. Out of 1,758 ballots, 10% were invalid.
5. Leaders (both, both?) states.
For answers to tasks, see page 127.
Task 1.
1. It is necessary to distinguish between errors and misconceptions (to distinguish errors from misconceptions).
2. They are interested in the support of the department manager.
3. Contrary to the order of the plant administration, the work schedule has not changed.
4. What characterizes the situation in the industry? (What is the situation in the industry? What is typical of the situation in the industry?).
5. The civil service management system needs to be reorganized.
Task 2.
1. Of the nine hundred and fifty-six Articles; 2. Of the Six hundred and seventy-nine articles; 3. Of the seven thousand four hundred and seventy-six cases; 4. Of the (one) thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight; 5. Of both States.
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