Astronomy - 'ilm al-haya ("the science of form"), 'ilm al-falaq ("the science of the celestial sphere"), 'ilm al-nujum ("the science of the stars") - was one of the popular sciences in the Muslim East of the Middle Ages and Modern Times, with the last two terms being used in the Middle Ages and Modern Times. in the Muslim scientific tradition, both astronomy and astrology were designated. The achievements of astronomers in the Muslim world were more accurate measurement of the size of the globe, geographical coordinates of cities, the angle between the ecliptic and the celestial equator, the periods of rotation of the Sun and Moon and eclipses, description of the movement of the Sun, Moon and planets and increasingly advanced geometric models of these movements, measurement of ecliptic coordinates of fixed stars and their magnitudes [Matvievskaya, Rosenfeld, 1983 (1), pp. 79-82].
Currently, there are no successors of eastern astronomical traditions in Dagestan. It is possible to state the continuity of the transmission of astronomical knowledge for two and a half centuries, starting from al-Kuduka and ending with Murtaza Hasanov. Dagestani 'ulamas', who were interested in astronomy, enjoyed the entire heritage of Muslim astronomical science, and the Eastern Caucasus was closely connected with the educational centers of the Muslim world, which was a single scientific and educational space where the process of active exchange of knowledge and experience took place.
Keywords: Islam in Russia, astronomy in the East, Islamic culture, Dagestan, 'Ulama', Madrasa.
Thanks to the research of modern Dagestani Orientalists in state, public, and private manuscript collections, a number of works on astronomy that were in circulation within Dagestan were identified. The most common were: al-Mulahhas by al-Khwarizmi, a popular textbook of astronomy, and Sharh, i.e. a commentary on it by ar-Rumi; al-Hay'at al-saniyya by al-Suyuti; "Risalat aukat as-salat wa-salit al-qibla" al-Khalkhali-a guide to determining the direction of Qibla and the time of prayer, etc. [Shikhsaidov, Gadzhieva, Tagirova, 2001, pp. 201-202].
The best Dagestani astronomer Dagestani 'Ulama' called the" luminary among scientists " Muhammad b. Musa (Musalava) b. Ahmad al-Quduqi ar-Rugji ad-Daghistani from the village of Kudutl, who was born, according to some sources, on the 15th of Ramadan 1042 AH-March 27, 1633 [Krachkovsky, 1960 (2), p. 575], and according to others, in 1047 kh. (1637-1638), or 5 safar 1062 [Gaidarbekov, d. 236, vol. XI, l. 56], i.e. February 15, 1652. It is known that al-Kuduki was a brilliant expert in astronomy and mathematics, logic, Arabic philology and Sharia, a person who left a noticeable mark on Dagestan medieval science and culture.
The study was supported by the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists and state support of leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation (MK-64544.2010.6).
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education. Al-Quduqi studied with the most famous Dagestani 'ulama' - his father, then his father-in-law Abu Bakr ar-Ruguji, 'Ali Rida al-Sughuri (d. 1676) and Sha'ban al -' Ubudi (d. 1667). Then, wanting to improve his knowledge, he went to to "Islamic countries", in particular to Yemen [Shikhsaidov, 2006 (2), pp. 222-223], where for seven years he studied with Salih al-Yamani (d. 1697) [Alqadari, 1929, p. 147], with whom Muhammad's ties were not interrupted even after his return back to his homeland-he conducted an active correspondence with Arab scientists of the Middle East.
