Libmonster ID: KG-1311
Author(s) of the publication: N. P. Shmakova

To the 40th anniversary of the Great Victory

Back in the 1930s, the Communist Party launched a huge effort to further develop the domestic tank industry. If in 1930-1931 our defense factories produced 740 tanks a year, then in 1935-1937 they produced an average of 3139 tanks . In connection with the aggravation of the international situation in August 1938, a meeting in the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) considered the state and prospects of Soviet tank construction . Special attention was paid to the creation of new samples. Soviet designers developed original types of combat vehicles in a short time; among them, the T-34 medium tank (the design bureau headed by M. I. Koshkin), the KV heavy tank (the design team headed by N. L. Dukhov under the general direction of Zh. Ya. Kotin), which had high combat qualities: strong armor, powerful weapons, excellent maneuverability, high speed and cross-country ability.

In 1940, the country's tank industry began mass production of new combat vehicles. The Kirov Plant in Leningrad, Krasnoe Sormovo in Gorky, Traktorny in Stalingrad, and others switched to their production. A tank base was being laid in the east of the country. In June 1940, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) decided to produce tanks at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant3 . A number of enterprises were assigned to manufacture tank engines, armored hulls and turrets. As a result, by the summer of 1941, the production capacity of the Soviet tank industry was 1.5 times higher than that of the German tank industry . 4 By June 22, 1941, our factories had produced 1,225 T-34 tanks, and in 1940 and the first half of 1941, 639 KV tanks.

Nazi Germany, which had subjugated the economic and military resources of almost all of Western Europe, then had a numerical superiority in tanks. In June 1941, its armed forces numbered 5,600 tanks and assault guns .5 And it is no coincidence that on the second day of the Great Patriotic War, a group of tank industry workers led by People's Commissar of Medium Machine Building V. A. Malyshev reported on the needs of this industry at a meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Party. On June 25, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) decided to increase the production of heavy and medium tanks. In accordance with it, two resolutions were issued by the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On the production of armor and KV tanks" and "On increasing the production of tanks, artillery tractors and tank diesels for the III and IV quarters of 1941" 6. On September 11, the Central Committee of the Party decided to allocate tank construction from the People's Commissariat of Medium Engineering, form the People's Commissariat of Tank Industry (NCTP), headed by the Deputy Chairman of the People's Commissariat of Defense

1 Velikaya Otechestvennaya voina Sovetskogo Soyuza 1941-1945 [The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union 1941-1945]. Moscow, 1970, p. 40.

2 Istoriya Kommunisticheskoi partii Sovetskogo Soyuza [History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union], vol. 5, book 1, Moscow, 1970, p. 124.

3 Morechina gg Economic policy of the Communist party during the great Patriotic war. M. 1975, p.10.

4 Istoriya sotsialisticheskoi ekonomiki SSSR [History of the Socialist Economy of the USSR].

5 50 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR, Moscow, 1968, p. 224; History of the Second World War 1939-1945, vol. 4. Moscow, 1975, p. 13, 18.

6 Istoriya Kommunisticheskoi partii Sovetskogo Soyuza [History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union], vol. 5, book 1, pp. 282-283.

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USSR by V. A. Malyshev. Together with him, a group of plant directors went to the Urals. It determined the possibilities and conditions for the transfer of a number of enterprises to the production of armored vehicles; outlined locations for the evacuated factories; prepared an organizational base for tank diesel construction. The Urals, which during the years of socialist industrialization became one of the largest industrial areas of the country, turned into the center of tank construction in the USSR.

The Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, where the first KVS were assembled at the end of 1940, since the beginning of the war, along with the production of tractors, expanded the production of tanks. Now he had to accept additional equipment from other factories and become the base of the plant for the production of heavy combat vehicles. On July 5, 1941, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a decree on evacuation to the Chelyabinsk region. Kharkiv diesel engine Plant, which was supposed to start producing engines for tanks 7. On September 18, the first train with people and equipment left Kharkiv for the Southern Urals , and a month later - the last 8, and by November 1941 the plant began to assemble the first 9 engines . In August 1941, the GKO decided to relocate the tank production of the Kirov Plant 10 to Chelyabinsk . Kirov residents then sent to the Urals part of the machines, mechanisms, about 3 thousand workers and specialists. It was not possible to transport all the equipment of the Kirov plant to the Urals, because Leningrad was surrounded by a blockade. And the Kirovites, having dispersed the plant's capacity to various enterprises of the city, themselves continued to produce tanks that were so necessary for the front.

On October 4, 1941, during direct wire negotiations with the secretaries of the Leningrad Regional Committee and the City Party Committee, A. A. Zhdanov and A. A. Kuznetsov, I. V. Stalin instructed to draw up a plan to transfer the remaining equipment of the corresponding factories to the Urals within a day, as well as enterprises that cooperated with them in the production of heavy tanks .11 In connection with this evacuation, by order of the People's Commissar of the Tank Industry of October 6, 1941, the ChTZ was renamed the Kirov plant of the People's Commissar of Tank Industry in Chelyabinsk 12 , and according to the decision of the State Defense Committee, in October a plant for the production of heavy KV 13 tanks was formed as part of the NKTP . Over time, it included the Kirov Plant in Chelyabinsk, the Sverdlovsk Ural Heavy Engineering Plant, which supplied armored hulls and towers to Chelyabinsk, the Chelyabinsk Electrical Equipment Plant ,the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, part of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant, and others. 14
Tank builders had to merge three large enterprises - ChTZ, Kirov and Kharkiv plants - into a single plant in the most difficult conditions. Kharkiv motor builders retained their equipment, technology and command staff. On this basis, the ChTZ motor production facility (Department No. 2) was established. As for Kirov residents, they were representatives of a universal enterprise with diverse, sometimes even single production. Finally, at the ChTZ itself, the principle of mass in-line production of machines was established earlier. In a short time, the specialists managed to introduce a single mass production technology and organize large-scale production of 15 tanks . It was also an extremely difficult task

7 Ukrainian SSR in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union 1941-1945 Vol. 1. Kiev. 1975, p. 265.

8 Komarov L. S., Khoviv E. G., Zarzhevsky N. I. Chronicle of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant (1929-1945), Moscow, 1972, p.227.

