How electrons and positrons turn into each other
  The theory of this phenomenon must begin with the realization that there is no electric current in metallic conductors that extends from plus to minus. The potential difference, giving rise to the force of motion of the charges, is formed not between the plus and minus, but between the plus and zero potential (positron current) and between the minus and zero potential (electronic current). That is, the electron current has a potential difference "- / 0". Positron current has a potential difference of "+ / 0". According to our hypothesis, the conversion of electrons and positrons into each other occurs by replacing the charge motion vector with the opposite vector. This is explained by the fact that all elements of the electron's magnetoelectric system are opposite to all elements of the positron's magnetoelectric system. And this opposite is determined by the vector of their movement in space. Therefore, it is only necessary to change the motion vector of one of the charges to the opposite vector, so immediately this charge turns into its antipode. The animation shows how a semiconductor bridge transmits a positron current driven by a potential difference of “+ / 0”. But when the electron half-wave to the bridge delivers the potential difference "- / 0", this is where the conversion of electrons into positrons takes place. Similarly, the transformation of positrons into electrons in a bridge assembled on vacuum diodes. The only difference is that the conversion of positrons into electrons occurs when the potential difference “+ / 0” is applied to the bridge. Diodes work in pairs. A pair of diodes is always open, the other is always closed. In addition, DC generators generate a positron current with right rotation, and generate electron current with left rotation. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the charge that is formed first sets the motion vector, and the antipode is forced to follow the accepted motion vector.  The electron motion vector is opposi ... Read more
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How electrons and positrons turn into each other

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