Al-Kuduki "is considered by the local tradition to be the founder of all Dagestan science" [Krachkovsky, 1960 (1), p. 613]. A phenomenon in the cultural life of the region was its Madrasa, where, according to tradition, along with training, the correspondence of Arabic books was organized. There is evidence that al-Quduqi copied about three hundred manuscripts with his own hand (Shikhsaidov, 2006 (2), p. 222). Muhammad of Qudutl improved the material security system of Madras, regulating the sources of funds received in strict accordance with Sharia law. This system has become a role model for educational centers in Dagestan [Saidov, D. 55, l. 11-12]. His Madrasa was located for a long time in the village of Ruguja, where he moved in 1675 [Saidov, d. 55, l. 11]. In the Soso-Rohob area, a mosque was built on a hilltop in the village of Ruguja under the leadership of al-Kuduki, which has been preserved to this day (recently restored). The mosque's Qibla orientation was considered impeccable. Astronomers from central Dagestan and other regions came to check their astronomical knowledge of the Musalava Mosque. Most likely, it was built at the turn of the XVII-XVIII centuries, since the orientation of the tombstones in the Ruguja cemeteries before this period and after differs slightly.
Al-Quduqi is the author of original works on the grammar of the Arabic language and its morphology, on metaphors, logic, theology, as well as numerous answers to questions on Muslim law. Of particular interest, in the context of this article, are his works on mikat (determination of time), and in particular his calendar "Hisab al-Kuduki" ("Calculations of al-Kuduki"), adapted to the geographical location of Dagestan [Shikhsaidov, 2006 (2), p. 223], as well as his commentary on to the treatise "Umdat ula an-nuha wa-l - 'irfan fi' ilm al-mikat wa-l-qibla bi-Dagestan " ("The first pillar of generosity in the science of determining time and Qibla in Dagestan") ar-Raz-zaza al-Misri (Rosenfeld, 1984), compiled by an Egyptian astronomer at the request of "my dear brother Muhammad, the son of Muhammad from Karakh during his return from Mecca" (Shikhsaidov and Omarov, 2005, p.159). In 1716, al-Quduqi moved to Syria, where he was buried after his death in the city of Haleb (Aleppo) in 1129 AH (1717) [Shikhsaidov, 2006 (2), p. 222].
Ahmad al-Hidali, Qadi al-Balahani, Muhammad b. Hajji-'Umar al-Kuduqi, Hajji Muhammad b. Shaitani and al-Harakani studied at Madras al-Kuduqi [Musa-ev, Alkhasova, 2008, p. 67], Damadan al-Muhi, Da'ud al-Usishi, Muhammad al - 'Ubri,' Ali Quli ar-Rugildi, Muhammad al-Qarati, Tayyib al-Harahi, Malla Muhammad al-Batsadi, Da'ud al-Nukushi, Bagachilaw al-Batsadi [Alqadari, 1929, p. 147]. All these are the most famous works of 'Ulama' Dagestan, as well as " muta'allim from the Volga region and the North Caucasus "[Abdurakhman from Gazikumukha, 1997, p. 206]. Until the beginning of the 18th century, before the Russian expansion to the Caucasus began, the Volga Muslims preferred to get their education in Dagestan (Idiyatullina, 2005: 48-49).
A contemporary of Muhammad al-Quduqi was Isma'il ash-Shinazi, who was famous in the Eastern Caucasus and studied under Malla Muhammad al-Guludi [al-Baghini, p. 402]
1 The students of Malla Muhammad, who were educated in Madras, founded by him in his homeland in the Avar village of Golod (now the Zakatal district of the Republic of Azerbaijan), later became famous philosophers, logicians, mathematicians, etc.
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and ' Isa ash-Shangudi 2 [Saidov, 1963, p. 120]. He was reputed to be an expert in mathematics, geometry, astronomy, and philosophy, which he had studied in Shirvan. Ash-Shinazi was the first person in Dagestan who made an astrolabe and, having described its structure in the treatise "Khulasat al-khisab "("The Quintessence of Counting"), taught his students how to use it in mountainous areas [Gaidarbekov, d.236, vol. XII, l. 22; Kayaev, l. 47].