9 Mitrofanova A.V. The working class of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War, Moscow, 1971, p. 133.

10 Ocherki istorii Leningradskogo [Essays on the History of Leningrad], vol. 5, l. 1967, p. 120.

11 history of the great Patriotic war of the Soviet Union 1941 - 1945 vol. 2 M. 1963, p. 147.

12 Chronicle of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, pp. 223-224, 229; Central Archive of ChTZ, St. 3, D. I, l. 94.

13 Istoriya Kommunisticheskoi partii Sovetskogo Soyuza [History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union], vol. 5, book 1, p. 296.

14 Likhomanov M. I. Organizational work of the party in industry in the first period of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1942). L. 1969, p. 53. The director of the Kirov plant was also the director of the combine (Vasiliev A. F. Industry of the Urals during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 M. 1982, p. 53).

15 Chalmaev V. Malyshev. M. 1978, p. 226, 229-236; Chronicle of the Chelyabinsk tractor plant, p. 231-233.

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reconstruction of workshops and equipment placement. Construction and installation work, the production of machine parts and the assembly of tanks were deployed simultaneously. "We didn't have time to make the roofs yet, as the frosts began," recalls the former shop manager E. V. Mamontov. - However, the machines in the shop worked and gave out parts for assembling tanks. In the assembly shop, bonfires were lit under the tank hulls: because of the cold, you couldn't touch the armor - it burned your hands. But the tanks, in spite of everything, were going to" 16 .

A powerful 15-ton hammer, without which it was impossible to start forging the crankshafts necessary for the production of tank engines, was installed in 30 days, and the workshop did not interrupt work for a single day. Engineer of the design department designer N. F. Bausov proposed to prepare the foundation pit by caisson method. When the lack of cranes began to be felt during the assembly of tanks, a group of engineers and installers under the leadership of shop manager I. S. Belostotsky 17 overtime produced cranes of a new design, which accelerated the assembly of machines. From November 1941, the company completely switched to the production of tanks 18 . In the fourth quarter of 1941, the production of KV tanks increased 5.5 times compared to the third quarter. The plant fulfilled the annual plan for commercial products by 124.4%, and for gross products-by 134%. The cost of the KV tank in December decreased by 31.5% compared to July 19 .

By the beginning of 1942, the most important measures to reorganize production on the territory of ChTZ were mostly completed. Four new workshops were built and equipped at the plant: an assembly shop - 12 thousand square meters, two mechanical shops - 30.6 thousand square meters, and a building for assembling and testing tank engines - 9 thousand square meters .20 The most qualified specialists worked here. In general, due to the reconstruction, 17 new workshops with a total area of 100 thousand square meters were opened. In December 1941, the company joined the workshop of the Moscow plant "Dynamo "and received part of the equipment of the Moscow factories" Red Proletarian " and grinding machines. The new association for the production of tanks was popularly called Tankograd 21 . "In essence, it was a large, independent city built up with huge buildings, 3/4 of the area was occupied by production buildings of workshops." 22 On November 7, 1941, Chelyabinsk tanks participated in a parade on Red Square, then received a baptism of fire in the battle of Moscow.

One of the most difficult problems for the tank factory in the Southern Urals, as for all enterprises of our country, was the problem of personnel: thousands of workers left to fight. In the first months of the war, the availability of labor at ChTZ was only 46% 23 . Already in July 1941, a patriotic movement of women employees for mastering industrial professions was launched at the ChTZ. 11 girls from the machine shop wrote: "We will learn how to work on lathes, milling, grinding and other machines." 24 This initiative was picked up by women employees of other workshops. In July, about 200 women of CHTZ mastered the leading specialties and at the same time exceeded the production program. Tankograd accounts for 40% of the total traffic.-

16 The great feat of labor. Memories of the glorious deeds of the workers of the Chelyabinsk region during the Great Patriotic War. Chelyabinsk. 1970, p. 99.

17 I. S. Bialostotsky, a party member since 1904, studied at the Lenin School in Longjumeau, and in 1912 was co-opted to the Central Committee, elected at the VI (Prague) All-Russian Conference of the RSDLP. During the years of socialist construction, he became one of the organizers of healthcare in the Urals, worked for many years at CHTZ, and was an honorary citizen of Chelyabinsk.

18 Party Archive of the Chelyabinsk region (PACHO); f. 288, op. 29, d. 2, ll. 1-3.

19 Essays on the history of the Chelyabinsk Regional Party Organization (1917-1967). Chelyabinsk. 1967, pp. 317-318.

20 Vasiliev A. F. UK. soch., p. 24.

21 Istoriya SSSR s drevneyshikh vremeni do nashenii [History of the USSR from ancient times to the present day].

22 Kostyuchenko S., Khrenov I., Fedorov Yu. History of the Kirov factory 1917-1945. Moscow, 1965, p. 649.

23 Party organization of the Chelyabinsk region in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). Collected papers. and m-lov. Chelyabinsk. 1981, p. 27.

24 PACHO, f. 288, op. 24, d. 73, l. 103.

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among the workers, 32% were women (32% of them among the cadres of the tank industry, including 28.3% among the workers) 25 .

The main personnel of tank builders - 8 thousand people-came from Kirovsky Zavod 26 : skilled workers and IT engineers with glorious labor traditions, vast experience in the struggle for technical progress; 3 thousand people came from Kharkiv, more than 2 thousand - from Stalingrad tractor plant, 1 thousand people-from Moscow. In addition, the party and Soviet bodies of the Chelyabinsk region sent 10 thousand workers from other branches of the national economy to Tankograd .27 The plant's staff included representatives of 55 nationalities. A significant group of tank builders was made up of young people. At the end of 1942, the share of workers under the age of 16 in Tankograd was 2.2%, from 16 to 18 years-more than 18, from 18 to 25 years-about 26% 28."I have a photo in front of me, " recalls the first secretary of the Chelyabinsk Regional Party Committee during the war, currently the Minister of Foreign Trade of the USSR N. S. Patolichev. - It is not accidentally placed in several books about the military rear. It shows a teenager, or rather, even a boy, speaking at a working meeting... And how many such young people were at Kirovsky and other factories! And never mind that some of them put the box under their feet to reach the machine! We reached out and survived! " 29 .