Damadan of Megeb, one of the most famous students of al - Kuduka, continued the tradition of studying and teaching astronomy in Dagestan. Many researchers and authors of biobibliographical works unanimously consider Damadan al-Muhi to be an outstanding 'ulama' Of Dagestan. Damadan b. Ya'qub b. Tufa al-Muhi was born in 1061/1650-1651 [Gaidarbekov, d. 236, vol. XI, l. 73; al-Bagini, p. 402] and, according to sources, "belonged to the number of pious [people] with piety and piety corresponding to the mercy of the Almighty" [Materials..., l. 53]. He translated from Persian to Arabic the commentary of 'Abdallah' Ali b. Muhammad Husayn al-Birjandi (d. 932/1525) on ' Muqaddimat Zij Ulugbek '('Introduction to Ulugbek Astronomy') [Catalog of Arabic Manuscripts of the Institute of History..., 1977, p.11]. This translation is characterized by a "concise, clear and strict mathematical style". Another of his works on astronomy, "Risala fi' ilm al-falak "("Notes on astronomy"), is an astronomical table and map with the designation of the cardinal directions, equator, meridian, indicating the longitudes and latitudes of Mecca and Derbent [Catalog of Arabic manuscripts of the Scientific Library..., 2004, pp. 117-118]. Damadan is the author of the treatise "Actions with the sine quadrant "(Al - 'Amal bi-rub' al-mujayyab) and commentaries on the works of Nasir al-Din at-Tu-si (Rosenfeld, 1984).
Damadan was well versed in mathematical and natural sciences, had extensive knowledge of trigonometry, perfectly mastered the method of using proportion, and created a compact theory for solving approximate conjectural problems. He is the author of the mathematical works " Mukhtasar al-fara'id "("Collection of Pearls") [Catalog of Arabic manuscripts of the Institute of Manuscripts..., 2002, p. 202], " Tamarin fi ar-riyadiyat "("Exercises in Mathematics"), as well as many commentaries, articles, critical notes on individual works with references on the "Principles" of Euclid and treatises of Eastern mathematicians [Saidov, 1963, p. 121]. In addition, Damadan is known as the translator of the medical reference book "Tuhfat al-mu'min" ("Gift to the believer") by Dr. Muhammad al-Daylami al-Mazandarani from Persian to Arabic, and then into Lak. This translation, supplemented by information from the writings of Ibn Sina (d. 428/1037), Abu Bakr Muhammad ar-Razi (d. 935/1528-1529) and his own observations, was called" Hannal Murad " (Desire of the Khan) (Surkhaya - M. M.) and was known in Dagestan by the name of author of "Damadan" [Isaev, 1986, p. 68-69; Book of Medicines..., 2008, p. 5-7].
In addition to Muhammad al-Quduqi, Damadan al-Muhi also studied under the famous Kazakilav (Muhammad-Amin) ar-Ruchi from the village of Rich (d. 1126/1713) [Kayaev, l. 54] and created with him a kind of scientific school, which was mainly engaged in natural sciences. This fact is confirmed by the entry in the colophon of the essay on mathematics "Sharh al-mulahhas" by Qadi-zad ar-Rumi (d. 841/1437), where Damadan wrote in his own hand: "I copied it down in Madras by my teacher Muhammad-Amin
2 ' Isa ash-Shangudi, a disciple of Malla Muhammad al-Guludi, is considered the first mathematician in Dagestan. He improved his knowledge in Shirvan under Fayzallah al-Aghdashi, which helped him create "a number of valuable works on mathematics, philosophy and logic." He also met with the famous mathematician Baha 'ad-din al -' Amili and introduced Dagestanis to his book on arithmetic "Khulasat al-hisab" [Saidov. 1963, p. 120].
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in 1110/1698-1699" [Gaidarbekov, d. 129, l. 4]. "3 Damadan al-Muhi died in Ganja (when it was captured by Usmanka-dipasha, the governor of Tiflis, during his stay in the Ottoman Empire), where he was mudarris in recent years, "his grave [is] located on the mountain of Ganja along with the grave of his teacher on a ledge [which] is visited and [where] their well-known colleagues (scientists) receive a blessing" [Materials..., l. 53]. Like his predecessors and teachers, Damadan al-Muhi also left behind numerous followers.