New additions to the working class sought to master the profession faster, so that they could produce products for the Red Army on a par with regular workers. Individual and team training has become a common form of personnel training. It was conducted directly at the workplace. A good school of industrial growth and political education was given to young workers in the Komsomol youth front brigades, whose motto was:"There should be no laggards next to the Komsomol leaders." Meetings of leading industrial workers and schools of Stakhanovists played a significant role in mastering the profession. Of those who graduated from the Stakhanov school in May 1942 at the tank factory in Chelyabinsk, 86 began to double the norm and 56-1.5 times. In total, more than 19,000 workers were qualified in 1942, including 9,153 in individual training, 4,039 in Stakhanov schools, and 6,113 through various forms of advanced training .30 Every Komsomol production worker who knew his specialty perfectly trained at least two or three young workers. Thus, the Komsomol member M. Ilinykh, awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, taught 18 people during the year, while her students not only fulfilled, but also exceeded the standards.

The task of training mass professions was solved at Tankograd by the end of 1942. However, improving tank production and accelerating the pace of its development required constant professional development of workers .31 In 1943, the schools and schools of labor reserves of the Chelyabinsk region trained 5,380 people for Tankograd. Various forms of industrial and technical training are widely used: schools of related professions, technical certification, technical examination, etc. In October 1943, 2,000 young workers passed the advanced placement exam. In 1944, of the 16,000 workers who passed the technical exam, 70% received grades of "good" and "excellent", and the rest were enrolled in technical training schools .32 During the war years, at the initiative of the Komsomol organization Tankograd passed technical certification of more than

25 Mitrofanova A.V. UK. soch.. pp. 203-204.

26 History of the workers of Leningrad (1917-1965). Vol.2. L. 1972, p. 307.

27 Party organization of the Chelyabinsk region in the Great Patriotic War, p. 228.

28 State Archive of the Chelyabinsk region (GACHO), f. 792, op. 5, d. 921, l. 112; op. 19, d. 16, ll. 16-17; d. 33, l. 54.

29 Patolichev N. S. Test for maturity, Moscow, 1977, p. 255.

30 PACHO, f. 485, op. 9, d. 88, l. 27; Evlanova M. N. From Olyt party's work on training workers during the Great Patriotic War. - Collection of scientific works of the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute, 1968, N 58, p. 63.

31 GACHO, f. 792, op. 19, d. 26, l. 44.

32 PACHO, f. 1463, op. 1, d. 16, l. 16; f. 288, op. 14, d. 445, l. 43.

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12 thousand young workers 33. In 1943, 21,300 advanced skills and passed training in the system of industrial and technical training, and in 1944 - 18 thousand tank builders 34 . The growth of workers ' skills and constant technical training contributed to an increase in labor productivity and the development of new forms of competition. South Ural tank builders, together with the entire Soviet people, joined the labor watch " Everything for the front! Everything for victory!" The movement of "two hundred men", "three hundred men", "thousand men" - those who worked under the motto "For themselves and for a comrade who went to the front" - has gained a wide scale at the enterprise.

In the autumn of 1941, the Komsomol members of the Chelyabinsk Abrasive Plant appealed to the youth of the region to organize a fundraiser for the tank column named after him. Chelyabinsk Komsomol. More than 11 million rubles were collected due to Sundays and deductions from wages and workdays .35 With special enthusiasm, the Komsomol members of Tankograd fulfilled the order for the production of heavy KV vehicles for this tank column, which was handed over to them by the regional party committee. "I remember with what enthusiasm they built the tank column named after the Chelyabinsk Komsomol," writes I. A. Korobova, deputy Komsomol leader of the Komsomol Central Committee at the enterprise during the war. - Overtime, after hours, at any hour of the day, they worked without sparing their strength. An hourly schedule of production and shipment of products was developed. Every four hours they gave reports to the Komsomol committee, which turned into an operational headquarters. " 36 At crucial operations, each worker received a personal invoice for the manufacture of parts and assemblies in excess of the plan. These were the first personal accounts developed by the party committee and the Komsomol committee at Tankograd. Battle slogans and posters were issued: "Achieve heroism every hour! Hand over your front-line order by the deadline!". By the 24th anniversary of the Red Army, young tank builders reported: "The order is completed. 29 heavy vehicles of the KB type were built." Accompanying the tank convoy to the front, the Komsomol members presented its personnel with the banner of the Komsomol regional Committee and the "Order": "Dear friends! You will lead glorious tanks into battle, a formidable and deadly weapon created here in your native Urals. Let our combat vehicles in your skillful hands become a thunderstorm for the hated enemy. Let the banner presented to you by the Chelyabinsk Komsomol call you to military exploits in the name of the Motherland. " 37 Under this banner, the tank column im. The Chelyabinsk Komsomol passed a glorious military path, ending the war in Sofia.

On May 7, 1942, the Tankograd team called for an All-Union socialist competition for the best supply of combat vehicles to the Red Army. The workers pledged to provide 5% more tanks in May than in the previous month, improve the quality of combat vehicles, increase the warranty service life of engines, and ship tanks to the front in full and on time. On May 9, the appeal of Chelyabinsk tank builders was published in Pravda. Meetings were held in the workshops of the plant, where increased commitments were made. In those days, at the initiative of the communist master V. D. Bakhteev, an hourly competition was born in the normal shop: the result of labor was celebrated not at the end of the shift, but hourly. Advanced trade unions of the plant P. Anisimov and G. Novgorodov proposed to launch a factory-wide competition of trade union groups for the advanced site. The "thousand-man" movement, which originated in the Urals, was particularly widespread in those days. The initiator of it at Tankograd was the adjuster G. P. Yehlakov. "I gave the first record output," he recalled, " having fulfilled the replacement rate by 1118%. If the cutting speed of 480 revolutions per minute was provided for processing parts, then I increased it to 650, in addition, I installed an additional cutter on the machine at the stop, which made it possible to discard a very time-consuming operation. Finally, I began to carefully prepare my workplace. " 38 By his followers

33 For labor valor, 16. VI. 1945 (multi-issue CTZ, until 1942 was called "Our tractor").

34 Mitrofanova A.V. UK. soch., p. 489.

35 A brief outline of the history of the Chelyabinsk region. Chelyabinsk. 1965, p. 419.

36 The Great Feat of Labor, p. 135.

37 Cit. by: Karmanov A. G. Labor feat of South Ural residents during the Great Patriotic War. Chelyabinsk. 1958, p. 32.

38 Ibid., p. 24.

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the best workers of the plant were K. Rybolova, S. Moroz, I. Gridin, M. Kuzikova and others, who performed 10 or more standards per shift.