Due to the fact that in Dagestan there was a kind of specialization of scientists in the branches of science, many muta'allim passed from one teacher to another, depending on what field of knowledge they needed to improve. Thus, the disciple of Muhammad b. 'Ali al-Ubri (d. 1146/1733 or 1151/1738 - 1739) [Gaidarbekov, d. 180, l. 2] Mahad al-Khuri (d. 1147/1734) [Gaidarbekov, d. 236, vol. XI, l. 147] studied for some time at the University of Baku. Madras University of Damadan al-Muhi, where he improved his knowledge in mathematics, geometry, algebra and astronomy. He wrote the commentaries "Sharh Khulasat al-hisab" on the treatise "Khulasat al-hisab" by Isma'il al-Shinazi and "Sharh ar-Ridwan" on the work of an unknown author [Kayaev, l. 49], and also designed a Friday mosque with stone columns in the village of Khuri [Abdullaev, 1998, p. 69 - 70].
Sadiq al-'Ubri (d. 1196/1781), the son and disciple of Muhammad al - 'Ubri, an expert in astronomy, mathematics and philosophy, as well as Turkish and Persian languages, continued the traditions of astronomical research [Gaidarbekov, d.180, l. 2]. However, after Damadan's death, the study and teaching of astronomy in Dagestan slowed down somewhat, until such prominent figures as Hasan (the Elder) al-Qudali and Mahad al-Chuhi appeared. Hassan (the Elder) al-Qudali (d. 1209-1210/1795) 2004, p. 74-75] is known as an expert in mathematics, physics, astronomy, philosophy, logic, who left behind a number of works in Arabic [Kayaev, l. 45]. There is a record that 'Abdullah at-Talti (from Khunzakh) completed his treatise on astronomy with a reading before his "great teacher Hasan al-Qudali" in 1784 [Shikhsaidov and Omarov, 2005, p.155]. Mahad b. Ayyub al-Falaki al-Chukhi, who lived later (Gaidarbekov, 236, vol. XIII, l. 137) (died 1224/1809-1810)4 "again raised the prestige of astronomy and the interest of Dagestanis in this science" [Kayaev, l. 44].
The most significant contribution of Mahad was the further dissemination in Dagestan of the works of the Central Asian astronomer Ulugbek (d. 853/1449), which were somewhat forgotten during the period "when Dagestan was left without its teacher Damadan al-Mukha" [Kayaev, l. 4]. There is evidence that al-Chukhi was the author of a number of works on astronomy (Rosenfeld, 1984). Hasan (the Elder) and Mahad al-Chukhi must have been talented mentors, for Nurmuhammad al-Awari, "Shaitan" 'Abdallah, and Mahdi Muhammad al-Sughuri came from Madras, and they had considerable knowledge of astronomy, among other things.
Nurmukhammad B. Maqsud al-Khunzahi al-Awari (killed in 1250/1834) - a disciple of Mahad al-Chukha [Saidov, 1963, p. 121] and Hasan al-Qudali, who underwent a serious training course.
3 There is no consensus on the time of his death. Most scholars point to 1131/1718-1719. [Gaidarbekov, d. 236, vol. XI, l. 73; 2004, p. 56], Shu'ayb al-Baghini cites the month of safar 1137 AH [al-Baghini, p. 402] / October-November 1724, and in historical records in the margins of manuscripts safar 1138/October-November 1725 is given. [Handwritten fund...]. However, these dates cannot correspond to reality, if we proceed from the entry in his translation of the treatise "Tukhfat al-mu'min" "on the 17th day of the month of Rabi' al-ahir, on Friday 1147 AH (September 16, 1734) in the fortress of Khachmas " [Isaev, 1986, p. 70].
4 Probably, the date of Mahad's death is indicated incorrectly,since back in December 1730-January 1731, while studying with him, they copied an essay on astronomy [Shikhsaidov and Omarov, 2005, p. 156]. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the year of correspondence is indicated in the text of the work on astronomy itself, and the month and circumstance that this work was rewritten "during the stay in the Chokha Mosque with the scholar Mahad" are indicated in the postscript in a different handwriting [Handwritten Fund. Saidov Foundation, l. 129a]. Oral Chokh traditions depict Mahad as an extraordinary long-lived person.