In May 1942, the Tankograd team won an important victory, producing 17% more than planned. The plant has been particularly successful in diesel production, producing 43% more engines than in April 2017 . By the decision of the State Defense Committee, the team was awarded the first place among the tank industry enterprises. On June 14, representatives of the 3rd Guards Tank Brigade presented the plant's staff with a rolling Red Banner. "Remember, comrades, that your heavy tanks play a crucial role in the outcome of battles. So give us as many of them as possible, " Engineer-Major Buryan said at a solemn meeting of the Guards. Director of Tankograd I. M. Saltzman assured the front-line soldiers:" We take an oath to multiply the production of tanks and engines every day", 40 . Tankograd residents honorably kept their oath. During the year of operation - by June 1942 - the output of engines increased 3.5 times, and heavy KV tanks-25 times 41 . The plant repeatedly emerged victorious in the All-Union Socialist Competition of tank builders, and after the war, two Red Banners of GKO were transferred to it for eternal storage.

In the summer of 1942, when the Nazis were rushing to the Volga and the Caucasus, Chelyabinsk residents were assigned to organize mass production of the T-34 42 simultaneously with the release and modernization of the KV . "The task that has been set now has no equal," I. M. Saltzman emphasized, speaking at the expanded asset of the plant. - The KV tank remains in production. But today, the fate of the front, the fate of the Motherland is decided by the T-34 tank. History does not know such examples that within one month the entire plant was rebuilt with a new car. This is considered technically impossible. The Central Committee of the party told me so: "Yes, it is technically impossible. But the Motherland needs it, and Kirov residents should do it. " 43 The plant was going to be reconstructed again. It was necessary to create workshops for the production of heavy vehicles and separately-medium tanks, in some workshops to organize mixed production. In a matter of days, it was necessary to install 1,200 new machines, and move up to 700; design and manufacture several thousand names of stamps, models and tools; train personnel; switch to mass production technology. The difficulty also lay in the fact that the high-speed transition to the production of T-34 did not allow for a sequence of work.

The mass organizers were the Tankograd Communists. They were constantly assisted by the regional and city party committees. On July 20, the plant received drawings of the new car. On July 24, each workshop, site, and team knew the list of parts and assemblies that they were assigned to produce. On July 25, a meeting of the plant's party activists was held to discuss practical measures to complete the task. In the resolution of the asset, it was noted that the implementation of the GKO decision on the production of a new vehicle should be considered as a sacred duty of tank builders in the days of deadly danger hanging over the Motherland. "Failure to complete a task by Communists is incompatible with being in the party," it said .44 The party committee of the plant strengthened the management of shop party organizations and activated the work of party groups. Thus, the communists of the tool shop adaptations section focused their main efforts on the mandatory implementation of the daily schedule and the production program as a whole. The staff of the 8th department of the normal shop declared itself mobilized to complete the task of the new Masha-

39 Pravda, 8. VI. 1942; Chesnokova T. I. His testaments are eternal. Communists-organizers of the socialist competition in the Urals (December 1917-January 1970). Chelyabinsk. 1970, p. 236.

40 Chronicle of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, p. 273.

41 Party organization of the Chelyabinsk region in the Great Patriotic War, p. 150.

42 Proceedings of the Central Museum of the Revolution of the USSR, Moscow, 1972, issue 3, p. 116.

43 Chronicle of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, p. 275; Khavin A. The Great Movement of industry. Novy Mir Publ., 1948, No. 6, p. 274.

44 GACHO, f. 792, op. 5, d. 532a, l. 261; PACHO, f. 92, op. 1, d. 1717, l. 1-3, 33-35; f. 124, op. 2, d. 6, l. 36.

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2. Two days later, the Stakhanovite Communists I. Grigoriev and E. Chukhnin were the first to complete the production of parts for the T-34.

The combat assistant of the party organization was the Komsomol. On August 12, 1942, a meeting of the Komsomol asset of Tankograd was held. It was decided to increase labor productivity by 15%, take control of important front-line orders, give each Komsomol member a personal account and organize patronage over 45 young workers . The director of the plant established a special procedure for issuing personal accounts; the Komsomol Book of Honor was established. The introduction of personal accounts, which recorded products issued in excess of the plan, contributed to the over-fulfillment of production tasks. In August, 909 people competed on personal accounts, in September - 4909, and in October - more than 8 thousand Komsomol members 46 . In the competition for the fastest establishment of T-34 production, members of Komsomol brigades mastered related professions and switched to multi-site maintenance. In V. M. Tsaplinsky's team, seven tooth cutters decided to work on 37 machines instead of 19, implemented 42 innovation proposals, and achieved an increase in output up to 500% 47 .

On August 22, 1942, the factory held a rally dedicated to the release of the first T-34 tank. "Today we are celebrating our first, still modest, but serious victory," Tankograd's chief engineer S. N. Makhonin said at the rally. "It is modest because after the first car, hundreds of formidable vehicles will go to the front in a continuous stream." 48 Chelyabinsk tank builders fulfilled the task of the State Defense Committee with honor. It took them only 33 days to set up production of the new car. By the end of the month, the first 30 tanks rolled off the assembly line, and in October the plant fulfilled the state plan for the production of T-34 by 100 % 49 . In hundreds of letters from front-line soldiers received by tank builders from the Active Army, and later in the memoirs of Soviet military leaders, a high assessment was given to the combat and technical qualities of the T-34. They were forced to recognize the enemy officers and soldiers. Hitler's General G. Blumentritt called the T-34 "the most powerful of all existing tanks"; Lieutenant General E. Schneider wrote that "an attempt to create a tank on the model of the Russian T-34 after its thorough testing by German designers was not feasible." 50
A major role in increasing the output of military products was played by the movement of Komsomol youth front-line brigades, which was born in the fall of 1941. Their motto was "In labor, as in battle!". Members of the brigades achieved tasks, trained newcomers, improved their skills, mastered related professions, and studied military affairs. The initiator of the creation of front-line brigades at Tankograd was Komsomol member A. A. Pashnina. She came to the factory to replace her father and brother, who went to the front. Her team made a commitment to produce only excellent quality products. All members of the team mastered three specialties and could work on two or three different machines. As a result, a team of 22 people met the standard of 55 skilled workers 51 . A. A. Pashnina in 1943 was awarded the Order of Lenin and in the same year was accepted into the ranks of the Communist Party. Then there were other Komsomol youth front-line brigades. Already at the end of 1942, there were about 300 front-line brigades in Tankograd. They systematically completed the task by 150-300% or more. In 1943, they numbered 700, by the end of the war - 1800; they covered more than

45 For labor valor, 14. VIII. 1942.

46 PACHO, f. 173, op. 1, d. 17, l. 329; f. 288, op. 29, d. 2, ll. 6-9.

47 Ibid., ll. 61, 196.

48 Chronicle of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, p. 278.

49 Kravchenko G. S. Ekonomika SSSR v gody Velikoy Otechestvennoy voiny [Economy of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War]. Moscow, 1970, pp. 172-173.

50 The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, p. 103; Results of the Second World War, Moscow, 1957, p. 302-303; Rotmistrov P. A. The crash of the Citadel. - Kommunist, 1968, N 11, p. 88-89; it is the same. Tanks in the War, Moscow, 1975, p. 26; Voina. People. Victory. 1941-1945. Book 2. Moscow, 1976, pp. 11-12; ibid. Book 1. Moscow, 1976, p. 39sl.

51 PACHO, f. 288, op. 9, d. 6, l. 24.

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9 thousand people 52 . The names of the best brigadiers of Komsomol front-line brigades were entered in the Book of Honor 53 .

During the heroic defense of Stalingrad, the front-line brigade of the Komsomol locksmith A. Salamatov appealed to the factory staff: "Work in Stalingrad, do not leave the shop until the task is completed." 54 In those days, the workers of the fields of the Southern Urals collected more than 90 million rubles for the construction of a tank column. "We ask the workers and engineers," they said to the tank-building team, " to make every effort to include among the tanks built at the expense of Chelyabinsk collective farmers, cars that you have produced in excess of the state plan. Let each tank have the inscription "Chelyabinsk collective farmers". This will be our common joy and pride. " 55 Tankograd workers handed over the first 150 combat vehicles to military representatives on December 31, 194256 . Tanks with the inscription "Chelyabinsk collective farmers" finished off the encircled enemy group near Stalingrad, participated in the battle of Kursk, liberated Belgorod and Kharkiv, and ended their glorious path near Prague.

In 1942, the country's tank industry achieved significant success. Production of all types of combat vehicles increased by 3.7 times compared to 1941 and reached 24,446 units, 57 and all 100% of heavy vehicles and more than 60% of T-34s were produced at Ural factories .58 By the end of 1942, the Chelyabinsk Plant produced 7 times more tanks than in 1941,59
In the winter of 1943, when the battle for breaking the Leningrad blockade unfolded, the workers of the Perm, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions sent a letter to the State Defense Committee: "Expressing the noble patriotic desire of the Urals, we ask permission to form a Special volunteer tank corps in honor of the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Red Army... We commit ourselves to fully arm the corps with the best military equipment, tanks, guns, and ammunition produced in excess of the production program. "60 On February 27, 1943, the bureau of the Chelyabinsk Regional Party Committee considered the issue of "Forming a Special Ural Volunteer Tank Corps" and noted in a resolution that the support of this idea by the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) should be considered a sign the greatest confidence in the party organizations of the Urals 61 . The Tankograd party organization decided to release the most qualified specialists, experienced mechanics and drivers of 62 vehicles to serve in the volunteer unit . This facilitated the training of skilled tankers, masters of modern combat. Military units and subunits were formed from volunteers, including the 244th Chelyabinsk Tank Brigade (63rd Guards) 63 . From the button on the soldier's tunic to the heavy tank-everything was lovingly made by the hands of Ural residents in excess of planned tasks, during extra-curricular hours, at the expense of personal savings. On the tanks, guns and submachine guns was the inscription: "From the working people of the Urals to the soldiers of the tank volunteer corps."

52 Proceedings of the Central Museum of the Revolution of the USSR, issue 3, p. 122; Party organization of the Chelyabinsk region in the Great Patriotic War, p. 47-48.

53 This Book of Honor is kept in the Central Museum of the Revolution of the USSR.

54 The Great Feat of Labor, p. 107.

55 Essays on the history of the Chelyabinsk regional Party Organization, p. 345.

56 Semochkina 3. V. Communists of the Southern Urals at the head of national aid to the front during the Great Patriotic War. - Collection of scientific works of the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute, 1968, N 58, p. 84.

57 Istoriya Kommunisticheskoi partii Sovetskogo Soyuza [History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union], Moscow, 1982, p. 465; Istoriya vtoroi mirovoi voyny 1939-1945, vol. 5, Moscow, 1975, p. 48.

58 Morekhina G. G. Rabochy klass - frontu [Working Class to the Front]. Feat of the working class of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Moscow, 1962, p. 265.

59 History of the Urals, vol. 2. Perm. 1962, pp. 394-395.

60 PACHO, f. 288k, op. 1, d. 161, l. 1.

61. Party organization of the Chelyabinsk region in the Great Patriotic War, p. 284.

62 Kirsanov N. A. Po zvu Rodiny [On the call of the Motherland]. Volunteer formations of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War, Moscow, 1974, p. 172.