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training in astronomy, geometry, arithmetic, algebra, logic and other sciences [Kayaev, L. 7]. Apparently, his grandfather (who studied under Mahad of Chokh), his father, and his older brother Dibir, a lexicographer and translator (died 1232/1816), were also interested in astronomy. 187 - 189]. This is evidenced by several works on the use of astronomical instruments, which were rewritten by them in 1730-1731 and 1784, as well as an essay on astrology, verified in 1813 - 1814 specifically for Maqsud al-Awari [Shikhsaidov and Omarov, 2005, pp. 151-153]. Nurmukhammad used astronomical instruments that were unique in Dagestan at that time, partly acquired in the East by his teacher Hasan al-Kudali and partly made according to his drawings. On the eve of his departure for Mecca, al-Qudali handed over these instruments to Nurmukhammad, believing that there was no one in Dagestan who could handle these instruments like him. Now some of these devices are kept in the Kudala Museum [Gazimagomedova and Magomedova, 2008, p. 86]. With their help, he conducted observations of celestial bodies, predicted eclipses of the sun and moon [Abdullaev, 1986, p. 73]. In 1802, he copied the works of Muhammad al-Mara-dini (d. 912/1506) "Risala fi masa'il ar-rub'al-kamil" and "Risala fi-l-' amal bi-rub 'al mujib" on the theory and methodology of using an astronomical goniometric instrument (sine quadrant) [Shikhsaidov and Omarov, 2005, pp. 153-154].
As for the astronomical instruments mentioned above, we have information that Dagestani astronomers used celestial globes (kudra), astrolabe (asturlab) and sine quadrant (rub ' al-mujayyab). The first refers to demonstration-modeling instruments, and the second and third - to sighting-modeling instruments - one of the six groups of astronomical instruments used by medieval scientists (Sokolovskaya, 1973). Muslim scholars during the 9th-15th centuries devoted many works to astronomical instruments. Some of these papers described their own designs, others described a variety of instruments of one particular type, and still others contained generalizing reviews of all the major astronomical instruments. Al-Biruni's works (al-Biruni, 1957, p.227) contain a great deal of information about the design and operation of tools of his own and borrowed designs. Understanding the device and the principle of operation of the tool, its manufacture and use required extensive knowledge.
The astrolabe was the most popular astronomical instrument in the Muslim world. Invented in ancient Greece and refined by the Arabs, in the X-XI centuries. it ended up in Europe. At first, Europeans used Arabic instruments, and later began to make their own according to Arabic patterns. In the 16th century, they began to make them on the basis of their own calculations, in order to apply them in European latitudes. The astrolabe reached its peak of popularity in Europe during the Renaissance, where it was one of the main tools of astronomical education. Knowledge of astronomy was considered one of the foundations of education, and the ability to use the astrolabe was a matter of prestige and a sign of appropriate education [Astrolabe, 2009].
Astrolabe and sine quadrant are instruments with graphical calculation methods, i.e. transformation of spherical coordinates of points of the celestial sphere using nomograms plotted on the instrument (Tagi-zade and Vakhabov, 1975). They were used for determining geographical coordinates, determining the time, duration of day and night, measuring horizontal angles on the Earth's surface, performing some mathematical calculations and for astrological predictions. With their help, it was possible to predict eclipses of the moon and sun. Thanks to the latter, the aforementioned "gifted disciple" of Mahad al-Chukha "Shaitan" 'Abdallah al-Sughuri became famous, who had great abilities in mathematics, astronomy and predicted exactly some "extraordinary" phenomena, in particular in the future.-
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lunar and solar eclipses, etc. With his knowledge of these sciences, he achieved such popularity among the people that superstitious people were sure that he was dealing with unclean spirits, and they called him "Shaitan' Abdallah " (Alqadari, 1929, p.149).