63 For the combat path of the 63rd Guards Chelyabinsk Tank Brigade, see: Matveev N. S. Ognenniy sneg: M. 1971; Fomichev M. G. The path begins from the Urals. M. 1976; Prague calls for help. - Chelyabinsk worker, 7, 8, 9. V. 1983.

page 80

Already in July, the corps received a baptism of fire on the Kursk Bulge. "Dear comrades, Our combat successes, our glory-this is your glory, this is the glory of the Russian people, - wrote the soldiers of the 63rd Guards tank brigade. "Without your help, we wouldn't have been so successful. We know that you will always support us with tanks, guns, ammunition, food and uniforms. We know that together with you we will multiply the world glory of the Soviet people in general and the glory of the Ural people in particular. " 64 The Ural Volunteer Tank Corps has written a heroic page in the annals of the war. Many soldiers did not return to their native Urals, but the memory of their courage and perseverance is preserved in the Orel and Kursk lands, Ukraine, Prague, and many other places.

The Great Victory at Stalingrad marked the beginning of a new period of struggle of the Soviet people against the fascist invaders. The turning point in the war could be consolidated by the Soviet troops on condition of a continuous increase in military production and improvement of the quality of military equipment. In March-June 1943, the GKO, the Central Committee of the Party and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a number of resolutions on the work of the tank industry, strengthening the leadership of the NKTP and the tank factory in Chelyabinsk .65 In early July, the party committee of the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) at the plant approved the secretary of the regional party committee L. S. Baranov. In the past, a journalist, editor of the regional newspaper "Chelyabinsk Worker", a major party employee, he managed to focus the team's attention together with the party organization on improving the organization of production, introducing advanced equipment and technology. Tankograd initiated the use of the flow method and complex mechanization of work in the tank industry. It has fully mastered 50 production lines for mechanical processing of the most important parts, which made it possible to almost double the production of parts and components of combat vehicles 66 .

On Tankograd for the first time in the domestic tank building under the leadership of a corresponding member. V. P. Vologdin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR applied the method of heat treatment of parts with high-frequency currents. This improved the quality of parts, reduced material and energy costs. Suffice it to say that if earlier it took 30 hours to process one of the tank's parts, then later it took 37 seconds; the savings amounted to 4 million rubles .67 Soviet tank builders developed and for the first time in world practice applied a high-performance method of casting large steel parts in metal molds instead of sand. The use of such casting only at the Chelyabinsk plant increased the labor productivity of steel shops by 2-3 times, freed up more than 100 skilled workers and gave great savings in metal. The replacement of casting and forging parts with stamping has greatly accelerated the production process.

A major role in improving the work was played by the transition from manual electric welding to automatic welding according to the method of Academician E. O. Paton. This accelerated the production of armored hulls, increased the strength of welds, and reduced the complexity of manufacturing components and parts 68 . Metallurgists of the plant A. I. Vedenov, G. A. Seregin, G. I. Margolin and A. N. Baram in collaboration with employees of Magnitogorsk created new high-strength steel grades, mastered the production of complex profiled rolled products 69 . The introduction of in-line methods and the improvement of production technology have played an important role in increasing labor productivity and reducing the cost of production. In 1943, the Tankograd team managed to reduce losses by 4%, reduce equipment downtime by 2 times, and save 12.5 million kWh of electricity. Overall, labor productivity in the second half of the year increased by 30.8% compared to the first, while production costs decreased by 15% 70 .

64 Party organization of the Chelyabinsk region in the Great Patriotic War, p. 306.

65 Mitrofanova A.V. UK. soch., p. 279.

66 For Labor Valor, 18. II. 1944.

67 A brief sketch of the history of the Chelyabinsk region, p. 405; Kravchenko G. S. UK. soch., p. 338.

68 Paton E. O. Test by fire. In: Podvig tyla [Feat of the Rear], Moscow, 1970, pp. 169-177.

69 Pravda, 24. III. 1943.

70 Party organization of the Chelyabinsk region in the Great Patriotic War, p. 196.

page 81

Tank builders, constantly increasing the production of combat vehicles, at the same time worked on the creation of new tanks and self-propelled artillery units (ACS). Back in the fall of 1942, when the T-34 was being developed on the stream, the Tankograd design bureau came up with the idea of creating a more advanced heavy tank than the KV. Its creators were the chief designer of the plant Zh. Ya. Kotin 71, his deputy N. L. Dukhov 72, chief engineer S. N. Mahonin, one of the leading designers of self - propelled guns-L. S. Troyanov and others. The IS tank, which had thicker armor protection, but lighter weight compared to the KB, high maneuverability and greater firepower, successfully passed the tests.

In September 1943, the plant developed a schedule for the transition to IP production. The Tankograd team had to reconstruct many workshops, create new sections and processing lines. Even in war conditions, it took at least two months to complete a mission. The party committee took on the task of mobilizing the team to develop the production of a heavy combat vehicle. Meetings were held in workshops, party assets and conferences on economy, rationalization, organization of social competition. Of the 1,050 Communists employed in production, 1,006 exceeded the plan, leading by example the many thousands of 73 employees . The party organization of the plant in 1943 accepted more than 1,400 of the best workers into its ranks. V. V. Gusev's Komsomol youth brigade enjoyed great prestige at the plant these days. Due to the implementation of innovation proposals, it has raised output to 435% 74 . Nine times she won the regional competition of front-line brigades, twice received the Red Banner of the Central Committee of the Komsomol and the People's Commissariat of Tank Industry. Her brigadier was awarded the Order of Lenin 75 . "The machine is a weapon, the site is a battlefield!" -this slogan was put forward by the brigadier of the Komsomol youth front brigade A. Sadikova. Five or six norms were given a day by the members of the 76th brigade . For several months in a row, the Red Banner of the Komsomol regional Committee was awarded to one of the best Komsomol brigades, V. M. Tsaplinsky, who in 1943 fulfilled almost three annual standards.

On the eve of the 26th anniversary of the Great October, Chelyabinsk tank builders worked with special enthusiasm. In October, the company's team not only fulfilled the plan for the production of tanks, diesel engines and self-propelled guns, but also produced vehicles for the Leningrad tank column in excess of the plan. On the night of October 31, a new victory was won: the plant started mass production of IP, having mastered this production in just 51 days. When the new Nazi heavy tanks "Tiger", "Panther" and "Ferdinand" assault guns appeared on the battlefields in 1943, the Red Army was already armed with the most powerful heavy tank in the world, as well as the upgraded T-34 and excellent samples of the self-propelled guns 77 . Zh. Ya. Kotin wrote :" I remember one from the February days of 1944 It was the year of the complete expulsion of the enemy

71 Heroes of Socialist Labor, four-time winner of the State Prize of the USSR, Colonel-General-Engineer, Professor Zh. Ya. Kotin (1908-1973) for 30 years worked as chief designer, was Deputy People's Commissar of Tank Industry of the USSR, Deputy Minister of Defense Industry of the USSR (Pravda, 24. X. 1979).

72 Three times Hero of Socialist Labor, winner of the Lenin and five times State Prizes of the USSR, Lieutenant-General of the Engineering and Technical Service, Doctor of Technical Sciences N. L. Dukhov (1904-1964). From June 1943 until the end of the war, he was the chief designer of Tankograd.Corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (V. A. Orlov, Moscow, 1979; Pravda, 5. V. 1964).

73 Chelyabinsk worker, 19. I. 1944.

74 Coordinates of the feat. Chelyabinsk. 1968, p. 245.

75 V. V. Gusev was born and raised in the Smolensk region, graduated from the Federal Law School and became a turner at the Kirov Factory in Leningrad. In 1941, together with the plant, he was evacuated to Chelyabinsk. Currently - Assistant to the General Director of the production association "Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant named after V. I. Lenin "(V. Gusev). How the Kirov people made tanks in Chelyabinsk. - Znamya Publ., 1974, No. 8; it is the same name. Youth frontline. In: War. People. Victory. 1941-1945. Book 1, p. 115).

76 Medal for battle, medal for labor, Moscow, 1975, p. 182.

77 Soviet rear in the Great Patriotic War. Book 2. Moscow, 1974, p. 111-112.

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from the territory of our Homeland. One of the first operations of this year was Korsun-Shevchenko. Major tank battles were held here. The question was decided: whose equipment is more powerful, better - ours or the enemy? At the suggestion of the command, a group of tank builders went to the area of operations of the 5th Guards Tank Army. We were going to see our new heavy tank in action, which took into account the experience of Stalingrad and the Kursk Bulge. At night, we arrived in the area of concentration. The crews were preparing for battle. By morning, the tanks were back in their original positions, their engines rumbling hollowly. Last parting words. We clung to the eyepieces of the stereo tube. Tankers boldly approached the enemy tanks. With well-aimed fire, they lit one Fascist car after another. Plumes of black smoke rose from the field. We soon caught up with our tanks. We ask: "How is the car?". The young lieutenant, smiling, replies: "Excellent!" We're still asking. The only answer is that the tank is good. The exam is passed " 78 . The IS remained an unsurpassed heavy tank until the end of the war. The German command was even forced to issue a secret order in which tankers were instructed to avoid fighting with these vehicles. The tank factory in the Southern Urals in 1943 gave the Red Army 1.2 times more combat vehicles than in 1942,79
Offensive operations of the Red Army in 1944-1945 required a huge amount of military equipment, including tanks and self-propelled guns. At the beginning of 1944, the Tankograd team was assigned to double the production of IP. The solution of this problem required restructuring and redevelopment of equipment in the workshops, a new arrangement of workers and sewing and technical personnel. On January 12, the party activity of the plant was held, which outlined a broad program of 80 actions . The staff of the Capital Construction Department carried out a huge amount of work in a short time. More than 900 machines were rearranged without breaking the production rhythm, hundreds of names of tools and devices were made. "How many times, it used to happen, you come to the workshop after a change of shift, and everything is different there. Where your site was, now it is no longer there, and other sites have changed addresses, new machines, new lines have appeared, " recalls I. S. Dmitriev 81, a worker of the 3rd mechanical shop .

The knowledge and ingenuity of thousands of workers, craftsmen and engineers were mobilized to fulfill the task of the Motherland. In February 1944, on the initiative of Komsomol members, the Victory Fund movement was launched. Almost 2,500 innovation proposals were submitted to the Victory Fund by tank builders within a month, of which more than 1,500 were accepted, and 82 were immediately implemented in 699 . And in total, during the war years, more than 17 thousand rationalization proposals were introduced, which gave the plant 77 million rubles. savings of 83 . The youth of Tankograd supported the patriotic initiative of the Moscow Komsomol member E. G. Baryshnikova: to work under the slogan " With fewer workers - more products!". V. I. Toporishcheva's Komsomol youth brigade employed 6 people instead of 12, and they doubled their output. The team of M. F. Rashevskaya, reducing the number of workers from 19 to 14 people, fulfilled production tasks by 300-500%. As the best front-line brigade, it was awarded the rolling Red Banner of the Komsomol Regional Committee. The growing authority of the Komsomol organization was evidenced by the constant replenishment of its ranks with new members. By the end of 1944, Tankograd had 8,800 Komsomol members, of whom almost 5,000 had joined the Lenin Komsomol during the war .84
In March 1944, Tankograd stopped production of the T-34, but from the second quarter doubled the production of heavy tanks. On July 17, the order of the People's Commissar of the tank industry noted that the management and the entire staff of the enterprise "exactly