Mahdi Muhammad as-Sughuri (d. 1254/1838-1839), a highly educated scholar, "the most persistent of the Dagestani Mu'allim", studied together with "Shaitan 'Abdallah". He studied under Hasan al-Qudali and Mahad al-Chukha, and was one of the first to "spread Greek philosophy, logic, Ptolemaic astronomy, and other sciences in Dagestan" [Kayaev, L. 6]. He was the author of one of the commentaries on the First Pillar of Generosity by ar-Razzaz al-Misri (Rosenfeld, 1984). (We are talking about the essay "'Umda ula an-nuha al - 'irfan fi' ilm al-miqat wa-l-qibla bi Daghistan " by Ridwan ar-Razzaz al-Misri [Matvievskaya and Rosenfeld, 1983 (2), pp. 626-627; Shikhsaidov and Omarov, 2005, p. 159].)
In the 19th century, judging by the scanty reports of written sources and individual oral traditions, the following scientists were engaged in astronomy in Madras Dagestan: Hajji 'Ali b. Malik al-Chukhi (born in 1234/1817) - the author of the historical work" The Legend of an eyewitness about Shamil " [Bobrovnikov, 2009, p. 63 - 78], Mirza Sulaiman al-Gumuqi (second half of the XIX century) - an outstanding ' alim, writer and astronomer, who left behind beautiful poems and an original calendar [Gaidarbekov, d. 180, l. 4-5], Hajji Muhammad b. 'Abdarrahman al-Sughuri (d. 1869/1670) - the son of Shaikh of the Naqshbandi tariqa 'Abdarrahman al-Sughuri, who probably studied mathematics and astronomy under 'Shaitan' Abdallah al-Sughuri [Gaidarbekov, d. 129, p. 153], Shaikh 'Ali b.' Abbas al-Habshim (1309/1890-1337/1919) [Gaidarbekov, d. 162, l. 1 Haidarbekov, d. 162, l. 4], Shamsaddin al-Gumuki (d. 1296/1879) [Kayaev, l. 27] - a student of the famous scientists Zayd al-Kurukli (al-Kurkli) and ' Abdalhalimaaz-Zu'ishi 5 (died 1290/1873) 2004, p. 204], an expert in mathematics, astronomy and philosophy [Gaidarbekov, D. 180, L. 2].
The personality of Zayd B. Islambulat al-Kurkli (d. 1299/1882) [Catalog of Arabic Manuscripts of the Institute of History..., 1977, p.9] should be discussed in more detail. He was considered one of the best experts in mathematical sciences in Dagestan and a talented teacher. Zayd al-Kurkli's main mentor in mathematics was Isma'il al-Shinazi, from whom he learned how to make and use the astrolabe. Al-Kurkli left behind numerous comments, notes, and articles on mathematics and astronomy. For his participation in the uprising of 1877, he was exiled to the inner provinces of the Russian Empire, where he died [Gaidarbekov, d. 180, l. 3]. There he copied al-Baghdadi's Im'an al-fikr (died 1883) [Shikhsaidov, Gadzhiyeva, Tagirova, 2001, pp. 202-203]. His students were Shamsaddin al-Gumuqi and ' Abdallatif al-Khutsi [Gaidarbekov, 180, p. 3].
Among the names of Dagestani 'ulama', who became famous for their astronomical knowledge, we should mention the teacher and student Mirza ' ali al-Akhta and Hasan al-Alkadari. Mirza'ali al-Akhty (d. 1275/1858-1859) [Akhmedov, 1972; Sadyki, 1969, p. 65-66] was a well-known Dagestani scholar who was well versed in geometry, algebra, logic, philosophy, and theology, and was familiar with the works of Arab, Persian, and Turkish authors. He received his education in mathematical sciences from Sa'id al-Harakani, Muharram al-Akhta, Sa'id al-Shinazi, Sa'id al-Khachmazi, and studied religious sciences from Muhammad al-Yaraga and other prominent 'Ulama'
5 Abdalhalim al-Zu'ishi (al-Qiishi) was considered one of the most talented scholars of his time in the fields of theology, logic, algebra, and geometry. Knowing all the basic textbooks by heart, he taught these sciences throughout his life and even before his death did not stop studying with students, being bedridden by illness [Kayaev, l.25].