78 Krasnaya Zvezda, 13. V. 1965.

79 History of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union 1941-1945. Vol. 3. Moscow, 1964, p. 168.

80 PACHO, f. 288, op. 1, d. 987, ll. 27-30.

81 Chronicle of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, p. 345.

82 Ibid., p. 342.

83 Chelyabinsk region for 40 years of Soviet power. Chelyabinsk. 1957, p. 289.

84 Party organization of the Chelyabinsk region in the Great Patriotic War, p. 220.

page 83

within the time limits set by the government, we prepared production for large-scale production of heavy tanks, mastered the production of new diesel engines, and systematically implemented the established program for 8 months." 85 In August, for the first time in the USSR, an IC assembly line started working at Tankograd. On August 5, for outstanding achievements in organizing the production and development of new types of tanks, self-propelled guns and tank diesels, the Chelyabinsk plant was awarded the Order of the Red Star 86 . Orders and medals were awarded to more than 400 of its workers. Among them are awarded the Order of Lenin master drivers P. I. Barov and K. I. Kovsh, shop heads I. S. Belostotsky and N. P. Bogdanov, foreman A. P. Burov, chief metallurgist A. G. Vedenov, steelworker A. L. Gerasimov, blacksmith I. S. Gridin, chief designer N. L. Dukhov, Chief Engineer S. N. Makhonin, secretary of the Chelyabinsk Regional Committee of the CPSU (b) N. S. Patolichev, head of the blacksmith shop D. L. Khodosko. At a rally dedicated to the presentation of the government award to the plant, tank builders assured" the party that they will continue to fulfill their duty to the Motherland with honor. They backed up this oath with deeds. - In a letter to the Chairman of the State Defense Committee, it was reported: "The annual program was completed by 112%, labor productivity increased by 32.3 %" 87 .

Tank builders were constantly looking for new reserves to increase the production of tanks and reduce their cost. The Agarkov movement has become widespread. "This initiative [by E. P. Agarkova - N. Sh.], " emphasized the People's Commissar of Tank Industry V. A. Malyshev, " ... touches on deep fundamental questions of the organization of production in our industry. We are talking about improving the management structure of factories, workshops, and land plots, and on this basis - about freeing up part of the command staff and skilled workers " 88. In 1945, the Tankograd team spent 40% less labor on creating one machine than at the beginning of 194489; in total, during the war years, labor productivity in the tank industry increased by 48%, and the cost of a heavy tank decreased by 3 times, and the average-by 2.5 times 90 .

The war was nearing its end when another new tank, the IS - 3, was born in the design bureau of the Chelyabinsk plant, the best that Tankograd gave the country at that time. After testing, the car was sent to the Red Army and in the first months of 1945 was put into mass production. What normally would have taken years, the plant completed in a few months. "All the years of the war," recalled J. Y. Kotin, " there was a competition of the design minds of the warring countries. Germany changed the design of its tanks three times. However, the Nazis did not manage to achieve the combat power of Soviet tanks. " 91 During the war Tankograd gave the front 18 thousand tanks and self-propelled guns, 48.5 thousand tank engines, 85 thousand sets of fuel equipment, developed and put into mass production 13 types of combat vehicles and 6 types of tank engines 92 . The output of military products increased by 9 times 93. 33 times the plant won the first place and the passing Red Banner of GKO in the All-Union Socialist competition 94 .

The widespread military production made it possible to fully equip the Red Army with domestic military equipment. Average annual tank production

85 Cit. by: Mitrofanova A.V. UK. soch., p. 344.

86 Vedomosti Verkhovnogo Soveta SSSR, 13, 19. VIII. 1944.

87 Party organization of the Chelyabinsk region in the Great Patriotic War, p. 232.

88 Pravda, 16. IV. 1945.

89 Morekhina G. G. Rabochy klass - frontu [Working class to the Front], Moscow, 1962, p. 438.

90 Morechina gg Economic policy of the Communist party during the great Patriotic war, p. 41; history of the socialist economy of the USSR. T. 5, p. 248.

91 Pravda, 15. II. 1945; Kotin Zh. Ya. Steel fortresses. In: War. People. Victory. Book 1, p. 104.

92 Party organization of the Chelyabinsk region in the Great Patriotic War, p. 33.

93 Klimenko K. Ural Industrial District, Moscow, 1945, p. 39.

94 Saltzman I., Edelgauz G. Remembering the lessons of Tankograd. - Kommunist, 1984, N 16, p. 87.

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and self-propelled guns in the USSR during the war years were almost twice as high as in Germany, and 4 times higher than in England 95 . The Soviet people remember and appreciate the help they received from the Allies. However, lend-lease supplies accounted for only a small fraction of what was produced in the USSR. From July 1941 to September 1945, our industry produced 104,475 tanks and self-propelled guns, while only 11,567 tanks and self-propelled guns were received under lend-lease, and the main deliveries of this equipment turned out after the most difficult period of the war for us, and its quality was significantly lower than that of the domestic one. As you know, Hitler's Germany during the war years produced 53.8 thousand tanks and assault guns. Only the Urals, which provided 40% of the country's military industry output, produced more than Germany and its allies .97 Rodina highly appreciated the labor exploits of tank builders. Tankograd was awarded the Order of Kutuzov, 1st class, for successfully completing GKO tasks, organizing mass production of tanks, self-propelled guns, diesel engines and equipping the Red Army with them. 893 employees of the Chelyabinsk plant received orders, 28 thousand-medals. On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the Great Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, a monument to the heroes of the Tank fence was erected on Komsomolskaya Square in the Traktorozavodsky district of Chelyabinsk - a battle tank on a granite pedestal with the inscription: "Ural residents, to you, whose golden hands forged victory over the enemy here." And on June 1, 1983, in connection with the 50th anniversary and for a great contribution to equipping the national economy with powerful tracked tractors and services in the Great Patriotic War, the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant named after V. I. Lenin was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor 98. Chelyabinsk residents continue to honorably fulfill their duty to Redina .

95 Istoriya sotsialisticheskoi ekonomiki SSSR [History of the Socialist Economy of the USSR].

96 The Soviet rear in the Great Patriotic War. Book 1. Moscow, 1974, pp. 46-47.

97 World War II. Common problems. Book 1. Moscow, 1966, p. 109; Voznesensky N. A. Voennaya ekonomika SSSR v period Otechestvennoy voyny [Military economy of the USSR during the Patriotic War]. Moscow, 1947, p. 42.

98 Pravda, 1. VI. 1983.

page 85


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