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its epoch [Kayaev, L. 18]. In addition to dogmatics, Arabic, philosophy, and logic, Mirza ' ali al-Akhty also taught arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and astronomy [Gaidarbekov, D. 129, L. 155].
Hasan B. ' Abdallah B. Kurban'ali al-Alkadari (1834-1910) [Shikhsaidov, 2006 (1); Hasan Alkadari..., 2006] - a well-known Dagestani scholar (historian and jurist), a native of the village of Balakhuni, whose ancestors were originally from the village of Alkadar. He received his primary education at his father's Madras school in Alqadar, and studied Persian under his contemporary 'Abdallah al-Aghdashi (al-Aqtashi). After that, he went to study with the son of Muhammad al-Yaraga Isma'il, and then to Madras Mirza'ali al-Akhty, where he studied philosophy, astronomy and medicine [Shikhsaidov, 2006 (1), p. 30], including comments on the works of famous Eastern authors on astronomy "Sharkh al-mulahkhas" and the philosophy of "Sharkh al-Hidayat" [Gaidarbekov, D. 129, L. 155].
The study and teaching of astronomy was carried out by 'Ali (Zamir -' Ali) B. ' Abd al-Hamid (Kayaev) al-Gumuki (1878-1943) [Abdullaev, 1987, p. 130, 141-144; Bobrovnikov, 2006; Medzhidov and Abdullaev, 1993; Navruzov, 2007] - a multi-faceted scientist according to his contemporaries, he reached the "level of the great Arab 'Ulama '" of the Middle Ages. He studied under such prominent scientists of Nagorny Dagestan as Ghazi B. Husayn al-Gumuki, Khalil al-Qarahi, Jabra'il al-Khutudi (from Khotoda village), Mirza-qadi al-Balkhari, Murtada'Ali al-Qudali, ' Ali al-Sughuri. In 1905, he moved to Cairo and continued his education in the famous al-Azhar. Returning to his homeland in 1908, he opened a new-fashioned Jadida Madrasa in the village of Gundelen in the Nalchik district of the Terek region (now Kabardino-Balkaria), where, among other subjects, he taught the basics of mathematics, astronomy, and natural science. In 1913, Kayaev moved to Temir Khan Shura, where he opened another Madrasa, where representatives of the liberal-democratic intelligentsia of Dagestan studied at the beginning of the XX century.
With the beginning of the civil war in Dagestan, A. Kayaev and his family moved to Kumukh, where from 1918 to 1928 he directed the largest Madras mosque at the cathedral mosque, which had about 300 students. Here he continued the reform of teaching, significantly expanding the range of subjects studied. They included chemistry, physics, algebra, geometry, geography, natural science, astronomy, history of Dagestan, and the Lak language. In terms of the level of education, his school was not inferior to the Muslim universities of the early XX century in Russia and abroad [Bobrovnikov, 2006, p. 193]. He was a prolific author. Among his works in the field of astronomy is known "Risala fi-l-hay'a al-jadida bi-lisan ghazi-gumuk", published in Lak with Arabic commentaries in Temir Khan-Shur in the printing house of the Dagestani first printer M.-M. Mavraev (Isaev, 1989, p. 126). The latter published several works of Dagestani 'ulama' on astronomy in various printing houses, including the Ruznama of Daoud al-Qarabudaghi (from the village of Qarabudakhkent, died in the 20s of the XX century), a manual on mikat-practical astronomy (determining the time of prayer, etc.Mahr al-jahlat fi-bayan adillat al-qibla by Muhammad al-Qarahi al-Khuchawi (from the village of Gochad) , etc. [Isaev, 1989, p. 126-127; Osmanova, 2008, p. 125-128].
Abusupiyan (Abu Sufyan)also studied astronomy Akayev (Arslanbekov) from the village of Nizhni Kazanishche (1872-1931) was one of the most significant figures of the Jadid enlightenment movement in Dagestan in the first quarter of the 20th century. He founded the first European-style Muslim school in the North Caucasus, edited the first Arabic-language magazine in early Soviet Dagestan, Bayan al-haka'ik ("Explanation of Truths"), and was known as a Sharia scholar, publicist, and public figure. He wrote many works in Arabic, Persian, Azerbaijani and Kumyk languages (Orazaev, 2009). In 1904, in the last of these languages, he published the "Centennial Dictionary", which contained a lot of interesting information, including on astronomy and astrology. In particular, Abusupiyan explained the position of stars relative to each other (Akaev, 1997, pp. 289-293).
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One of the Dagestani astronomers should include Hasan (Guzunov) al-Gumuki (1854-1940), a major 'alim, a polyglot, author of the four-volume work" Javakhir al-Bukhur "("Jewels of the Seas"), which is a kind of encyclopedia of natural sciences, mainly mathematical and astronomical (Abdullaev, 2001,p. 4). p. 159].
The last 'alim of the traditional Muslim astronomical school should be considered Murtaza Alibekovich Hasanov (1873-1937) from Kudali (Murtada'ali al-Kudali). He was educated at the university of Madras, Dagestan, by the popular astronomer, physician and astrologer Rafi' Haji from Shangod and astronomer Gamzatgaji Datsiev from Chirkey. Murtaza studied Zayd al-Kurkli's work on astronomy "Matla'u su'ud" and "Tables of Planetary Motion" by the French astronomer Joseph Lalande (Gazimagomedova and Magomedova, 2008, pp. 91-92). According to the established tradition, he prepared his successors, including teaching them" az-Zinj al-Kurkani " by Ulugbek [Gaidarbekov, d. 162, l. 52]. Murtaza Hasanov's students were later famous scientists and public figures Ali Kayayev, Muhammad Dibirov and others. Murtaza wrote "Kit'a min Risala fi' ilm al-falak " (Shikhsaidov and Omarov, 2005, pp. 159-160). He made a table of sunrise and sunset with great accuracy, determined the longitudes of day and night for the village of Kudali. By his order, local craftsman Magomed Dalgatov made a wooden model of the celestial sphere, a sextant, and an astrolabe. The scientist's life was tragically cut short during a period of mass political repression. In September 1937, Murtaza Hasanov was arrested by the NKVD and summarily executed in a Makhachkala prison as a "reactionary anti-national scientist" (Gazimagomedova and Magomedova, 2008, pp. 92-93).
Academician I. Y. Krachkovsky noted the encyclopedic nature of Dagestani Arabic-language literature. According to his correct remark ," Dagestani scientists... owned it... the fullness of the pan-Arab heritage of their centuries. They were equally interested in the grammatical sciences... and treatises... on astronomy..."[Krachkovsky, 1960 (1), p. 615].
list of literature
Abdullaev M. A. From the history of scientific and pedagogical thought of pre-Soviet Dagestan. Makhachkala: Daguchpedgiz Publ., 1986.
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Abdurakhman from Gazikumukh. The book of memoirs of Sayyid Abdurakhman, son of Sheikh Tariqat Jamaluddin al-Husaini from the herd, about the affairs of the residents of Dagestan and Chechnya. Translated from the Arabic by M. S. Saidova. Editorial board of the translation, preparation of a facsimile edition, comm., edict of A. R. Shikhsaidov and Kh. A. Omarov. Preface by A. R. Shikhsaidov. Makhachkala: Dagestan Book Publishing House, 1997.
Akayev Abusupiyan. Payhamarny elu bulan: 2-nchi kitap (The Path of the Prophet: the second book) / Comp., preface, transl. from ajam to Cyrillic and comm. G. Orazaev. Makhachkala: Dagestan Book Publishing House, 1997 (in the Kumyk language).
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Russian Federation IAE DNC RAS-Manuscript Fund of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
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